252 research outputs found

    Spatial Panel Data Forecasting over Different Horizons, Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions

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    Empirical assessments of the forecasting power of spatial panel data econometric models are still scarcely available. Moreover, several methodological contributions rely on simulated data to showcase the potential of proposed methods. While simulations may be useful to evaluate the properties of a single estimator, the empirical set-ups of simulation studies are often based on strong assumptions regarding the shape and regularity of the statistical distribution of the variables involved. It is then valuable to have, next to simulation studies, empirical assessments of competing econometric models based on real data. In this paper, we evaluate competing spatial (dynamic) panel methods, selecting a number of data sets characterized by a range of different cross-sectional and temporal dimensions, as well as different levels of spatial auto-correlation. We carry out our empirical exercise on regional unemployment data for France, Spain and Switzerland. Additionally, we test different forecasting horizons, in order to investigate the speed of deterioration of forecasting quality. We compare two classes of methods: spatial vector autoregressive (SVAR) models and dynamic panel models making use of eigenvector spatial filtering (SF). We find that, as it could be expected, the unbalance between the temporal and cross-sectional dimension (T>>n) does play in favour of the SVAR model. On the other hand, the advantage of the SVAR model over the SF model appears to diminish as the forecasting horizon widens, eventually leading the SF model to being preferred for more distant forecasts

    Molecular basis of contact inhibition of locomotion

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    Contact inhibition of locomotion (CIL) is a complex process, whereby cells undergoing a collision with another cell cease their migration towards the colliding cell. CIL has been identified in numerous cells during development including embryonic fibroblasts, neural crest cells and haemocytes and is the driving force behind a range of phenomenon including collective cell migration and dispersion. The loss of normal CIL behaviour towards healthy tissue has long been implicated in the invasion of cancer cells. CIL is a multi-step process that is driven by the tight coordination of molecular machinery. In this review, we shall breakdown CIL into distinct steps and highlight the key molecular mechanisms and components that are involved in driving each step of this process

    Neural Crest Formation inXenopus laevis:Mechanisms ofXslugInduction

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    AbstractA study of the induction of the prospective neural crest inXenopus laevisembryos has been carried out, using the expression ofXslugas a specific marker for the neural crest. We have analyzed the competence and the specification of the neural crest. The competence to expressXslugwas analyzed using two different approaches: (1)in vitroculture of conjugates of dorsal mesoderm and ectoderm taken from embryos at different ages and (2) grafts of equivalent pieces of ectoderm in the neural fold region of a gastrula or a neurula. Similar results were obtained with both methods: the ectoderm loses the competence to respond to neural fold induction at the end of gastrulation. Neural crest specification was analyzed by culturing a region of the ectoderm that contained the prospective neural crest and analyzingXslugexpression. Our results show that neural folds are specified autonomously to expressXslugby the end of gastrulation. By grafting labeled neural plate into lateral epidermis we have shown that neural crest can be induced by an interaction between neural plate and epidermis. Furthermore, neural crest cells come from both tissues. We have discarded the possibility that these neural crest cells are induced by a signal coming from the underlying lateral plate, by a homeogenetic signal coming from the host neural plate, or by regeneration of crest cells from the dissected neural plate. We propose a model to explain how the neural crest cells are induced at the border of the neural plate inX. laevis

    Sculpting with stiffness: rigidity as a regulator of morphogenesis

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    From a physical perspective, morphogenesis of tissues results from interplay between their material properties and the mechanical forces exerted on them. The importance of mechanical forces in influencing cell behaviour is widely recognised, whereas the importance of tissue material properties in vivo, like stiffness, has only begun to receive attention in recent years. In this mini-review, we highlight key themes and concepts that have emerged related to how tissue stiffness, a fundamental material property, guides various morphogenetic processes in living organisms

    Self-organized collective cell behaviors as design principles for synthetic developmental biology

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    Over the past two decades, molecular cell biology has graduated from a mostly analytic science to one with substantial synthetic capability. This success is built on a deep understanding of the structure and function of biomolecules and molecular mechanisms. For synthetic biology to achieve similar success at the scale of tissues and organs, an equally deep understanding of the principles of development is required. Here, we review some of the central concepts and recent progress in tissue patterning, morphogenesis and collective cell migration and discuss their value for synthetic developmental biology, emphasizing in particular the power of (guided) self-organization and the role of theoretical advances in making developmental insights applicable in synthesis

    Generative models of morphogenesis in developmental biology

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    Understanding the mechanism by which cells coordinate their differentiation and migration is critical to our understanding of many fundamental processes such as wound healing, disease progression, and developmental biology. Mathematical models have been an essential tool for testing and developing our understanding, such as models of cells as soft spherical particles, reaction-diffusion systems that couple cell movement to environmental factors, and multi-scale multi-physics simulations that combine bottom-up rule-based models with continuum laws. However, mathematical models can often be loosely related to data or have so many parameters that model behaviour is weakly constrained. Recent methods in machine learning introduce new means by which models can be derived and deployed. In this review, we discuss examples of mathematical models of aspects of developmental biology, such as cell migration, and how these models can be combined with these recent machine learning methods

    Cell-matrix and cell-cell interaction mechanics in guiding migration

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    Physical properties of tissue are increasingly recognised as major regulatory cues affecting cell behaviours, particularly cell migration. While these properties of the extracellular matrix have been extensively discussed, the contribution from the cellular components that make up the tissue are still poorly appreciated. In this mini-review, we will discuss two major physical components: stiffness and topology with a stronger focus on cell-cell interactions and how these can impact cell migration

    Directional cell movements downstream of Gbx2 and Otx2 control the assembly of sensory placodes.

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    Cranial placodes contribute to sensory structures including the inner ear, the lens and olfactory epithelium and the neurons of the cranial sensory ganglia. At neurula stages, placode precursors are interspersed in the ectoderm surrounding the anterior neural plate before segregating into distinct placodes by as yet unknown mechanisms. Here, we perform live imaging to follow placode progenitors as they aggregate to form the lens and otic placodes. We find that while placode progenitors move with the same speed as their non-placodal neighbours, they exhibit increased persistence and directionality and these properties are required to assemble morphological placodes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these factors are components of the transcriptional networks that coordinate placode cell behaviour including their directional movements. Together with previous work, our results support a dual role for Otx and Gbx transcription factors in both the early patterning of the neural plate border and the later segregation of its derivatives into distinct placodes

    Calcium mediates dorsoventral patterning of mesoderm in Xenopus

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    AbstractCalcium signals participate in the differentiation of electrically excitable and nonexcitable cells; one example of this differentiation is the acquisition of mature neuronal phenotypes [1]. For example, transient elevations of the intracellular calcium concentration have been recorded in the ectoderm of early embryos, and this elevation has been proposed to participate in neural induction [2–5]. Here, we present molecular evidence indicating that voltage-sensitive calcium channels (VSCC) are involved in early developmental processes leading to the establishment of the dorsoventral (D-V) patterning of a vertebrate embryo. We report that α1S VSCC are expressed selectively in the dorsal marginal zone at the early gastrula stage. The expression of the VSCC correlates with elevated intracellular calcium levels, as evaluated by the fluorescence of the intracellular calcium indicator Fluo-3. Misexpression of VSCC leads to a strong dorsalization of the ventral marginal zone and induction of the secondary axis but no direct neuralization of the ectoderm. Moreover, specific inhibition of VSCC by the use of calcicludine results in ventralization of the dorsal mesoderm. Together, these results indicate that calcium channels regulate mesodermal patterning by specificating the D-V identity of the mesodermal cells. The D-V patterning of the mesoderm has been shown to depend on a gradient of BMPs activity. We discuss the possibility that VSCC affect or act downstream of BMPs activity

    Neural crest and placode interaction during the development of the cranial sensory system

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    In the vertebrate head, the peripheral components of the sensory nervous system are derived from two embryonic cell populations, the neural crest and cranial sensory placodes. Both arise in close proximity to each other at the border of the neural plate: neural crest precursors abut the future central nervous system, while placodes originate in a common preplacodal region slightly more lateral. During head morphogenesis, complex events organise these precursors into functional sensory structures, raising the question of how their development is coordinated. Here we review the evidence that neural crest and placode cells remain in close proximity throughout their development and interact repeatedly in a reciprocal manner. We also review recent controversies about the relative contribution of the neural crest and placodes to the otic and olfactory systems. We propose that a sequence of mutual interactions between the neural crest and placodes drives the coordinated morphogenesis that generates functional sensory systems within the head
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