36 research outputs found

    A LC-QTOF Method for the Determination of PEGDE Residues in Dermal Fillers

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    Hyaluronic acid is one of the most important ingredients in dermal fillers, where it is often cross-linked to gain more favorable rheological properties and to improve the implant duration. Poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether (PEGDE) has been recently introduced as a crosslinker because of its very similar chemical reactivity with the most-used crosslinker BDDE, while giving special rheological properties. Monitoring the amount of the crosslinker residues in the final device is always necessary, but in the case of PEGDE, no methods are available in literature. Here, we present an HPLC-QTOF method, validated according to the guidelines of the International Council on Harmonization, which enables the efficient routine examination of the PEGDE content in HA hydrogels

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    more patients, 1 with focal motor epilepsy once again (resulting in status epilepticus) and the other with behavioural comorbidity and multifocal epilepsy. Results: A significant reduction in seizure frequency was observed, and the 2 patients with behavioural comorbidity also showed a dramatic improvement in their disruptive behaviour. The patient with motor focal seizures showed a 70% reduction in seizure frequency, and in the last patient remission from status epilepticus was obtained. Conclusion: Our data confirm DBS of deep brain structures modulates the functional activity of the cerebral cortex as suggested by Adrian Upton in 1985. In the reported series, deep-brain stimulation of 2 unconventional targets belonging to the reticulo-cortical system (the brainstem-diencephalon functional system including structures that act as remote controls in modulating cortical excitability) was found to be effective in controlling otherwise refractory multifocal (pHyp) and focal sensorimotor (CZi) epilepsy when resective surgery was not feasible

    Deepbrain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in obsessive compulsive disorder: clinical, surgical and electrophysiological considerations in two consecutive patients

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    Abstract Obsessive compulsive disorder is a highly disabling pathological condition which in the most severe and drug-resistant form can severely impair social, cognitive and interpersonal functioning. Deep-brain stimulation has been demonstrated to be an effective and safe interventional procedure in such refractory forms in selected cases. We here report the first Italian experience in the treatment of this pathology by means of nucleus accumbens stimulation, pointing out to some technical data which could be of help in localization of the target

    Microrecording within the posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus in pain and aggressive behaviours

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    2006/2007In the last decade there has been new interest in the posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus (PIH) as the target for the placement of deep brain stimulation to improve pain and psychiatric symptoms. This has brought the possibility to study single-unit acitvity from PIH. Very scanty information is available regarding the firing discharge of human’s PIH neurons. The aim of this study is to describe the firing discharge properties of PIH neurons in neurological and psychiatric disorders. Continuous physiological extracellular recordings were obtained in awake and sedated humans. Firing rate analysis, time domain and frequency domain analyses were used to characterize the firing pattern of PIH neurons. 19 PIH neurons from 7 patients were further studied (5 patients with Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias, 1 aggressive behavior associated with epilepsy, and 1 aggressive behavior associated with head injury). During wakefulness PIH neurons displays tonic firing discharge at around 25Hz, while during sedation the firing rate is 12Hz and the firing pattern more variable. In aggressive behaviour and epilepsy the firing discharge is phasic and rhythmic with oscillations locked at around 7-8Hz. Regular and irregular tonic discharge is noticed in aggressive behaviour and head injury. Spontaneous activity in awake TACs patients is similar to what has been reported in animal models. Interestingly, in aggressive behaviour with epilepsy the observed pattern is bursting and rhythmic at around 7-8Hz. In the patient with head injury no specific pattern is found in PIH neurons. At this stage of knowledge these data are a novelty in the literature, thus it is not possibile to exclude that all these observations represent normal features of PIH neurons. However the differences noticed between pathologies may suggest that PIH neurons discharge rates and patterns are associated to the underlying neurological and psychiatric condition.XX Ciclo197

    Metodologia dell'Intervento in psicologia clinica. Nuova edizione

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    Il testi si sofferma su vari elementi che contribuiscono alla costruzione di un intervento in psicologia clinica. Detti elementi, più che essere assunti, hanno bisogno di essere pensati in ogni singola situazione, nella consapevolezza del punto di vista che si adotta. Ci riferiamo alle dimensioni che definiscono l'atteggiamento dello psicologo, all'istituzione e utilizzazione del setting, alla comprensione del dialogo clinico co-costruito con i pazienti, alla domanda di intervento ed alla fantasia relazionale prevalente che la organizza. A questi si uniscono, in questa edizione ampliata, l'analogia e la sua utilità nella comprensione della narrazione e la consulenza. Ogni tema, trattato sul piano teorico, è corredato da esemplificazioni cliniche. Alcuni resoconti di psicologi che lavorano in ambiente ospedaliero o all'interno di cooperative sociali aiutano, infine, a capire come declinare la metodologia proposta in riferimento a contesti specifici

    Spatio-temporal structure of single neuron subthalamic activity identifies DBS target for anesthetized Tourette Syndrome patients

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    Objective. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of basal ganglia effectively tackles motor symptoms of movement disorders such as Tourette syndrome (TS). The precise location of target stimulation site determines the range of clinical outcome in DBS patients, and the occurrence of side-effects of DBS. DBS implant procedures currently localize stimulation target relying on a combination of pre-surgical imaging, standardized brain atlases and on-the-spot clinical tests. Here we show that temporal structure of single unit activity in subthalamic nucleus (STN) of patients affected by pure TS can contribute to identify the optimal target location of DBS. Approach. Neural activity was recorded at different depths within STN with microelectrodes during DBS implant surgery. Depth specific neural features were extracted and correlated with the optimal depth for tic control. Main results. We describe for the first time temporal spike patterns of single neurons from sensorimotor STN of anesthetized TS patients. A large fraction of units (31.2%) displayed intense bursting in the delta band (<4 Hz). The highest firing irregularity and hence the higher density of bursting units (42%) were found at the optimal spot for tic control. Discharge patterns irregularity and dominant oscillations frequency (but not firing rate) carried significant information on optimal target. Significance. We found single unit activity features in the STN of TS patients reliably associated to optimal DBS target site for tic control. In future works measures of firing irregularity could be integrated with current target localization methods leading to a more effective and safer DBS for TS patients

    Thermal degradation of fenitrothion: identification and eco-toxicity of decomposition products

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    The thermal decomposition of Fenitrothion [phosphorothioic acid O,O-diethyl O-(3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl) ester] was investigated. Results obtained by different scale calorimetric techniques show that the thermal decomposition of Fenitrothion involves two main steps. Intermediate and final thermal degradation products formed during isothermal and adiabatic thermal decomposition experiments were identified. The eco-toxicological profile of the decomposition products was assessed experimentally and compared to results obtained with a predictive software (ECOSAR). A specific index was defined to assess the change in ecotoxicity profile of decomposition products with respect to the original compound

    Safety-Related Cooperative, Connected, and Automated Mobility Services: Interplay Between Functional and Security Requirements

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    Together with the electrification of vehicles, the provision of cooperative, connected, and automated mobility (CCAM) services is a prominent recent trend in the automotive sector. Upcoming car models will be able to exchange messages between themselves and with road traffic authorities by means of vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication – in particular, leveraging mobile network technologies for the so-called cellular V2X (C-V2X) paradigm. Moreover, (part of) such exchanged messages will be processed as a whole in, e.g., edge computing servers, in order to generate a global vision of the state of a given road stretch. CCAM services will exploit vehicular information transport and processing to implement complex maneuvers in a (semi)automatic manner by interacting with the in-car network. The undeniable benefits of CCAM services should be coupled with their security, though. Proper protection mechanisms of V2X communication as well as of edge processing must be put in place with the ultimate scope of ensuring the security of car’s critical functions such as e.g., driver assistance, collision warning, and automatic emergency braking. As a matter of fact, according to the ongoing discussions in the European Union (EU) and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), all new vehicle models will be approved only if they fulfill the cybersecurity requirements of the General Safety Regulation starting July 6, 2022. In this article, we will overview the major standards in terms of automotive security specifications, specifically focusing on those related to the external connectivity of cars. Moreover, since not all threats may be caught at a specification level, we will perform a qualitative security assessment of safetyrelated CCAM services featured by the EU-funded project 5G-CARMEN, with the final aim of highlighting the delicate interplay between functional and security requirements