16 research outputs found

    Fast determination of biogenic amines in beverages by a core-shell particle column

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    A fast and reliable HPLC method for the determination of 11 biogenic amines in beverages has been performed. After pre-column derivatization with dansyl-chloride a Kinetex C18 core–shell particle column (100 mm × 4.6 mm, 2.6 μm particle size) has been employed and the biogenic amines were identified and quantified in a total run time of 13 min with ultraviolet (UV) or fluorescence detection (FLD). Chromatographic conditions such as column temperature (kept at 50 °C), gradient elution and flow rate have been optimized and the method has been tested on red wine and fruit nectar. The proposed method is enhanced in terms of reduced analysis time and eluent consumption with respect of classical HPLC method as to be comparable to UHPLC methods. Green and cost-effective, this method can be used as a quality-control tool for routine quantitative analysis of biogenic amines in beverages for the average laboratory

    Chemometric evaluation of biogenic amines in commercial fruit juices

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    The profile and level of 11 biogenic amines were evaluated in commercial fruit juices (apple, grapefruit, orange and pineapple) and fruit nectars (apricot, peach and pear) by HPLC/FD after dansyl chloride derivatization. The biogenic amine most present in nectars is cadaverine, followed by putrescine, spermidine and spermine. Fruit juices showed a wider variability in biogenic amines profile and level, with the highest total content in orange juices. The application of chemometric tools as hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis on the biogenic amine profiles of the juice samples succeeded in grouping juices on the basis of the fruit of origin. A Mathematical model with high predictive ability for fruit juices classification was obtained by linear discriminant analysis: orange (100 %), pineapple (100 %), grapefruit (80 %) and apple (70 %). This study represents the first description of biogenic amines content in these beverages. These compounds are well-known important quality parameters and demonstrated to have also a characteristic profile depending on the fruit of origin

    New approach for the diagnosis of histamine intolerance based on the determination of histamine and methylhistamine in urine.

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    Histamine intolerance is a disorder in the homeostasis of histamine due to a reduced intestinal degradation of this amine, mainly caused by diamine oxidase (DAO) enzyme deficiency, which provokes its accumulation in plasma and the appearance of adverse health affects. A new approach for the diagnosis of this intolerance could be the determination of histamine and its metabolites in urine. The aim of this work was to develop and validate a rapid method to determine histamine and methylhistamine in human urine by Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Fluorimetric detection (UHPLC-FL). The proposed method is a consistent procedure to determine histamine and methylhistamine in less than 11 minutes with adequate linearity and sensitivity. Relative standard deviation was always lower than 5.5%, ensuring method precision; and mean recovery was greater than 99% for both analytes. The structure of histamine and methylhistamine conjugated with OPA were confirmed by UHPLC-ITD-FTMS which enabled to unequivocally identify both analytes in standards and also in urine samples. The analysis of histamine and methylhistamine in urine samples could be a potential new approach for the routine diagnosis of histamine intolerance, more patient-friendly and with clear advantages in terms of equipment and personnel demand for sample collection in comparison with current plasmatic DAO activity determination

    Valutazione della qualitĂ  e autenticitĂ  alimentare tramite determinazione di ammine biogene

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    I temi di sicurezza,qualità ed autenticità rivestono ad oggi un ruolo fondamentale riguardo l’alimentazione. La richiesta di chiare informazioni su un prodotto alimentare è dovuta a una maggiore consapevolezza del consumatore, che tramite i moderni mezzi di comunicazione è sempre più istruito rispetto ai concetti di qualità e sicurezza e sull’impatto che il cibo ha sulla salute umana. Accanto ai metodi ufficiali per il controllo della qualità di un alimento e per la verifica dell’autenticità, nel corso degli anni l’attenzione si è spostata verso la ricerca di marker molecolari di prodotto o di processo in grado di caratterizzare un alimento tramite l’uso di metodiche analitiche veloci, affidabili e molto sensibili. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di verificare la possibilità di usare le ammine biogene, contaminanti naturali, per determinare la qualità e l’autenticità di alcune matrici alimentari. Questi composti possono essere presenti sia in alimenti freschi, poiché endogeni, sia in alimenti trasformati in cui si formano per degradazione enzimatica, ad opera microbica, degli aminoacidi presenti. Le procedure di identificazione e quantificazione sono quindi molto importanti, perché alcuni di questi contaminanti sono potenzialmente tossici per la salute dell’uomo e inoltre sono considerati come indicatori di freschezza, qualità e anche di l'autenticità alimentare. Il profilo e il livello di 11 ammine biogene sono stati valutati nei succhi di frutta (mela, pompelmo, arancia e ananas) e nettari di frutta (albicocca, pesca e pera), nella carne in scatola e in alcuni pesci di lago mediante cromatografia HPLC/FD dopo derivatizzazione con cloruro di dansile. Per tutte le matrici considerate, prima di questo studio, nessuna informazione sul contenuto di ammine biogene era presente in letteratura. L'applicazione di strumenti chemiometrici come la Cluster Analysis (CA) e l’analisi delle componenti principali (PCA) sui profili delle ammine biogene dei campioni di succo ha permesso di raggruppare i succhi in base al frutto di origine. Inoltre, un modello matematico ad elevata capacità predittiva di classificazione (espressa come % di campioni correttamente classificati) per i succhi di frutta è stato ottenuto tramite una analisi discriminante lineare (LDA): arancia (100%), ananas (100%), pompelmo (80%) e mela (70%). Questo studio rappresenta quindi un punto di partenza per considerare il contenuto di ammine biogene come marker di autenticazione per i succhi di frutta, per cui una tipica frode commerciale consiste nell’aggiungere succhi di frutta diversi da quelli dichiarati in etichetta poiché più economici. Riguardo i campioni di carne bovina in scatola, sono state considerate due diverse tipologie: carne in scatola con gelatina e carne in scatola spalmabile (con differenti % di grassi, come dichiarato nelle etichette). Il basso contenuto di ammine biogene in questi campioni, indicante prodotti di qualità, è correlato alla tecnologia di trasformazione, che richiede alte temperature per la cottura di carni e per la fase di sterilizzazione. E’ stata trovata, inoltre, una correlazione negativa tra i grassi e il contenuto ammine biogene; questo è stato spiegato in quanto più alto è il contenuto di grassi più bassa è la disponibilità di acqua libera, di fondamentale importanza per la crescita di microrganismi produttori di ammine. L'ultima tipologia di campioni considerati sono il pesce Persico (lates nicotilus) e Coregone (Coregonus lavaretus). Per questo tipo di campioni è stata seguita l'evoluzione del contenuto di ammine biogene per cinque giorni consecutivi, utilizzando come tecniche di conservazione la refrigerazione e il surgelamento. In entrambe le tipologie di pesce è stata riscontrata una bassa concentrazione di ammine; l’istamina, ammina più pericolosa per la salute umana, non è mai stata determinata. Durante il periodo di conservazione sono stati calcolati due indici: QI (indice di qualità) e BAI (indice di ammine biogene). Solo l’indice BAI può essere proposto come indice valido per la valutazione della freschezza e la qualità dei pesci analizzati perché subisce un incremento statisticamente significativo durante il periodo di conservazione considerato

    Nutraceutical functions of flaxseed: a review of beneficial effects and determination of its components

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    Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the most important oilseed crops for industrial as well for food and feed purposes. By virtue of the presence of physiologically active food components that may provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition, flaxseed is emerging as an important functional food ingredient. Scientific evidences support consumption of flaxseed for its high content in omega-3, omega-6 rich oil, α-linolenic acid, lignans, high quality proteins and fibers, compounds which are biologically active in the prevention of some chronic diseases such as many types of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular stroke. Animal nutrition sector has also shown a big interest on flaxseed. Since the fatty acid profile of the meat and fat is directly affected by the source of fat in diet in swine and poultry, feeding omega-3 enriched diets by the addition of flaxseed would increase the omega-3 content in eggs and meat and thus enrich the products. Furthermore, flaxseed fiber has a wide range of applications in various areas such as textile, paper, and biocomposite manufacturing. The soluble flaxseed mucilage is patented as a carrier-matrix and dermal lubricants in cosmetics. The qualitative and quantitative determination of flaxseed constituents has been carried out by using several analytical techniques most of which are based on gas chromatography and some being based on high-performance liquid chromatography. The present paper reviews recent data on flaxseed components uses and beneficial effects, and the different methods reported for their determination.Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the most important oilseed crops for industrial as well for food and feed purposes. By virtue of the presence of physiologically active food components that may provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition, flaxseed is emerging as an important functional food ingredient. Scientific evidences support consumption of flaxseed for its high content in omega-3, omega-6 rich oil, α-linolenic acid, lignans, high quality proteins and fibers, compounds which are biologically active in the prevention of some chronic diseases such as many types of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular stroke. Animal nutrition sector has also shown a big interest on flaxseed. Since the fatty acid profile of the meat and fat is directly affected by the source of fat in diet in swine and poultry, feeding omega-3 enriched diets by the addition of flaxseed would increase the omega-3 content in eggs and meat and thus enrich the products. Furthermore


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    Purpose On 2009 the European Union (EU) Member States agreed to require origin labeling for virgin and extra virgin olive oils (EC Regulation 182/2009) to defend consumers need about true characteristics and origin. This Regulation, together with the well established laws regarding denominations and protected indications of origin (PDO PGI and TSG), has led to a new olive oil market where geographic origin labels are a big market competitive advantage. The extra virgin olive oil is also susceptible to several kind of adulterations, involving its blending with oils of scarce quality or of different botanical variety. In this context, quality markers of extra virgin olive oil have been identified and whose determination has become mandatory for its marketing. The purpose of the present work is to highlight the possible differences in mandatory chemical parameters and antioxidant properties among oil samples of different geographical origin. Both commercial and artisanal samples were analyzed and compared. Design/methodology/approach. Fifty-five samples of extra virgin olive oil of known origin were analyzed for peroxide number, ΔK, free acidity percentage, total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity (by DPPH test). The results were then processed by multivariate statistical techniques such as ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis and Linea Discriminant Analysis. Findings. All the mandatory parameters for all the samples analyzed were in the range of the legal limits, indicating an overall quality. Moreover, the samples were clearly discriminated according to their geographical origin. Further differentiation has been achieved for samples produced industrially or in artisanal way. Originality/value The present work explores the possibility of using mandatory oil quality chemical parameters, besides their original purpose, also to differentiate their geographical and production origin. The parameters were determined by simple and well-established analytical methods, applicable in every average laboratory for routine quality analysis

    Biorisanamento: casi studio di bio-denitrificazione

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    L’acqua è di fondamentale importanza per la vita in quanto i meccanismi metabolici e di sintesi sono in stretta relazione con le sue specifiche proprietà. Il trasporto di nutrienti nelle cellule e l’interazione con l’ambiente esterno sarebbero infatti impossibili senza la presenza dell’acqua. Le risorse idriche sono limitate e solo il 2.66% del totale globale delle risorse idriche, comprese acque di falda, laghi, fiumi, mari e ghiacciai sono acqua fresca. Inoltre, di questa piccola frazione, solo lo 0.6% è utilizzabile come acqua potabile. Per questo motivo, le risorse idriche devono essere necessariamente preservate, trattate correttamente laddove inquinate e con la massima efficienza. Negli ultimi decenni, la rapida crescita di attività antropiche quali industrializzazione e attività agricole hanno comportato l’introduzione nell’ambiente di vari contaminanti chimici. Composti contenenti azoto sono un esempio di contaminanti che, una volta rilasciati nell’ambiente, possono creare gravi danni sia all’ambiente stesso, come l’eutrofizzazione dei fiumi o il deterioramento della qualità dell’acqua, ma anche potenziali rischi alla salute dell’uomo e degli animali. Il ciclo dell’azoto è complesso e include diversi processi fisici e biologici dei quali la denitrificazione svolge un ruolo fondamentale. L’azoto può essere presente nel suolo e nelle acque principalmente in quattro forme: azoto gassoso, azoto organico, ione ammonio e nitrati. Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, data la pericolosità per la salute dell’uomo della presenza dei nitrati nelle acque, notevole interesse hanno riscosso i trattamenti in grado di promuovere la denitrificazione delle acque di falda con interventi che coniugano efficacia di rimozione e costi relativamente contenuti. Le principali possibilità di trattamento del nitrato ad oggi in uso sfruttano processi chimico – fisici di separazione dello ione disciolto nell’acqua da trattare, concentrandolo in salamoie. In questo lavoro saranno analizzati i diversi processi biologici di denitrificazione, presenti in natura, studiati per essere applicati a trattamenti di bio-denitrificazione delle acque potabili e recenti casi studio riguardanti diverse applicazioni della biodenitrificazione attraverso l’utilizzo delle differenti configurazioni impiantistiche esistenti

    Evaluation of food quality by sustainable methods

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    The analytical determinations of chemical species in food are an essential step of food quality assessment. Food quality can be ascertained by physicochemical analysis, individuating which and how much substances are present in food. Instead, for food safety a microbiological analysis is necessary. The quality assessment can inform us about the origin of food, but also about its nutritional values and organoleptic properties. Since sustainability is an actual aim of the scientific research, even “green” analytical determinations in food are going to be developed

    Chemical Composition and Health Benefits of Flaxseed

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    Flaxseed or linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) comes from the flax plant, an annual herb. The main importance of flaxseed is in the human nutrition sector because it is emerging as an important functional food ingredient thanks to the content of active compounds, pointed to provide health benefits. There are several ways to eat flaxseed: milled, in the form of oil or added to bakery product. Scientific evidences support consumption of flaxseed for the high content in omega-3, omega-6 rich oil, α-linolenic acid, lignans, high quality proteins and fibers, compounds which are biologically active in the prevention of some chronic diseases such as many types of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cerebrovascular stroke. Furthermore, advantages in flaxseed consumptions are shown in animal nutrition sector and therefore result in healthier food from animal origin. In fact, the fatty acid profile of the meat and fat is directly affected by the source of fat in diet in swine and poultry, feeding omega-3 enriched diets by the addition of flaxseed would increase the omega-3 content in eggs and meat and thus enrich the products. The present review is focused on recent data on flaxseed chemical composition and its beneficial effects