9 research outputs found

    The EGFR family members sustain the neoplastic phenotype of ALK+ lung adenocarcinoma via EGR1.

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    In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) stand out among causal dominant oncogenes, and the ablation of RTK signaling has emerged as a novel tailored therapeutic strategy. Nonetheless, long-term RTK inhibition leads invariably to acquired resistance, tumor recurrence and metastatic dissemination. In ALK+ cell lines, inhibition of ALK signaling was associated with coactivation of several RTKs, whose pharmacological suppression reverted the partial resistance to ALK blockade. Remarkably, ERBB2 signaling synergized with ALK and contributed to the neoplastic phenotype. Moreover, the engagement of wild-type epidermal growth factor receptor or MET receptors could sustain cell viability through early growth response 1 (EGR1) and/or Erk1/2; Akt activation and EGR1 overexpression prevented cell death induced by combined ALK/RTK inhibition. Membrane expression of ERBB2 in a subset of primary naive ALK+ NSCLC could be relevant in the clinical arena. Our data demonstrate that the neoplastic phenotype of ALK-driven NSCLC relays ‘ab initio' on the concomitant activation of multiple RTK signals via autocrine/paracrine regulatory loops. These findings suggest that molecular and functional signatures are required in de novo lung cancer patients for the design of efficacious and multi-targeted ‘patient-specific' therapies

    Quantification of the expression level of integrin receptor alpha(v)beta3 in cell lines and MR imaging with antibody-coated iron oxide particles

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    Redundant and nonredundant roles for Cdc42 and Rac1 in lymphomas developed in NPM-ALK transgenic mice

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    Increasing evidence suggests that Rho family GTPases could have a critical role in the biology of T-cell lymphoma. In ALK-rearranged anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), a specific subtype of T-cell lymphoma, the Rho family GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 are activated by the ALK oncogenic activity. In vitro studies have shown that Cdc42 and Rac1 control rather similar phenotypes of ALCL biology such as the proliferation, survival, and migration of lymphoma cells. However, their role and possible redundancy in ALK-driven lymphoma development in vivo are still undetermined. We genetically deleted Cdc42 or Rac1 in a mouse model of ALK-rearranged ALCL to show that either Cdc42 or Rac1 deletion impaired lymphoma development, modified lymphoma morphology, actin filament distribution, and migration properties of lymphoma cells. Cdc42 or Rac1 deletion primarily affected survival rather than proliferation of lymphoma cells. Apoptosis of lymphoma cells was equally induced following Cdc42 or Rac1 deletion, was associated with upregulation of the proapoptotic molecule Bid, and was blocked by Bcl2 overexpression. Remarkably, Cdc42/Rac1 double deletion, but not Cdc42 or Rac1 single deletions, completely prevented NPM-ALK lymphoma dissemination in vivo. Thus, Cdc42 and Rac1 have nonredundant roles in controlling ALK-rearranged lymphoma survival and morphology but are redundant for lymphoma dissemination, suggesting that targeting both GTPases could represent a preferable therapeutic option for ALCL treatment

    Potent in vivo anti-tumor activity of extracellular vesicles isolated from genetically engineered primary mesenchymal stromal cells expressing the trans-membrane TNF-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL)

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    Introduction: TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a a wide variety of tumor cells with minimal effects on normal cells. Despite its in vitro activity, recombinant soluble TRAIL has so far shown limited efficacy in vivo. In contrast, recent reports have shown that significant apoptosis can be observed both in vitro and in vivo when TRAIL is expressed on the cell membrane (mTRAIL). A further innovation might be the delivery of bioactive proapoptotic TRAIL through its expression by extracellular vescicles (EVs), the nanovesicular organelles secreted by cells. In fact, EVs are viewed as an effective tool for intercellular cross-talk and receptor discharge. The trans-membrane expression of TRAIL ligand within the double layer exosomal membrane may induce a more potent death signal when compared with the soluble molecule. Material and Methods: Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSC) from bone marrow were cultured in vitro and used for EVs production. Cultured MSC in 75 cm2 flasks, at 80% confluence were infected with a lentivector encoding TRAIL, maintained in culture, and cell-supernatants repeatedly collected over several days, ultracentrifugated, with EVs-containing pellet harvested in PBS. EVs were produced also from uninfected MSC as control (EVs-CTRL). EVs were characterized by flow cytometry for expression of MSC markers and mTRAIL, EV size was evaluated by NanoSight technology. Total protein concentration was used to quantify EVs, Western Blot analysis was performed to characterize membrane-bound TRAIL. In vitro analysis was performed on SU-DHL-4 (human B cell lymphoma) and MEL-1300 (human melanoma) cell lines, exposed for 24 hours to 20-100 μg/ml EVs-TRAIL or EVs-CTRL. Annexin/propidium iodide assay was used to quantify apoptotic/necrotic cells. For the in vivo assessments, SU-DHL-4 and MEL-1300 cells were transduced with Luc-Lentiviral particles to obtain Luciferase positive cell lines. These cells were used to engraft NOD scid gamma (NSG) mice (2x106 SU-DHL-4 and 3x105 MEL-1300 cells for each subcutaneous injection point). To visualize tumor cells, mice were injected intraperitoneum with luciferin and analyzed with the Xenogen system. Mice bearing subcutaneous tumor nodules received single intravenous injections of 100, 200, 300 μg or multiple (x 3) 200 μg injections of either EVs-TRAIL or EVs-CTRL. Results: FACS analysis showed strong TRAIL expression on EVs from TRAIL-infected MSC compared to EVs-CTRL, with a high proportion of positive particles (median 85%, range 78-93). In addition, EVs-TRAIL displayed MSC membrane markers, i.e. CD 105, CD 90, CD73 and CXCR4. Western Blot analysis under non-reducing conditions showed the presence of TRAIL ligand, with strong prevalence of dimeric TRAIL isoform (barely detectable the trimeric isoform, undetectable monomeric isoforms). NanoSight analysis revealed that EVs had a variable size, up to approximately 400 nm in diameter, with a predominant peak at 273 nm. A strong and dose-dependent cytotoxic effect was observed on SU-DHL-4 cells exposed to EVs-TRAIL (annexin/PI+ve cells: up to 87% for 100 μg/ml EVs-TRAIL), compared to EVs-CTRL exposure (15% Annexin/PI+ve cells for 100 μg/ml EVs-TRAIL). A similar, albeit less pronounced in vitro cytotoxic effect of EVs-TRAIL was observed on the melanoma MEL-1300 cell line. The anti-tumor effect was remarkably strong when EVs-TRAIL were injected in vivo in mice bearing either SU-DHL-4 or MEL-1300 nodules. A marked reduction of the tumor luminescence from 1.2x1010 photon/sec to <108 photon/sec was observed at seven days since a single EVs-TRAIL injection at 200 and 300 μg. Multiple administrations of 200 μg EVs-TRAIL induced the strongest luminescence reduction, as observed in MEL-1300 bearing NSG mice. Histological examination of nodules from EVs treated mice showed necrosis areas along with extensive intra-tumor vascular disruption. Conclusion: EVs isolated from genetically engineered TRAIL-expressing MSC: i. do express mTRAIL; ii. display potent antitumor activity, inducing extensive apoptosis/necrosis both in vitro and in vivo in animal models bearing lymphoma and melanoma nodules. Thus, EVs-TRAIL may represent a promising strategy for delivering pro-apoptotic signals to tumor cells. Moreover, the results could pave the way to the use of EVs for therapeutic purposes

    Voce: Prelievi e analisi di campioni

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    Con la legge 30.6.2009 n. 85 l'Italia ha ratificato l'adesione al Trattato di Pr\ufcm, in vista del rafforzamento della cooperazione tra Stati nella lotta al terrorismo, alla criminalit\ue0 transfrontaliera e alla migrazione illegale, tramite lo scambio di informazioni genetiche. La novit\ue0 pi\uf9 saliente che l'adesione al Trattato ha importato nell'ordinamento interno concerne l'introduzione di un'inedita disciplina dei prelievi coattivi di materiale biologico, volta alla tutela dei diritti individuali nell'impiego processuale di strumenti tecnico-scientifici che consentano di non disperdere il materiale probatorio relativo ad un fatto criminoso. Il tema rievoca la tradizionale distinzione che attribuisce all'imputato la duplice funzione di \u201corgano\u201d ed \u201coggetto\u201d nella formazione della prova, a seconda del contributo attivo o passivo che lo stesso apporti alla vicenda processuale. Questi \ue8 considerato \u201corgano\u201d di prova nell'espletamento di attivit\ue0 che costituiscono esercizio del diritto di difesa, nelle due componenti, positiva e negativa, del diritto di difendersi provando e del diritto al silenzio. Viceversa, si parla di imputato come \u201coggetto\u201d di prova allorquando gli sia richiesto un mero pati rispetto all'attivit\ue0 di istruzione probatoria, come accade nelle ispezioni, nelle perquisizioni, nelle ricognizioni personali, nonch\ue9, pi\uf9 in generale, negli accertamenti che si espletano sul corpo del giudicabile, il quale viene in rilievo non come parte processuale, ma come mera entit\ue0 fisica. Il regime di nuovo conio \ue8 intervenuto a colmare la lacuna normativa lasciata dalla sentenza n. 238 del 1996 con cui la Corte costituzionale aveva dichiarato l'illegittimit\ue0 dell'art. 224, comma 2, c.p.p. nella parte in cui consentiva interventi peritali sul corpo della persona, in violazione del principio di riserva di legge che presidia, ex art. 13 Cost., la libert\ue0 personale. La pronuncia ha individuato un \u201cnocciolo duro\u201d rappresentato dalla libert\ue0 corporale, indissolubilmente legata ai principi di libert\ue0 morale, integrit\ue0 psico-fisica e salute della persona, non comprimibili a fini processuali. La Carta fondamentale prevede un'unica ipotesi di lesione del diritto alla salute nell'ambito dei trattamenti sanitari obbligatori, per finalit\ue0 estranee all'accertamento penale; la libert\ue0 morale, peraltro, rappresenta il quid pluris che sopravvive alla compressione del potere statale, persino durante la pi\uf9 intensa restrizione della libert\ue0 personale. Se questo \ue8 il quadro costituzionale di riferimento, \ue8 evidente come il previgente regime in materia di prelievi biologici coattivi abbia disatteso le indicazioni provenienti dalla Consulta. Difatti, a distanza di quasi un decennio dal monito del Giudice delle leggi, il legislatore intervenne (con la legge 31 luglio 2005, n. 155) \uabin un modo persino pi\uf9 imbarazzante dell'inerzia sino ad allora mantenuta\ubb, attribuendo un potere di intrusione corporale (attraverso il prelievo di capelli o saliva nel corso delle indagini) alla polizia giudiziaria, previa autorizzazione - anche orale, purch\ue9 confermata per iscritto - del pubblico ministero, a soli fini identificativi e purch\ue9 sussistesse il pericolo di alterazione o dispersione della res. Non era contemplato il potere giudiziale di disporre un prelievo biologico a fini peritali e l\u2019esclusivo orientamento teleologico dell\u2019atto d\u2019indagine ne limitava fortemente l\u2019utilit\ue0. Veniva, pertanto, inopinatamente elusa la doppia riserva, di legge e di giurisdizione, che presidia la materia. La riforma realizza una netta soluzione di continuit\ue0 rispetto alla normativa precedente, attraverso l'individuazione nell'organo giurisdizionale del baricentro del micro-sistema normativo dedicato ai prelievi biologici coattivi. Se la libert\ue0 personale pu\uf2 subire restrizioni per atto motivato dell'autorit\ue0 giudiziaria, pertanto anche del pubblico ministero, l'intrusione nella sfera corporale esige l'egida di un soggetto super partes, indifferente rispetto all'esito del processo. Il legislatore ha costruito una disciplina minuziosa, concernente sia l'an che il quomodo dei prelievi, in ossequio alla riserva di legge dettagliata (nei \u201cmodi\u201d e nei \u201ccasi\u201d) imposta dalla Consulta. Ne \ue8 derivato un apparato \uabmulti-livello\ubb, calibrato sulla sistematica del codice e diversificato in base all'orientamento teleologico dell'accertamento \u2013istituzionale, probatorio, investigativo o identificativo-, in cui ogni tipologia \ue8 rigidamente separata dalle altre