129 research outputs found

    Anovulatorni estrus u mliječnih krava: liječenje i utjecaj pasmine, dobi, nasljednosti i temperature okoliša.

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    The aim of the study was to establish the anovulatory estrus incidence in different breeds and reproductive ages of dairy cattle in Croatia, and to assess the effectiveness of hormone therapy as a treatment option. A total of 820 cows of different breeds and ages were involved in the study over two years. Anovulatory estrus was recorded in 25.61% of the observed cows and heifers. The highest anovulatory estrus ratio was recorded in heifers and the lowest in cows after the 6th pregnancy (P<0.05). Regarding the breed, the highest anovulatory estrus ratio was diagnosed in crossbreeds and the lowest in the Simmental breed (P<0.05). The highest anovulatory estrus incidence was recorded during the summer months (III quartile of the year) (P<0.05). Heredity of anovulatory estrus was found to be statistically significant. Therapy success was measured by the number of days from the day of anovulatory estrus diagnosis confirmation until the day of the first artificial insemination with confirmed ovulation. The best results were achieved in the group T animals who were treated twice with a 20 day interval with Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone analogues (P<0.05). Vitamin (A, D, E) and mineral (Selenium) supplements in the group A cows also improved therapy results if compared to the control (untreated) group C (P<0.05), although this was less significant when compared to group T (P<0.05). We conclude that anovulatory estrus is a hereditary condition and related to a lack of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone, as well as a lack of vitamins and minerals.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi pojavnost anovulatornog estrusa u mliječnih krava središnjega dijela Hrvatske, različitih pasmina i dobi te utvrditi učinkovitost hormonalne terapije kao jedne od mogućnosti liječenja ovoga stanja. Istraživanjem tijekom dvije godine bilo je obuhvaćeno ukupno 820 životinja različitih pasmina i dobi. Dijagnoza anovulatornog estrusa postavljena je u 25,61% pregledanih krava i junica. Najviša pojavnost anovulatornog estrusa utvrđena je u junica, a najniža u krava nakon šestoga graviditeta (P<0,05). U pogledu pasmine, najviša pojavnost anovulatornoga estrusa utvrđena je u križanih pasmina, a najniža u goveda simentalske pasmine (P<0,05). Utvrđena je statistička značajnost nasljednosti ovoga stanja (P<0,05). Najviša incidencija anovulatornoga estrusa utvrđena je tijekom trećega tromjesečja (vrući ljetni mjeseci) (P<0,05). Uspjeh liječenja mjeren je brojem dana od dana postavljanja dijagnoze do prvoga umjetnoga osjemenjivanja s potvrđenom ovulacijom. Najbolji uspjeh liječenja postignut je u skupini T koja je primila analogne pripravke Gonadotropin Releasing Hormona (P<0,05). Aplikacija vitamina A, D i E te selena (skupina A) također je smanjila broj dana od dana postavljanja dijagnoze anovulatornoga estrusa do prvoga osjemenjivanja s potvrdom ovulacije (P<0,05) u odnosu na skupinu C (kontrolna, neliječena skupina), no ipak značajno manje u odnosu na skupinu T. Možemo zaključiti kako je pojavnost anovulatornoga estrusa u mliječnih krava u sprezi s nedostatkom “Gonadotropin Releasing Hormona”, ali i nedostatkom vitamina i minerala

    Über die Fortsetzbarkeit stetiger Funktionen mit kompaktem Definitionsbereich

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    In der Maßtheorie spielt beim Satz von Lusin die Frage eine Rolle, wann eine auf einer kompakten Teilmenge eines topologischen Raumes definierte, stetige Abbildung stetig auf den ganzen Raum fortsetzbar ist. Diese Frage wurde schon von Stone in seiner grundlegenden Arbeit behandelt. Stone stellt dabei das folgende fest: Eine stetige Abbildung von einer kompakten Teilmenge eines topologischen Raumes X in die reellen Zahlen ist genau dann fortsetzbar, wenn sie nur solche Punkte trennt, die bereits durch eine stetige Abbildung von X in die reellen Zahlen getrennt werden. Er beweist diesen Satz mit der von ihm in der gleichen Arbeit gegebenen Verallgemeinerung des Weierstrass'schen Approximationssatzes. In dieser Arbeit soll nun gefragt werden, welche topologischen Räume generell diese Fortsetzungseigenschaft haben. Es zeigt sich, daß dadurch ein Trennungsaxiom erhalten wird wie bei der entsprechenden Frage nach der Fortsetzbarkeit von abgeschlossenen Mengen. Der Beweis wird ohne den Approximationssatz geführt.Topological spaces are studied fullfilling the following condition: Every real-valued, continuous function, defined on a compact subset, can be extended to the full space. A space X fulfills this condition if and only if all different points x,y E X such that {x,y} is a discrete subspace of X can be separated by a continuous, real-valued function. This condition is taken as a separation axiom T2b. The relation of T2b with other separation axioms and the condition "T2b and T1" are studied

    Cattle welfare with special overview on partus

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    Bol je prepoznata kao glavni indikator dobrobiti, a terenski su veterinari ocijenili porod jednim od najbolnijih stanja u životu krave. Stoga je cilj članka osvrnuti se na dobrobit pri teljenju i dati uvid u mogućnosti povećanja dobrobiti pri pružanju veterinarske pomoći kod teljenja.Pain has been recognized as one of the main indicators of welfare, and in-field veterinary practitioners have assessed birth as one of the most painful events in the life of a cow. Therefore the aim of the article was to refer to the welfare of animals during calving and to give an insight into the possibilities of improving their welfare by providing veterinarian assistance during calving

    Analiza fenotipskih osobina hlebne pšenice

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    Components of yield and seed quality are traits of primary importance in bread wheat breeding programs. Yield components are obviously a major determinant of farmer’s income, whereas seed quality is very important for breeding quality. In this paper, the thousand grain weight (TGW) was chosen as indicative of yield features and the shelling percentage (RND) as indicative of seed quality (although RND is not directly connected to the technological/seed quality, but rather indirectly and it greatly contributes to the wider picture of seed quality). The objectives of the present research were two-fold: to determine the influence of genotype, the environment and their interaction on the thousand grain weight and shelling percentage and to evaluate the stability via the AMMI model. The grain samples were obtained from ten winter wheat cultivars grown in 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 at three locations in Serbia: Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica and Pančevo. The ten winter wheat cultivars used in this study were: Evropa 90, NSR-5, Pobeda, Renesansa, Ljiljana, Cipovka, Dragana, Simonida, NS 40 S and Zvezdana. The thousand grain weight and shelling percentage were investigated and statistically analyzed via the AMMI model, which showed significant differences between genotypes at various locations and ASV rankings. The most favorable cultivar in the experiment was Dragana in terms of all investigated traits.Komponente prinosa i kvaliteta semena hlebne pšenice su osobine, koje imaju primarni značaj u oplemenjivanju ove biljne vrste. Komponente prinosa su glavna odrednica ekonomske dobiti proizvođača, dok je kvalitet semena presudan za kvalitet hleba. Za ovo istraživanje, kao predstavnik komponenti prinosa pšenice, je odabrana masa hiljadu masu zrna (TGW), dok je randman semena (RND), indirektno, značajan za kvalitet semena. Istraživanje je imalo dva cilja (i) da se utvrdi uticaj genotipa, životne sredine i njihove interakcije na masu hiljadu zrna i randman, kao predstavnike kvaliteta semena; (ii) da se oceni stabilnost kroz AMMI model. Analizirano je deset sorti hlebne pšenice, gajenih u 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 godini, na tri lokaliteta u Srbiji: Novi Sad, Sremska Mitrovica i Pančevo. Ispitivane sorte su: Evropa 90, NSR-5, Pobeda, Renesansa, Ljiljana, Cipovka, Dragana, Simonida NS 40 S i Zvezdana. AMMI analiza i rangiranje preko ASV za masu hiljadu zrna i randman su pokazali značajne razlike između genotipova na različitim lokalitetima. U pogledu oba ispitivana svojstva, na nivou celog ogleda, najveću stabilnost ispoljila je sorta Dragana

    Ozone in veterinary medicine: a review

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    Ozon je vrlo nestabilan plin građen od tri atoma kisika u mezomeričkoj strukturi. U prirodi je slobodno prisutan u stratosferi, a uloga mu je štititi površinu zemlje od štetnog djelovanja ultraljubičastih zraka. Ozon aktivira imunosni sustav, ponajprije lokalno na mjestu kontakta sa sluznicama, poticanjem proizvodnje interferona i interleukina, povećanjem razine glutation-peroksidaze, katalaze i superoksid-dismutaze, te aktivirajući neutrofile i sintezu citokina. Potvrđeno je baktericidno, fungicidno i virucidno djelovanje ozona u kontaktu sa spomenutim mikroorganizmima, a djeluje prije svega oksidacijom fosfolipida i lipoproteina stanične stjenke. Opisano je i snažno analgetsko djelovanje nakon rektalne insuflacije i aplikacije u akupunkturne točke. Zbog navedenih svojstava našao je uporabu u medicini te se rabi za liječenje raznih upalnih stanja i prevenciju postoperativnog bola. Ipak, najširu upotrebu u veterinarskoj medicini ozon je našao u liječenju upalnih stanja spolnog sustava u krava.Ozone is a highly unstable gas composed of three oxygen atoms in a mesomeric state. It is freely present in nature only in the stratosphere, where it protects the Earth’s surface from ultraviolet light. Ozone activates the immune system, primarily locally on the contact surface, by activating production of interferon and interleukin, by increasing the level of glutathione peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase, as well as by activating neutrophils and cytokine synthesis. Bacteria, spores, and viruses are inactivated by ozone in their contact via the process of oxygenation of phospholipid and lipoproteins within the cell membrane. The strong analgesic activity of ozone following rectal insufflation or insufflation into acupuncture points is also known. However, the most widespread use of ozone within the field of veterinary medicine is for treatment of various pathological conditions of the genital system in dairy cows

    Curve Negotiation: Identifying Driver Behavior Around Curves with the Driver Performance Database

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    Approximately one quarter of all accidents outside city limits occur while driving around curves, where assistance systems could prevent the driver from negotiating curves with excessive speed. This study argues that the parameterizing of a Driving Assistant System could be realized with data from realistic, noncritical driving behavior offered by Naturalistic Driving Studies. The Driver Performance Database presented in this study provides a tool for observing normal, noncritical driving behavior. The Database contains results from road tests with an instrumented vehicle that were carried out on public road traffic on a predetermined route, which was precisely measured in advance. In addition to vehicle state parameters, we also collected data concerning the driving environment and physiological information. With the Driver Performance Database it is possible to generate different facets of human driving behavior in a descriptive and normative way, which is illustrated by driver behavior in curve negotiation

    Curve Negotiation: Identifying Driver Behavior Around Curves with the Driver Performance Database

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    Approximately one quarter of all accidents outside city limits occur while driving around curves, where assistance systems could prevent the driver from negotiating curves with excessive speed. This study argues that the parameterizing of a Driving Assistant System could be realized with data from realistic, noncritical driving behavior offered by Naturalistic Driving Studies. The Driver Performance Database presented in this study provides a tool for observing normal, noncritical driving behavior. The Database contains results from road tests with an instrumented vehicle that were carried out on public road traffic on a predetermined route, which was precisely measured in advance. In addition to vehicle state parameters, we also collected data concerning the driving environment and physiological information. With the Driver Performance Database it is possible to generate different facets of human driving behavior in a descriptive and normative way, which is illustrated by driver behavior in curve negotiation

    Utjecaj intrauterine primjene ozona na plodnost u krava simentalske pasmine.

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    The objective of the study was to determine whether fertility in cows can be improved by postpartal intrauterine ozone administration. The cows were divided into two groups - treatment (T) and control (C). The treatment group received 20 mL of ozonated foam into the uterus within 6 hours after calving and 24 hours later. Control group received no treatment. The outcome measurements were the number of days open and the number of artificial inseminations until pregnancy. The ozone was found to be effective treatment modality, resulting in a shorter period of days open (75.47 vs. 98.03, P<0.05), and fewer inseminations until pregnancy (1.68 vs. 2.42, P<0.05) in treated cows compared to the control group. Postpartal intrauterine ozone flush, coupled with intracornual insemination represents an effective treatment option that could lead to an improved fertility rate in Simmental cows.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj intrauterine primjene ozona tijekom prva 24 sata nakon porođaja na plodnost krava. Krave su nasumično bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: kontrolnu i skupinu liječenu ozonom. Kravama liječene skupine u maternicu je bio primijenjen pripravak ozona unutar 6 sati poslije porođaja i 24 sata kasnije. Uspjeh liječenja mjeren je brojem međubremenih dana i brojem osjemenjivanja do bređosti. Rezultati pokazuju da je u krava liječenih ozonom utvrđen manji broj međubremenih dana (75,47 prema 98,03, P<0,05) i manji broj umjetnih osjemenjivanja do bređosti (1,68 prema 2,42, P<0,05) u odnosu na krave kontrolne skupine. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da primjena pripravka ozona u maternicu netom oteljenih krava simentalske pasmine može biti uspješan način povećanja plodnosti

    Dokaz i kvantificiranje ovčjeg herpesvirusa 2 u Hrvatskoj

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    Ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2), a gammaherpesvirus (genus Rhadinovirus) causes a severe disease known as sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever (SA-MCF) in certain ruminants, such as cow, deer, bison and water buffalo. Suspected cases of SA-MCF in cows without identififi cation of the agent have been reported in Croatia in the past. In June 2005, on a farm in northwest Croatia, where 17 Simmental diary cows and 2 heifers shared stables and meadows with sheep, a 13 month-old heifer showed symptoms reminiscent of SA-MCF, including anorexia, high fever, nasal discharge, and neurological symptoms, such as ataxia, tremor, convulsions and hyperesthesia. The animal died within 14 days. Gross necropsy fifi ndings were sharply demarcated erosions on mucosal surfaces, including the tongue, oral mucosa, esophagus, abomasum, jejunum, colon, caecum and urinary bladder. Histopathology revealed extremely severe perivascular and intramural arterial infifi ltrations with mononuclear cells, mostly lymphocytes. These lesions were seen in almost every organ, especially the brain and lungs. Formaldehyde fixed samples from the brain, cerebellum, spleen and lymph nodes were obtained and subjected to DNA extraction procedures. Fluorogenic real-time PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) amplififi cation specific to OvHV-2 DNA was performed and OvHV-2 DNA was detected in the brain, cerebellum and spleen, as well as in the lymph nodes. These data indicate that the animal had been infected with OvHV-2, the agent of SA-MCF. For the first time, OvHV-2 was identified and quantified in a Croatian heifer as the causative agent of SA-MCF.Ovčji herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2) iz roda Rhadinovirus, potporodice Gammaherpesvirinae uzročnik je zarazne korice goveda u nekih vrsta domaćih i divljih preživača. Dosad su u Republici Hrvatskoj zabilježeni mnogi slučajevi sumnje na pojavu zarazne korice u goveda temeljeni na kliničkoj metodi dijagnosticiranja, ali bez dokaza uzročnika bolesti. U lipnju 2005. godine na jednoj farmi u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj zabilježena je pojava zarazne korice goveda u jedne junice, simentalske pasmine, u dobi od 13 mjeseci, koja je bila smještena u istoj staji s još 17 mliječnih krava i jednom junicom simentalske pasmine te manjim stadom ovaca. Životinja je naglo oboljela uz znakove gubitka apetita, visoke vrućice, seroznog iscjetka iz nosa te pojavom znakova središnjega živčanoga sustava, ataksije, tremora, grčeva i hiperestezije. Životinja je uginula 14. dan od početka prvih znakova bolesti. Razudbom je utvrđena prisutnost oštro ograničenih erozija na sluznici jezika, usne šupljine, jednjaka, sirišta, tankoga, debeloga i slijepoga crijeva te mokraćnoga mjehura. Histopatološki je gotovo u svakom organu, a posebno u mozgu i plućima, utvrđena jaka perivaskularna i intramuralna infiltracija arterija mononuklearnim stanicama, većinom limfocitima. Iz formalinom fiksiranih uzoraka mozga, maloga mozga, slezene i limfnih čvorova izdvojena je DNK i podvrgnuta fluorogenoj real-time PCR amplifikaciji specifičnoj za OvHV-2. OvHV-2 dokazan je i kvantificiran u svim pretraživanim organima. Dobiveni rezultat upućuje na to da je uginula životinja bila zaražena s OvHV-2 što je ujedno i prvi dokaz uzročnika zarazne korice goveda u Hrvatskoj