72 research outputs found

    The Effect of Welfare on Work and Marriage: A View From the States

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    This study provides a comprehensive examination of the work and family structure incentives of public assistance, focusing on the consequences of state-determined programs. Such an approach allows state policy- makers to understand the tradeoffs implicit in their current program parameters. It allows them to better identify alternative arrangements that may be more consistent with policy goals. And it discovers linkages between work and family structure incentives that may be otherwise difficult to discern. We follow the previous literature in working through a small set of common scenarios meant to represent typical experiences of public assistance recipients. However, accompanying this study is an EXCEL spreadsheet program that allows interested readers to extend the analysis for the complete set of program participation/family characteristics permutations. The spreadsheet has a user-friendly interface and may be downloaded from the internet.


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    Suiza Foods has rapidly grown to become the largest company in the U.S. fluid milk industry. This teaching case is designed to familiarize students with the challenges which confront Suiza in its quest for further growth and, in turn, high profitability. Interviews with top executives describe the history of Suiza as well as the rationale behind Suiza's strategies. Information is presented on both economic and financial trends so as to allow the student to asses Suiza's past, present and future performance.Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Work and Welfare in the American States: Analyzing the Effects of the JOBS Program

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    This research seeks to determine whether the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills GOBS) program (established under the 1988 Family Support Act) was successful in reducing the number of welfare recipients among U.S. states for the period 1984 to 1996. Within the context of two theoretical perspectives-developmental and rational choice-we assess the impact of JOBS on AFDC participation rates using a pooled time-series design. At best, JOBS had a minimal effect. We estimate that states with higher proportions of their AFDC populations enrolled in JOBS programs had only slightly lower rates of participation in AFDC. Other forces were far more influential in reducing welfare participation. In particular, states with higher per capita income, lower female unemployment rates, lower poverty rates, and higher wages for low-paying jobs had the lowest welfare recipiency The AFDC participation rates of neighboring states had a significant effect, as well. The analysis showed that more generous AFDC benefits exerted strong upward pressure on a state's welfare rolls.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Addressing the most neglected diseases through an open research model: The discovery of fenarimols as novel drug candidates for eumycetoma

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    Eumycetoma is a chronic infectious disease characterized by a large subcutaneous mass, often caused by the fungus Madurella mycetomatis. A combination of surgery and prolonged medication is needed to treat this infection with a success rate of only 30%. There is, the

    Paediatric malaria case-management with artemether-lumefantrine in Zambia: a repeat cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Zambia was the first African country to change national antimalarial treatment policy to artemisinin-based combination therapy – artemether-lumefantrine. An evaluation during the early implementation phase revealed low readiness of health facilities and health workers to deliver artemether-lumefantrine, and worryingly suboptimal treatment practices. Improvements in the case-management of uncomplicated malaria two years after the initial evaluation and three years after the change of policy in Zambia are reported. METHODS: Data collected during the health facility surveys undertaken in 2004 and 2006 at all outpatient departments of government and mission facilities in four Zambian districts were analysed. The surveys were cross-sectional, using a range of quality of care assessment methods. The main outcome measures were changes in health facility and health worker readiness to deliver artemether-lumefantrine, and changes in case-management practices for children below five years of age presenting with uncomplicated malaria as defined by national guidelines. RESULTS: In 2004, 94 health facilities, 103 health workers and 944 consultations for children with uncomplicated malaria were evaluated. In 2006, 104 facilities, 135 health workers and 1125 consultations were evaluated using the same criteria of selection. Health facility and health worker readiness improved from 2004 to 2006: availability of artemether-lumefantrine from 51% (48/94) to 60% (62/104), presence of artemether-lumefantrine dosage wall charts from 20% (19/94) to 75% (78/104), possession of guidelines from 58% (60/103) to 92% (124/135), and provision of in-service training from 25% (26/103) to 41% (55/135). The proportions of children with uncomplicated malaria treated with artemether-lumefantrine also increased from 2004 to 2006: from 1% (6/527) to 27% (149/552) in children weighing 5 to 9 kg, and from 11% (42/394) to 42% (231/547) in children weighing 10 kg or more. In both weight groups and both years, 22% (441/2020) of children with uncomplicated malaria were not prescribed any antimalarial drug. CONCLUSION: Although significant improvements in malaria case-management have occurred over two years in Zambia, the quality of treatment provided at the point of care is not yet optimal. Strengthening weak health systems and improving the delivery of effective interventions should remain high priority in all countries implementing new treatment policies for malaria