64 research outputs found

    Rapid Inventory of Earthquake Damage (RIED)

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    The 25 January 1999 Quindío earthquake in Colombia was a major disaster for the coffee-growing region in Colombia. Most of the damage occurred in the city of Armenia and surrounding villages. Damage due to earthquakes is strongly related to topographic and subsurface geotechnical conditions underneath structures and houses. The RIED project used aerial photographs to obtain a rapid inventory of the earthquake damage right after the seismic event. This inventory was subsequently used to identify any existing relation with subsurface- and topographic conditions. Hazard zonation maps were made on the basis of seismic response analysis of a three-dimensional model of the subsurface that has been created in the GIS. Also indicative zonation maps were created outlining potential areas where topographic amplification may occur. These seismic zonation maps delineate those areas that are most likely affected by subsurface and topographic resonance effects during a future and similar earthquake. The maps have been presented to the city planning authorities of Armenia so that reconstruction of the damaged areas can be carried out in such a way that high risk areas will be avoided or that structures and houses will be built according to the standards for high seismic risk areas

    A Comparison of Embedded and Nonembedded Print Coverage of the U.S. Invasion and Occupation of Iraq

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    This study examines the impact of embedded versus nonembedded (unilateral) news coverage during the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. A content analysis was conduycted of the Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune news coverage of the invasion and occupation examining whether embedded and nonembedded new reports were different and, if so, how. News reports were examined for differences in tone toward the military, trust in the military, framing, and authoritativeness. The results of the study revealed significant differences in overall tone toward the military, trust in military personnel, framing, and authoritativeness between embedded and nonembedded articles.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    The global meningitis genome partnership.

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    Genomic surveillance of bacterial meningitis pathogens is essential for effective disease control globally, enabling identification of emerging and expanding strains and consequent public health interventions. While there has been a rise in the use of whole genome sequencing, this has been driven predominately by a subset of countries with adequate capacity and resources. Global capacity to participate in surveillance needs to be expanded, particularly in low and middle-income countries with high disease burdens. In light of this, the WHO-led collaboration, Defeating Meningitis by 2030 Global Roadmap, has called for the establishment of a Global Meningitis Genome Partnership that links resources for: N. meningitidis (Nm), S. pneumoniae (Sp), H. influenzae (Hi) and S. agalactiae (Sa) to improve worldwide co-ordination of strain identification and tracking. Existing platforms containing relevant genomes include: PubMLST: Nm (31,622), Sp (15,132), Hi (1935), Sa (9026); The Wellcome Sanger Institute: Nm (13,711), Sp (> 24,000), Sa (6200), Hi (1738); and BMGAP: Nm (8785), Hi (2030). A steering group is being established to coordinate the initiative and encourage high-quality data curation. Next steps include: developing guidelines on open-access sharing of genomic data; defining a core set of metadata; and facilitating development of user-friendly interfaces that represent publicly available data

    CDC's COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation Program and Lessons from Earlier Vaccine Introductions.

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    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports international partners in introducing vaccines, including those against SARS-CoV-2 virus. CDC contributes to the development of global technical tools, guidance, and policy for COVID-19 vaccination and has established its COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation (CIVIE) program. CIVIE supports ministries of health and their partner organizations in developing or strengthening their national capacities for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination programs. CIVIE's 7 priority areas for country-specific technical assistance are vaccine policy development, program planning, vaccine confidence and demand, data management and use, workforce development, vaccine safety, and evaluation. We discuss CDC's work on global COVID-19 vaccine implementation, including priorities, challenges, opportunities, and applicable lessons learned from prior experiences with Ebola, influenza, and meningococcal serogroup A conjugate vaccine introductions

    Computerized calculation of essential drug requirements

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    The implementation of an effective essential drug programme, although accepted by most WHO member states is still meeting serious problems. Apart from politics the reasons for this slow implementation should be sought in organizational difficulties. A methodology for the calculation of national drug requirements has been developed for Gabon based on standard treatments and estimated number of cases per disease (also known as the demand-morbidity method). Allocation of these drugs to the Gabonese health institutions is calculated based on data from the existing health information system such as days of hospitalization and number of patient visits. A rudimentary form of the demand-morbidity method has been used manually in the past but was extremely cumbersome. Modern microcomputers and standard software have now improved speed and flexibility of the method and have therefore made its implementation feasible even in developing countries. The advantages of the method are the improved availability of essential drugs at all levels of the health system and a decrease of the required drug budget (for Gabon it was calculated that a saving of 45% could be obtained). The method makes possible interaction between health planners and peripheral staff unimaginable a few years ago.essential drugs drug requirements priority diseases microcomputers health information system Gabon