61 research outputs found

    Polarity-Specific Cortical Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Primary Somatosensory Cortex of Healthy Humans

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    Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a noninvasive stimulation method that has been shown to modulate the excitability of the motor and visual cortices in human subjects in a polarity dependent manner in previous studies. The aim of our study was to investigate whether anodal and cathodal tDCS can also be used to modulate the excitability of the human primary somatosensory cortex (S1). We measured paired-pulse suppression (PPS) of somatosensory evoked potentials in 36 right-handed volunteers before and after anodal, cathodal or sham stimulation over the right non-dominant S1. Paired-pulse stimulation of the median nerve was performed at the dominant and non-dominant hand. After anodal tDCS, PPS was reduced in the ipsilateral S1 compared to sham stimulation, indicating an excitatory effect of anodal tDCS. In contrast, PPS in the stimulated left hemisphere was increased after cathodal tDCS, indicating an inhibitory effect of cathodal tDCS. Sham stimulation induced no pre-post differences. Thus, tDCS can be used to modulate the excitability of S1 in polarity-dependent manner, which can be assessed by paired-pulse suppression. An interesting topic for further studies could be the investigation of direct correlations between sensory changes and excitability changes induced by tDCS

    Evaluation of interrater reliability of different muscle segmentation techniques in diffusion tensor imaging

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    Introduction: Muscle diffusion tensor imaging (mDTI) is a quantitative MRI technique that can provide information about muscular microstructure and integrity. Ultrasound and DTI studies have shown intramuscular differences, and therefore separation of different muscles for analysis is essential. The commonly used methods to assess DTI metrics in muscles are manual segmentation and tract-based analysis. Recently methods such as volume-based tractography have been applied to optimize muscle architecture estimation, but can also be used to assess DTI metrics. Purpose: To evaluate diffusion metrics obtained using three different methods—volume-based tractography, manual segmentation-based analysis and tract-based analysis—with respect to their interrater reliability and their ability to detect intramuscular variance. Materials and methods: 30 volunteers underwent an MRI examination in a 3 T scanner using a 16-channel Torso XL coil. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired to obtain DTI metrics. These metrics were evaluated in six thigh muscles using volume-based tractography, manual segmentation and standard tractography. All three methods were performed by two independent raters to assess interrater reliability by ICC analysis and Bland-Altman plots. Ability to assess intramuscular variance was compared using an ANOVA with muscle as a between-subjects factor. Results: Interrater reliability for all methods was found to be excellent. The highest interrater reliability was found for volume-based tractography (ICC ≄ 0.967). Significant differences for the factor muscle in all examined diffusion parameters were shown in muscles using all methods (main effect p < 0.001). Conclusions: Diffusion data can be assessed by volume tractography, standard tractography and manual segmentation with high interrater reliability. Each method produces different results for the investigated DTI parameters. Volume-based tractography was superior to conventional manual segmentation and tractography regarding interrater reliability and detection of intramuscular variance, while tract-based analysis showed the lowest coefficients of variation

    3d automated segmentation of lower leg muscles using machine learning on a heterogeneous dataset

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    Quantitative MRI combines non-invasive imaging techniques to reveal alterations in muscle pathophysiology. Creating muscle-specific labels manually is time consuming and requires an experienced examiner. Semi-automatic and fully automatic methods reduce segmentation time significantly. Current machine learning solutions are commonly trained on data from healthy subjects using homogeneous databases with the same image contrast. While yielding high Dice scores (DS), those solutions are not applicable to different image contrasts and acquisitions. Therefore, the aim of our study was to evaluate the feasibility of automatic segmentation of a heterogeneous database. To create a heterogeneous dataset, we pooled lower leg muscle images from different studies with different contrasts and fields-of-view, containing healthy controls and diagnosed patients with various neuromuscular diseases. A second homogenous database with uniform contrasts was created as a subset of the first database. We trained three 3D-convolutional neuronal networks (CNN) on those databases to test performance as compared to manual segmentation. All networks, training on heterogeneous data, were able to predict seven muscles with a minimum average DS of 0.75. U-Net performed best when trained on the heterogeneous dataset (DS: 0.80 ± 0.10, AHD: 0.39 ± 0.35). ResNet and DenseNet yielded higher DS, when trained on a heterogeneous dataset (both DS: 0.86), as compared to a homogeneous dataset (ResNet DS: 0.83, DenseNet DS: 0.76). In conclusion, a CNN trained on a heterogeneous dataset achieves more accurate labels for predicting a heterogeneous database of lower leg muscles than a CNN trained on a homogenous dataset. We propose that a large heterogeneous database is needed, to make automated segmentation feasible for different kinds of image acquisitions

    High inter-rater reliability of manual segmentation and volume-based tractography in healthy and dystrophic human calf muscle

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    Background: Muscle diffusion tensor imaging (mDTI) is a promising surrogate biomarker in the evaluation of muscular injuries and neuromuscular diseases. Since mDTI metrics are known to vary between different muscles, separation of different muscles is essential to achieve musclespecific diffusion parameters. The commonly used technique to assess DTI metrics is parameter maps based on manual segmentation (MSB). Other techniques comprise tract-based approaches, which can be performed in a previously defined volume. This so-called volume-based tractography (VBT) may offer a more robust assessment of diffusion metrics and additional information about muscle architecture through tract properties. The purpose of this study was to assess DTI metrics of human calf muscles calculated with two segmentation techniques—MSB and VBT—regarding their inter-rater reliability in healthy and dystrophic calf muscles. Methods: 20 healthy controls and 18 individuals with different neuromuscular diseases underwent an MRI examination in a 3T scanner using a 16-channel Torso XL coil. DTI metrics were assessed in seven calf muscles using MSB and VBT. Coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated for both techniques. MSB and VBT were performed by two independent raters to assess inter-rater reliability by ICC analysis and Bland-Altman plots. Next to analysis of DTI metrics, the same assessments were also performed for tract properties extracted with VBT. Results: For both techniques, low CV were found for healthy controls (≀13%) and neuromuscular diseases (≀17%). Significant differences between methods were found for all diffusion metrics except for λ1 . High inter-rater reliability was found for both MSB and VBT (ICC ≄ 0.972). Assessment of tract properties revealed high inter-rater reliability (ICC ≄ 0.974). Conclusions: Both segmentation techniques can be used in the evaluation of DTI metrics in healthy controls and different NMD with low rater dependency and high precision but differ significantly from each other. Our findings underline that the same segmentation protocol must be used to ensure comparability of mDTI data

    Seasonal characteristics of bottom boundary layer detachment at the shelfbreak front in the Middle Atlantic Bight

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 109 (2004): C03049, doi:10.1029/2003JC002032.The seasonality of various characteristics of the detached bottom boundary layer of the Middle Atlantic Bight shelfbreak front is examined using a collection of high-resolution transects across the front. The analysis follows previous methodology in which accumulated temperature change along isopycnals within the front is used to infer the location of the detached layer. The seasonal mean isopycnal at which detachment occurs (approximately 26.0 kg m−3) is fairly constant throughout the year. However, the vertical scale of the detached layer varies significantly with season, extending 60−80 m above the bottom in winter and spring, but only 20−40 m above the bottom in summer. The vertical scale is controlled by the strength and depth of the seasonal pycnocline. The observations suggest that the detached layer is capable of extending into the euphotic zone during winter and spring.This work was funded by the Office of Naval Research under contracts N00014-01-1-0931 (C. L. and G. G.) and N00014-01-1-0772 (C. L. and G. G.) and by the National Science Foundation under grant OCE-0095261 (R. P.

    Quantitative muscle MRI captures early muscle degeneration in calpainopathy

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    To evaluate differences in qMRI parameters of muscle diffusion tensor imaging (mDTI), fat-fraction (FF) and water T2 time in leg muscles of calpainopathy patients (LGMD R1/D4) compared to healthy controls, to correlate those findings to clinical parameters and to evaluate if qMRI parameters show muscle degeneration in not-yet fatty infiltrated muscles. We evaluated eight thigh and seven calf muscles of 19 calpainopathy patients and 19 healthy matched controls. MRI scans were performed on a 3T MRI including a mDTI, T2 mapping and mDixonquant sequence. Clinical assessment was done with manual muscle testing, patient questionnaires (ACTIVLIM, NSS) as well as gait analysis. Average FF was significantly different in all muscles compared to controls (p < 0.001). In muscles with less than 8% FF a significant increase of FA (p < 0.005) and decrease of RD (p < 0.004) was found in high-risk muscles of calpainopathy patients. Water T2 times were increased within the low- and intermediate-risk muscles (p ≀ 0.045) but not in high-risk muscles (p = 0.062). Clinical assessments correlated significantly with qMRI values: QMFM vs. FF: r = - 0.881, p < 0.001; QMFM versus FA: r = - 0.747, p < 0.001; QMFM versus MD: r = 0.942, p < 0.001. A good correlation of FF and diffusion metrics to clinical assessments was found. Diffusion metrics and T2 values are promising candidates to serve as sensitive early and non-invasive methods to capture early muscle degeneration in non-fat-infiltrated muscles in calpainopathies

    Author Correction: Quantitative muscle MRI captures early muscle degeneration in calpainopathy

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-23972-6, published online 16 November 202

    Evaluation of Neuromuscular Diseases and Complaints by Quantitative Muscle MRI

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    Background: Quantitative muscle MRI (qMRI) is a promising tool for evaluating and monitoring neuromuscular disorders (NMD). However, the application of different imaging protocols and processing pipelines restricts comparison between patient cohorts and disorders. In this qMRI study, we aim to compare dystrophic (limb-girdle muscular dystrophy), inflammatory (inclusion body myositis), and metabolic myopathy (Pompe disease) as well as patients with post-COVID-19 conditions suffering from myalgia to healthy controls. Methods: Ten subjects of each group underwent a 3T lower extremity muscle MRI, including a multi-echo, gradient-echo, Dixon-based sequence, a multi-echo, spin-echo (MESE) T2 mapping sequence, and a spin-echo EPI diffusion-weighted sequence. Furthermore, the following clinical assessments were performed: Quick Motor Function Measure, patient questionnaires for daily life activities, and 6-min walking distance. Results: Different involvement patterns of conspicuous qMRI parameters for different NMDs were observed. qMRI metrics correlated significantly with clinical assessments. Conclusions: qMRI metrics are suitable for evaluating patients with NMD since they show differences in muscular involvement in different NMDs and correlate with clinical assessments. Still, standardisation of acquisition and processing is needed for broad clinical use

    Ligand-binding domain subregions contributing to bimodal agonism in cyclic nucleotide–gated channels

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    Cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNG) channels bind cGMP or cAMP in a cytoplasmic ligand–binding domain (BD), and this binding typically increases channel open probability (Po) without inducing desensitization. However, the catfish CNGA2 (fCNGA2) subtype exhibits bimodal agonism, whereby steady-state Po increases with initial cGMP-binding events (“pro” action) up to a maximum of 0.4, but decreases with subsequent cGMP-binding events (“con” action) occurring at concentrations >3 mM. We sought to clarify if low pro-action efficacy was either necessary or sufficient for con action to operate. To find BD residues responsible for con action or low pro-action efficacy or both, we constructed chimeric CNG channels: subregions of the fCNGA2 BD were substituted with corresponding sequence from the rat CNGA4 BD, which does not support con action. Constructs were expressed in frog oocytes and tested by patch clamp of cell-free membranes. For nearly all BD elements, we found at least one construct where replacing that element preserved robust con action, with a ratio of steady-state conductances, g(10 mM cGMP)/g(3 mM cGMP) < 0.75. When all of the BD sequence C terminal of strand ÎČ6 was replaced, g(10 mM cGMP)/g(3 mM cGMP) was increased to 0.95 ± 0.05 (n = 7). However, this apparent attenuation of con action could be explained by an increase in the efficacy of pro action for all agonists, controlled by a conserved “phosphate-binding cassette” motif that contacts ligand; this produces high Po values that are less sensitive to shifts in gating equilibrium. In contrast, substituting a single valine in the N-terminal helix αA abolished con action (g(30 mM cGMP)/g(3 mM cGMP) increased to 1.26 ± 0.24; n = 7) without large increases in pro-action efficacy. Our work dissociates the two functional features of low pro-action efficacy and con action, and moreover identifies a separate structural determinant for each

    Muscle diffusion MRI reveals autophagic buildup in a mouse model for Pompe disease

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    Quantitative muscle MRI is increasingly important in the non-invasive evaluation of neuromuscular disorders and their progression. Underlying histopathotological alterations, leading to changes in qMRI parameters are incompletely unraveled. Early microstructural differences of unknown origin reflected by Diffusion MRI in non-fat infiltrated muscles were detected in Pompe patients. This study employed a longitudinal approach with a Pompe disease mouse model to investigate the histopathological basis of these changes. Monthly scans of Pompe (Gaa 6neo/6neo) and wildtype mice (age 1-8 months) were conducted using diffusion MRI, T2-mapping, and Dixon-based water-fat imaging on a 7 T scanner. Immunofluorescence studies on quadriceps muscles were analyzed for lysosomal accumulations and autophagic buildup and correlated with MRI outcome measures. Fat fraction and water-T2 did not differ between groups and remained stable over time. In Pompe mice, fractional anisotropy increased, while mean diffusivity (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD) decreased in all observed muscles. Autophagic marker and muscle fibre diameter revealed significant negative correlations with reduced RD and MD, while lysosomal marker did not show any change or correlation. Using qMRI, we showed diffusion changes in muscles of presymptomatic Pompe mice without fat-infiltrated muscles and correlated them to autophagic markers and fibre diameter, indicating diffusion MRI reveals autophagic buildup
