5 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types

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    Schematic of the CellMapper SVD filter and algorithm. CellMapper first performs an SVD of the microarray expression matrix to extract major components of variation (singular vectors). Then it re-weights the components of variation based on their estimated relevance to the query gene, with larger weights given to components that are tightly correlated with the query gene (e.g. “Component 3” is highly correlated with the query gene expression pattern and receives a large weight). Then the microarray data are reconstructed from the components using the estimated weights. The result of this SVD filter is to emphasize the components of variation that most distinguish the query gene and dampen components that are less relevant to the given query. After the SVD filtering process, genes are ranked based on the Pearson’s correlation of their transformed expression pattern to that of the query gene. (PDF 22 kb

    Additional file 11: of CellMapper: rapid and accurate inference of gene expression in difficult-to-isolate cell types

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    Performance evaluation of CellMapper and other computational methods to recover genes expressed in four major brain cell classes: neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia. Unlike the neural cell types examined in Fig. 2 and Additional file 16, these four cell classes are fairly common in the brain and have been successfully analyzed by previous computational algorithms. Each method was evaluated based on the recovery of an experimentally defined [6] set of cell type-enriched genes in mouse, as quantified by the area under the precision recall curve (AUPR). All methods show some resolution to resolve genes expressed in these cell types, but the best performance was consistently from CellMapper and in silico nano-dissection. (PDF 24 kb

    von Willebrand disease: proposing definitions for future research

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    von Willebrand disease (VWD) is a common bleeding disorder, which affects 1 in 100 individuals based on laboratory testing and at least 1 in 1000 individuals based on presence of abnormal bleeding symptoms.1,2 VWD was first described almost 100 years ago, and since the initial report, major advances in both diagnostic testing and treatment options have improved outcomes for patients living with VWD; however, many patients still experience significant complications and barriers to treatment. An underlying problem is the lack of consistent unified definitions. In recent work developing evidence-based guidelines for VWD,3,4 it was noted that studies on VWD often used varying definitions. For example, studies of von Willebrand factor (VWF) concentrates did not have consistent definitions for major bleeding, studies on VWF prophylaxis did not use consistent definitions of what constituted a prophylaxis regimen, and studies on desmopressin did not use consistent definitions of desmopressin responsiveness. In addition, common bleeding conditions, such as heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) and postpartum hemorrhage are variably defined. Such inconsistencies in describing study regimens and endpoints hinder the ability to compare study outcomes and to advance treatment of patients with VWD. We propose definitions for future use in VWD research to facilitate comparison of treatment options. These definitions are based on the most common usage in the literature and endeavor to encompass the most common situations in VWD. The proposed definitions were derived from existing literature and discussed at the first in-person meetings of the guideline panels. Group members made amendments, and the consensus document was circulated to the group. All authors approved the final document