5 research outputs found

    α‑CASSCF: An Efficient, Empirical Correction for SA-CASSCF To Closely Approximate MS-CASPT2 Potential Energy Surfaces

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    Because of its computational efficiency, the state-averaged complete active-space self-consistent field (SA-CASSCF) method is commonly employed in nonadiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics. However, SA-CASSCF does not effectively recover dynamical correlation. As a result, there can be qualitative differences between SA-CASSCF potential energy surfaces (PESs) and more accurate reference surfaces computed using multistate complete active space second-order perturbation theory (MS-CASPT2). Here we introduce an empirical correction to SA-CASSCF that scales the splitting between individual states and the state-averaged energy. We call this the α-CASSCF method, and we show here that it significantly improves the accuracy of relative energies and PESs compared with MS-CASPT2 for the chromophores of green fluorescent and photoactive yellow proteins. As such, this method may prove to be quite valuable for nonadiabatic dynamics

    Quantum-Mechanical Analysis of the Energetic Contributions to π Stacking in Nucleic Acids versus Rise, Twist, and Slide

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    Symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) is applied to pairs of hydrogen-bonded nucleobases to obtain the energetic components of base stacking (electrostatic, exchange-repulsion, induction/polarization, and London dispersion interactions) and how they vary as a function of the helical parameters Rise, Twist, and Slide. Computed average values of Rise and Twist agree well with experimental data for B-form DNA from the Nucleic Acids Database, even though the model computations omitted the backbone atoms (suggesting that the backbone in B-form DNA is compatible with having the bases adopt their ideal stacking geometries). London dispersion forces are the most important attractive component in base stacking, followed by electrostatic interactions. At values of Rise typical of those in DNA (3.36 Å), the electrostatic contribution is nearly always attractive, providing further evidence for the importance of charge-penetration effects in π–π interactions (a term neglected in classical force fields). Comparison of the computed stacking energies with those from model complexes made of the “parent” nucleobases purine and 2-pyrimidone indicates that chemical substituents in DNA and RNA account for 20–40% of the base-stacking energy. A lack of correspondence between the SAPT results and experiment for Slide in RNA base-pair steps suggests that the backbone plays a larger role in determining stacking geometries in RNA than in B-form DNA. In comparisons of base-pair steps with thymine versus uracil, the thymine methyl group tends to enhance the strength of the stacking interaction through a combination of dispersion and electrosatic interactions

    An Ab Initio Exciton Model Including Charge-Transfer Excited States

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    The Frenkel exciton model is a useful tool for theoretical studies of multichromophore systems. We recently showed that the exciton model could be used to coarse-grain electronic structure in multichromophoric systems, focusing on singly excited exciton states [Acc. Chem. Res. 2014, 47, 2857−2866]. However, our previous implementation excluded charge-transfer excited states, which can play an important role in light-harvesting systems and near-infrared optoelectronic materials. Recent studies have also emphasized the significance of charge-transfer in singlet fission, which mediates the coupling between the locally excited states and the multiexcitonic states. In this work, we report on an ab initio exciton model that incorporates charge-transfer excited states and demonstrate that the model provides correct charge-transfer excitation energies and asymptotic behavior. Comparison with TDDFT and EOM-CC2 calculations shows that our exciton model is robust with respect to system size, screening parameter, and different density functionals. Inclusion of charge-transfer excited states makes the exciton model more useful for studies of singly excited states and provides a starting point for future construction of a model that also includes double-exciton states

    Tensor Hypercontraction Second-Order Møller–Plesset Perturbation Theory: Grid Optimization and Reaction Energies

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    We have recently introduced the tensor hypercontraction (THC) method for electronic structure, including MP2. Here, we present an algorithm for THC-MP2 that lowers the memory requirements as well as the prefactor while maintaining the formal quartic scaling that we demonstrated previously. We also describe a procedure to optimize quadrature grids used in grid-based least-squares (LS) THC-MP2. We apply this algorithm to generate grids for first-row atoms with less than 100 points/atom while incurring negligible errors in the computed energies. We benchmark the LS-THC-MP2 method using optimized grids for a wide variety of tests sets including conformational energies and reaction barriers in both the cc-pVDZ and cc-pVTZ basis sets. These tests demonstrate that the THC methodology is not limited to small basis sets and that it incurs negligible errors in both absolute and relative energies

    Estimation of Electrostatic Interaction Energies on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer

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    We present the first hardware implementation of electrostatic interaction energies by using a trapped-ion quantum computer. As test system for our computation, we focus on the reduction of NO to N2O catalyzed by a nitric oxide reductase (NOR). The quantum computer is used to generate an approximate ground state within the NOR active space. To efficiently measure the necessary one-particle density matrices, we incorporate fermionic basis rotations into the quantum circuit without extending the circuit length, laying the groundwork for further efficient measurement routines using factorizations. Measurements in the computational basis are then used as inputs for computing the electrostatic interaction energies on a classical computer. Our experimental results strongly agree with classical noise-less simulations of the same circuits, finding electrostatic interaction energies within chemical accuracy despite hardware noise. This work shows that algorithms tailored to specific observables of interest, such as interaction energies, may require significantly fewer quantum resources than individual ground state energies would require in the straightforward supermolecular approach