9 research outputs found

    Advanced Air Mobility and Evolution of Mobile Networks

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    Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a promising field of services based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which aims to provide people and cargo transportation services in underserved areas. The recent advancements in the fields of aviation and mobile telecommunication networks have opened up multiple opportunities for the development of disruptive AAM applications. This paper presents the overview and identifies the major requirements of emerging AAM use cases to confront them with the features provided by the 5G System (5GS), which is commonly considered the key enabler in providing commercial AAM services. The major benefits, gaps, and issues regarding using 5GS to serve AAM operations are identified and discussed. Finally, the future perspectives for AAM services are outlined with a focus on the potential benefit that can be provided as the mobile network evolves towards 6G

    Mobile Networks’ Support for Large-Scale UAV Services

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    The services based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have started to be used in many countries but not on a large scale yet. The paper describes the present status of UAV services and a concept of a solution for large-scale deployment of safe and reliable UAV services that use the 5G network for communication with UAVs. Based on the Standards Developing Organizations and related industry fora activities, unmanned traffic and airspace regulations, especially the commonly supported concept of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM), UAV-related communication requirements and 5G System (5GS) features, we have developed an alternative approach to the integration of UAV and 5GS. The proposed concept includes a set of enablers that can be provided by Mobile Network Operators in order to not only support but also leverage UAV services. As work on many items is still in progress, we identify a list of open issues and challenges and present them at the end of the paper with the main focus on the MNO–UTM provider relationship and safe flights

    Mobile Networks’ Support for Large-Scale UAV Services

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    The services based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have started to be used in many countries but not on a large scale yet. The paper describes the present status of UAV services and a concept of a solution for large-scale deployment of safe and reliable UAV services that use the 5G network for communication with UAVs. Based on the Standards Developing Organizations and related industry fora activities, unmanned traffic and airspace regulations, especially the commonly supported concept of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM), UAV-related communication requirements and 5G System (5GS) features, we have developed an alternative approach to the integration of UAV and 5GS. The proposed concept includes a set of enablers that can be provided by Mobile Network Operators in order to not only support but also leverage UAV services. As work on many items is still in progress, we identify a list of open issues and challenges and present them at the end of the paper with the main focus on the MNO–UTM provider relationship and safe flights

    High Mobility 5G Services for Vertical Industries – Network Operator’s View

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    Part 1: 6th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2021)International audienceThe 5G System (5GS) is regarded as a multi-faceted, universal communication platform that could address the increasingly stringent requirements of both modern industries and network end users. Several proposed mechanisms, such as network slicing or its control exposure, aimed to facilitate access to the network for the external stakeholders, enable the creation of one common ecosystem that could be exploited according to the specific service needs. With the recent advancements in the automotive and aviation sectors, the significant increase of interest regarding the current state of preparedness of the 5GS and its capabilities to support those services is observed. The paper presents the analysis of the 5G technology readiness in the context of high mobility vehicular scenarios, including automotive and unmanned aviation use cases. The significant features and key gaps and challenges have been outlined with the emphasis on the dynamics of business processes and interactions between automotive, aviation and 5G ecosystems

    A Novel Architectural Approach for the Provision of Scalable and Automated Network Slice Management, in 5G and Beyond

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    Part 1: 6th Workshop on “5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge” (5G-PINE 2021)International audienceThe paper discusses a novel architecture proposed within the scope of the ongoing MonB5G EU-funded project. Considering a multiplicity of challenges towards realizing an effective network slice management in modern 5G networks, our work considers explicitly the context promoted by the Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) framework, assessed as an indispensable part of next-generation management systems. MonB5G focuses upon the provision of scalable and automated management and orchestration of high numbers of parallel network slices, as envisioned in 5G and beyond. Within this scope, we propose a detailed architecture composed of static and dynamically deployed components. Altogether, they support operations related to slicing orchestration, fault management (self-healing), self-configuration, performance optimization (including energy saving), and security-related operations of slices. In the paper, we identified each separate architectural layer and explained all involved modules and interfaces. The proposed framework is able to support the deployment of a massive number of slices in different administrative and technological domains. Furthermore, the potential extensions and/or enhancements of the architecture are also proposed and assessed

    Wykorzystanie stentów bioresorbowalnych Absorb BVS® u pacjentów ze stabilną chorobą wieńcową: ocena skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa leczenia hybrydowego stentów bioresorbowalnych i stentów uwalniających lek

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    Background: The number of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) with bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) is in­creasing because these procedures offer additional benefits compared to PCI with classical drug eluting stents (DES) made of permanent metallic prostheses. Aim: To present the current experience of using BVS in a real life scenario in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD), with a special focus on the assessment of safety and effectiveness of the hybrid strategy (single stage BVS and DES implantation). Methods: We performed a one-arm prospective registry, which enrolled patients with stable CAD in five interventional cardiology centres in Poland. All patients who met inclusion and exclusion criteria and had received at least one BVS stent during index PCI were included. The primary endpoint was the cumulative rate of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), consist­ing of cardiac death, myocardial infarction (MI), and clinically-driven target lesion revascularisation (TLR) at 12 months. The analysis was performed in the whole population as well as in the subgroup with the hybrid treatment (BVS + DES). Results: Between August 2013 and April 2014 139 patients were enrolled. The mean age was 59.5 ± 5.5 years, and 34.5% of the population were women. The target vessel was located in the left anterior descending artery in most cases (65.5%). The device success rate was 100%. At 12 months, in the whole population the cumulative MACE incidence was 7.2% (n = 10), while the clinically-driven TLR rate was 5.0% (n = 7). In further analysis, in the hybrid subgroup there was no death, MI, or stent thrombosis, and only one case of clinically-driven TLR (4.5%). Conclusions: The obtained data enable us to say that in particular clinical scenarios the simultaneous use of BVS and DES might be safe and effective.Wstęp: Zabiegi angioplastyk wieńcowych (PCI) z wykorzystaniem stentów bioresorbowalnych (BVS) stają się coraz bardziej popularne, gdyż poza pierwszym okresem pozbawione są wad związanych z metalową platformą, jak ma to miejsce w przy­padku klasycznych stentów uwalniających lek (DES). Cel: Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie zebranego doświadczenia w stosowaniu BVS w codziennej praktyce kli­nicznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem oceny bezpieczeństwa i skuteczności podejścia hybrydowego, tzn. jednoczesnego stosowania BVS i DES. Metody: Do prospektywnego rejestru włączano pacjentów ze stabilną chorobą wieńcową w 5 ośrodkach kardiologii interwen­cyjnej w Polsce. Wszyscy chorzy spełniający kryteria włączenia i wyłączenia, u których implantowano co najmniej jeden BVS w trakcie PCI, byli włączani do badania. Pierwszorzędowym punktem końcowym był odsetek poważnych zdarzeń sercowo­-naczyniowych (MACE) definiowany jako łączny odsetek zgonu sercowego, zawału serca (MI) i ponownej rewaskularyzacji leczonej zmiany warunkowanej objawami klinicznymi (TLR). Wyniki: Pomiędzy sierpniem 2013 r. a kwietniem 2014 r. do badania włączono 139 chorych. Średnia wieku wynosiła 59,5 ± 5,5 roku, a kobiety stanowiły 34,5%. W 2/3 przypadków zabieg angioplastyki wykonywano w tętnicy przedniej zstę­pującej. Odsetek skuteczności urządzenia wyniósł 100%. Po 12 miesiącach odsetek MACE wynosił 7,2% (n = 10), podczas gdy wartość klinicznego TLR była równa 5,1% (n = 7). Warto podkreślić, że w podgrupie chorych leczonych hybrydowo nie stwierdzono żadnego zgonu, MI, zakrzepicy w stencie, jak również zarejestrowano tylko 1 przypadek TLR uwarunkowany objawami klinicznymi (4,5%). Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki pozwalają stwierdzić, że w pewnych sytuacjach klinicznych BVS i klasyczne DES są uzupełniającymi się wyrobami. Jednak lepsze dostosowanie BVS, właściwy dobór chorych i poprawne przygotowanie leczonych zmian może zmniejszyć odsetek przypadków leczenia hybrydowego (BVS + DES)