132 research outputs found

    Density functional calculations reveal a flexible version of the copper paddlewheel unit : implications for metal organic frameworks

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    Density functional theory calculations on [Cu2(O2CR)4L2] systems reveal a change in ground state with increasing Cu-L bond strength. For L = N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC), the Jahn-Teller axis switches from parallel to orthogonal to the Cu-Cu vector and the copper coordination geometry becomes highly flexible. While the calculated dimer/monomer equilibrium for isolated complexes slightly favours monomers, the preformed paddlewheel units embedded in many metal organic frameworks are potential targets for developing novel materials

    Molecular modeling of zinc paddlewheel molecular complexes and the pores of a flexible metal organic framework

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    A new all-atom first-principles force field (FF) is constructed for the bimetallic, four-bladed zinc paddlewheel (ZPW) motif. Zinc-ligand interactions are described via Morse functions and the angular geometry at the metal centers is modeled with a pure ligand-ligand repulsion term. The ZPW-FF is principally based on 15 DFT-optimized model systems of general formula ZnPR.nL, where ZnP is the base Zn2(O2CR)4 unit, R = H, CH3 or CF3, L = NH3 or pyridine, and n = 0, 1 or 2. It correctly generates the distorted tetrahedral coordination of the uncapped [Zn2(O2CR)4] species in their ground states as well as giving reasonable structures and energies for the higher symmetry D4h transition state conformations. The zinc-ligand Morse function reference distance, r 0 , is further refined against 30 complexes located in the Cambridge Structural Database and this FF is applied to pore models of the flexible metal-organic framework (MOF) [Zn(bdc)2(dabco)]n (bdc = 1,4-benzendicarboxylate; dabco = 1,4-diazabicyclo(2.2.2)octane). A single pore model reproduces the unit cell of the evacuated MOF system while a 3×3 grid model is necessary to provide good agreement with the observed pronounced structural changes upon adsorption of either dimethylformamide or benzene

    Ligand field theory for planar complexes : first principles validation of the critical effects from coordination voids

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    Multi reference CASSCF/NEVPT2 wavefunction calculations on planar cis‐[MA2B2] complexes show that large dxz/dyz splittings are a feature of the symmetry of the ligand field and are not due to the Orgel effect or phase coupled ligation as previously proposed based on the MO version of the angular overlap model. Instead, the splitting can be attributed to the π components of the local ligand fields in the “void” regions above and below the molecular plane. The potential in these regions is lower than the d orbital barycentre leading to negative parameter values which is fully consistent with the cellular ligand field interpretation of ligand field theory. The wider implications of ligand field effects from coordination voids are considered

    Computational study of the structure and electronic circular dichroism spectroscopy of blue copper proteins

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    The calculation of the electronic circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the oxidised form of the blue copper proteins plastocyanin and cucumber basic protein and the relationship between the observed spectral features and the structure of the active site of the protein is investigated. Excitation energies and transition strengths are computed using multi reference configuration interaction, and it is shown that computed spectra based on coordinates from the crystal structure or a single structure optimised in quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) or ligand field molecular mechanics (LFMM) are qualitatively incorrect. In particular, the rotational strength of the ligand to metal charge transfer band is predicted to be too small or have the incorrect sign. By considering calculations on active site models with modified structures it is shown that the intensity of this band is sensitive to the non-planarity of the histidine and cysteine ligands coordinated to copper. Calculation of the ultraviolet absorption and CD spectra based upon averaging over many structures drawn from a LFMM molecular dynamics simulation are in good agreement with experiment, and superior to analogous calculations based upon structures from a classical molecular dynamics simulation. This provides evidence that the LFMM force field provides an accurate description of the molecular dynamics of these proteins

    Bipyrimidine ruthenium(II) arene complexes : structure, reactivity and cytotoxicity

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    The synthesis and characterization of complexes [(η6-arene)Ru(N,N′)X][PF6], where arene is para-cymene (p-cym), biphenyl (bip), ethyl benzoate (etb), hexamethylbenzene (hmb), indane (ind) or 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene (thn), N,N′ is 2,2′-bipyrimidine (bpm) and X is Cl, Br or I, are reported, including the X-ray crystal structures of [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)I][PF6], [(η6-bip)Ru(bpm)Cl][PF6], [(η6-bip)Ru(bpm)I][PF6] and [(η6-etb)Ru(bpm)Cl][PF6]. Complexes in which N,N′ is 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione or 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (bathophen) were studied for comparison. The RuII arene complexes undergo ligand-exchange reactions in aqueous solution at 310 K; their half-lives for hydrolysis range from 14 to 715 min. Density functional theory calculations on [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)Cl][PF6], [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)Br][PF6], [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)I][PF6], [(η6-bip)Ru(bpm)Cl][PF6], [(η6-bip)Ru(bpm)Br][PF6] and [(η6-bip)Ru(bpm)I][PF6] suggest that aquation occurs via an associative pathway and that the reaction is thermodynamically favourable when the leaving ligand is I > Br ≈ Cl. pK a* values for the aqua adducts of the complexes range from 6.9 to 7.32. A binding preference for 9-ethylguanine (9-EtG) compared with 9-ethyladenine (9-EtA) was observed for [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)Cl][PF6], [(η6-hmb)Ru(bpm)Cl]+, [(η6-ind)Ru(bpm)Cl]+, [(η6-thn)Ru(bpm)Cl]+, [(η6-p-cym)Ru(phen)Cl]+ and [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bathophen)Cl]+ in aqueous solution at 310 K. The X-ray crystal structure of the guanine complex [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(9-EtG-N7)][PF6]2 shows multiple hydrogen bonding. Density functional theory calculations show that the 9-EtG adducts of all complexes are thermodynamically preferred compared with those of 9-EtA. However, the bmp complexes are inactive towards A2780 human ovarian cancer cells. Calf thymus DNA interactions for [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)Cl][PF6] and [(η6-p-cym)Ru(phen)Cl][PF6] consist of weak coordinative, intercalative and monofunctional coordination. Binding to biomolecules such as glutathione may play a role in deactivating the bpm complexes

    Synthetic, Crystallographic, and Computational Study of Copper(II) Complexes of Ethylenediaminetetracarboxylate Ligands

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    Copper(II) complexes of hexadentate ethylenediaminetetracarboxylic acid type ligands H4eda3p and H4eddadp (H4eda3p = ethylenediamine-N-acetic-N,N′,N′-tri-3-propionic acid; H4eddadp = ethylenediamine-N,N′-diacetic-N,N′-di-3-propionic acid) have been prepared. An octahedral trans(O6) geometry (two propionate ligands coordinated in axial positions) has been established crystallographically for the Ba[Cu(eda3p)]·8H2O compound, while Ba[Cu(eddadp)]·8H2O is proposed to adopt a trans(O5) geometry (two axial acetates) on the basis of density functional theory calculations and comparisons of IR and UV−vis spectral data. Experimental and computed structural data correlating similar copper(II) chelate complexes have been used to better understand the isomerism and departure from regular octahedral geometry within the series. The in-plane O−Cu−N chelate angles show the smallest deviation from the ideal octahedral value of 90°, and hence the lowest strain, for the eddadp complex with two equatorial β-propionate rings. A linear dependence between tetragonality and the number of five-membered rings has been established. A natural bonding orbital analysis of the series of complexes is also presented.

    Prediction of ligand effects in platinum-amyloid-β coordination

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    Ligand field molecular mechanics (LFMM) and semi-empirical Parametric Model 7 (PM7) methods are applied to a series of six PtII-Ligand systems binding to the N-terminal domain of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide. Molecular dynamics using a combined LFMM/Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement (AMBER) approach is used to explore the conformational freedom of the peptide fragment, and identifies favourable platinum binding modes and peptide conformations for each ligand investigated. Platinum coordination is found to depend on the nature of the ligand, providing evidence that binding mode may be controlled by suitable ligand design. Boltzmann populations at 310 K indicate that each Pt-Aβ complex has a small number of thermodynamically accessible states. Ramachandran maps are constructed for the sampled Pt-Aβ conformations and secondary structural analysis of the obtained complex structures is performed and contrasted with the free peptide; coordination of these platinum complexes disrupts existing secondary structure in the Aβ peptide and promotes formation of ligand-specific turn-type secondary structure

    Chelating properties of EDTA-type ligands containing six-membered backbone ring toward copper ion:Structure, EPR and TD-DFT evaluation

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    The P-APC ligands (EDTA-like aminopolycarboxylate ligands comprising 1,3-propanediamine backbone) H(4)pdta, H(4)pd(3)ap, H(4)pddadp and H(4)pdtp (H(4)pdta = 1,3-propanediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetatic acid; H(4)pd(3)ap = 1,3-propanediamine-N,N,N'-triacetic-N'-3-propionic acid; H4pddadp = 1,3-propanediamine-N,N'-diacetatic-N,N'-di-3-propionic acid; H(4)pdtp = 1,3-propanediaminetetra-3-propionic acid) were investigated. The chelating ligands coordinate to copper(II) via five or six donor atoms affording distorted trigonal-bipyramid and octahedral structures that were verified by X-ray analysis for Ba[Cu(pd(3)ap)]center dot 6H(2)O (1) and trans(O-6)-Ba[Cu(pddadp)]center dot 8H(2)O (2) complexes respectively. The impact of counter-ions on the P-APC complexes is shown in detail together with the analysis of another strain parameters. EPR spectral results confirm the penta-coordination of 1 and hexa-coordination of 2 in aqueous solution, even if several Cu(II) species with different protonation degree exist as a function of pH, and indicate that a hexa-coordinated structure is favored when the two axial COO- donors close five-membered chelate rings. We also present here the results of molecular mechanics (LFMM) calculations based on our previously-developed force field along with results of DFT (Density Functional Theory). On the basis of extensive DFT and TD-DFT calculations the B1LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level has been seen as an accurate theory for calculating and predicting the UVVis spectra in case of copperP-APC compounds. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Modeling of Platinum-Aryl Interaction with Amyloid Peptide

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    Molecular dynamics simulations of copper binding to amyloid-β Glu22 mutants

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    We report microsecond timescale ligand field molecular dynamics simulations of the copper complexes of three known mutants of the amyloid-β peptide, E22G, E22Q and E22K, alongside the naturally occurring sequence. We find that all three mutants lead to formation of less compact structures than the wild-type: E22Q is the most similar to the native peptide, while E22G and especially E22K are markedly different in size, shape and stability. Turn and coil structures dominate all structures studied but subtle differences in helical and β-sheet distribution are noted, especially in the C-terminal region. The origin of these changes is traced to disruption of key salt bridges: in particular, the Asp23-Lys28 bridge that is prevalent in the wild-type is absent in E22G and E22K, while Lys22 in the latter mutant forms a strong association with Asp23. We surmise that the drastically different pattern of salt bridges in the mutants lead to adoption of a different structural ensemble of the peptide backbone, and speculate that this might affect the ability of the mutant peptides to aggregate in the same manner as known for the wild-type