6 research outputs found


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    File presentes biological data for individual fish, experimental treatments, and burst swimming performance data

    Genotype and phenotype file

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    Genotype and phenotype information for the non-transgenic and transgenic coho salmon used in the study. This file consists of 4 sheets: 1) phenotype info for non-transgenic siblings with genotype for loci polymorphic in the father ("1.NTsib_FatherPolymorphic"), 2) phenotype info for non-transgenic siblings with genotype for loci polymorphic in the mother ("2.NTsib_MotherPolymorphic"), 3) phenotype info for transgenic siblings with genotype for loci polymorphic in the father ("3.TGsib_FatherPolymorphic"), 4) phenotype info for transgenic siblings with genotype for loci polymorphic in the mother ("4.TGsib_MotherPolymorphic")

    Mate choice and genetic divergence data

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    Worksheets with microsatellite and MHC genotypes used for calculations of genetic divergence, and offspring assignment data from mate choice experiment

    Egg predation data

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    This file contains two worksheets. One worksheet contains data for all trials with the time to consumption for each egg. Additional notes are provided if the egg was removed from the analyses. The second worksheet includes binary data to identify all eggs that were consumed first in the trials

    Additional file 3: of Rapid growth accelerates telomere attrition in a transgenic fish

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    Summary of standard curve characteristics for all telomere and beta-actin qPCR assays. On each of five telomere and five beta-actin qPCR amplification plates, a standard curve was included in triplicate. (PDF 28 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Ozone exposure is associated with acute changes in inflammation, fibrinolysis, and endothelial cell function in coronary artery disease patients

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    Percent changes of measured factors with ambient ozone concentrations. Effect estimates (95% CI) were log-transformed, correspond to changes per IQR of ozone, and were adjusted for season, temperature, and humidity. Effect estimates for SumPSD, LF:HF, LF, HF, FMD, and CRP were also adjusted for the 5dMA barometric pressure. LAIE = large artery elasticity index; SAEI = small artery elasticity index; FMD = flow-mediated dilatation; BAD = baseline artery diameter; SBP = systolic blood pressure; DBP = diastolic blood pressure; tPA = tissue plasminogen factor; PAI-1 = plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; vWF = von Willebrand factor; IL = interleukin; TNF = tumor necrosis factor; CRP = C-reactive protein; SAA = serum amyloid A; sICAM = soluble intercellular adhesion molecule; sVCAM = soluble vascular adhesion molecule; HDL = high density lipoprotein; LDL = low density lipoprotein; LF = low frequency; HF = high frequency; PSD = power spectrum density; SDNN = standard deviation of the normal-to-normal; rMSSD = root-mean squared of successive differences. *p value < 0.10 for the percent change from the mean of the measured outcome per unit IQR of exposure, **p value < 0.05 for the percent change from the mean of the measured outcome per unit IQR of exposure. (DOCX 21 kb