99 research outputs found

    Legume management: from process to market-led research

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    Modelling nutrient management in tropical cropping systems

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    Relationship between Social Capital and Livelihood Enhancing Capitals among Smallholder Farmers in Uganda

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    Social capital is an important characteristic of a community and is one of the components of the asset pentagon of the sustainable livelihood framework. The study aimed at assessing the levels and dimensions of social capital and how social capital influences other livelihood capitals. A Cross-sectional survey of a random sample of 208 households was conducted in Masindi and Hoima Districts in Uganda to assess the current livelihood conditions and strategies for improving rural livelihoods. An Index of social capital was generated using density of group membership and three levels of social capital where generated i.e. high, medium and low. Two dimensions of social capital (bonding and bridging) were considered. Results showed that households with high and medium social capital had enhanced skills to solve problems, do research and bargain with middle men. Social capital empowered more women to participate in decision making, fostered asset base creation and use of natural resource management technologies. There was a significant difference between level of social capital and participation in collective farming. Households with high social capital rated highly the community level of trust, reciprocity, and women’s confidence. However, there was no significant effect of social capital on household income. In conclusion, there was a positive relationship between level and dimension of social capital and access to livelihood assets implying that strengthening social capital is a powerful way to improve communities and requires consistent and effective approaches to build and reinforce the social and human capital.Relationship, Social Capital, Livelihood Capitals, Smallholder Farmers, Agricultural Finance, Consumer/Household Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Health Economics and Policy, Labor and Human Capital, Marketing, Production Economics, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Improved capabilities in modelling and recommendations: summary

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    The APSIM manure module: improvements in predictability and application to laboratory studies

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    应用RACE方法获得斜带石斑鱼膜结合型免疫球蛋白M(membrane-bound immu-noglobulin M,mIgM),膜结合型免疫球蛋白D(mIgD),分泌型免疫球蛋白Z(secretory immu-noglobulin Z,sIgZ)的重链基因。斜带石斑鱼膜结合型IgM重链恒定区包含3个恒定区结构域(μ1,μ2,μ3)以及两个跨膜外显子(TM1,TM2),TM1外显子与μ3结构域末端相连接。氨基酸序列相似性分析结果显示,斜带石斑鱼mIgM各恒定区与牙鲆mIgM恒定区相似性最高,为53%-78%。mIgD的cDNA全长为3 375 bp,开放阅读框包含3 006 bp,其恒定区由1个μ1外显子,7个δ外显子以及跨膜区组成。斜带石斑鱼IgD恒定区与鳜IgD各恒定区氨基酸序列相似性最高,δ1-δ7的相似性分别为75.5%、75.8%、65.4%、76.6%、88.1%、90.6%、82.8%,TM结构域为82.7%。sIgZ的基因结构与其他硬骨鱼类sIgZ的结构相似,包括4个外显子和3个内含子,内含子长度分别为222、129和458 bp。利用半定量PCR分别检测了这3种基因在斜带石斑鱼各器官/组织中的表达,发现mIgM在头肾、肾脏、脑、脾脏、肠、鳃、心脏和胸腺中均有表达;mIgD的mRNA在头肾、肾脏以及胸腺中有较高的表达,在肠中表达量较低;sIgZ mRNA主要分布于淋巴组织如头肾、肾及脾脏中,而在鳃、心脏和胸腺中的丰度较低

    Evaluation of Resource Management Options for Smallholder Farms Using an Integrated Modelling Approach

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    Farm-level analysis of trade-offs between soil fertility management alternatives is required to improve understanding of complex biophysical and socio-economic factors influencing decision making in smallholder farming systems and to identify opportunities for improving resource use efficiency. A farm characterization tool (IMPACT) linked to a generic optimization model (Household) was used to evaluate resource use on farms in contrasting wealth categories. The Household model optimized the net cash income for the farms (accounting for all on-farm and off-farm income, costs of production and expenditure for the households). Alternatives for management of nutrient resource were simulated using other models; APSIM for the crop production and RUMINANT for the livestock component. The output from the simulation models was fed into the Household model and evaluated within the biophysical and socioeconomic boundaries of the farms. Analysis of the performance of a poor farmer by IMPACT indicated a yearly net cash balance of US7perannum(afterallneedshadbeentakencareof),mainlyduetonegativereturnsfromthecroppingsystem.Thefarmerreliedondonatedfoodandfertilizers.Thecashbalancewasnegative,eventhoughshealsoworkedforotherfarmers(i.e.soldlabour,about10daysamonthduringsixmonthsofthecropgrowingseason)togenerateincome.ThenetincomeofthepoorfarmwouldbeincreasedtoUS -7 per annum (after all needs had been taken care of), mainly due to negative returns from the cropping system. The farmer relied on donated food and fertilizers. The cash balance was negative, even though she also worked for other farmers (i.e. sold labour, about 10 days a month during six months of the crop growing season) to generate income. The net income of the poor farm would be increased to US81 per annum and the N balance from 7 kg ha-1 yr-1 to 10 kg ha-1 yr-1 by expanding the area allocated to groundnut from the current 5% to 31%. This would, however, generate a huge demand in labour in the current year (extra 46-man days) and reduce the P balance from 0 to -1 kg ha-1 yr-1. Maize could be managed more efficiently on the poor farm by cultivating a smaller, well-managed area. A wealthy farm household with a maize dominated cropping system had a net cash balance of US210perannum,mainlyfromsaleofcropproducts.Undercurrentresourcemanagement,thenetcashbalancecouldbeincreasedtoUS210 per annum, mainly from sale of crop products. Under current resource management, the net cash balance could be increased to US290 per annum by optimization of household energy and protein consumption. The net cash balance for the wealthy farm would be further increased to US448perannum,andnutrientbalancesto271kgNha1and30kgPha1byexpandingthemanagementstrategywheremaizewasgrownwithacombinationofcattlemanureandammoniumnitratefertilizer.Todothis,thefarmerwouldneedtosourcemoremanure(orimprovecaptureandtheefficiencywithwhichnutrientsarecycledthroughmanure)andinvestin110mandaysextralabour.ExpansionoftheareagrowntogroundnutwithoutfertilizerinputstoathirdofthefarmwouldreducenetcashbalancebyUS448 per annum, and nutrient balances to 271 kg N ha-1 and 30 kg P ha-1 by expanding the management strategy where maize was grown with a combination of cattle manure and ammonium nitrate fertilizer. To do this, the farmer would need to source more manure (or improve capture and the efficiency with which nutrients are cycled through manure) and invest in 110 man-days extra labour. Expansion of the area grown to groundnut without fertilizer inputs to a third of the farm would reduce net cash balance by US11 compared with the current crop allocation due to poor groundnut yield. This would also increase labour demand by 155 mandays. Groundnut intensification on the wealthy farm would be more economic and labour effective if a small area was grown with basal fertilizer (7%N, 6%P, 8%K). Despite reducing nutrient balances for the arable plots, feeding groundnut residues to lactating cows increased net cash balance by 12-18% for the current year through increased milk production. The integrated modelling approach was useful for linking biophysical and socio-economic factors influencing decision making on smallholder farms and evaluating trade-offs for resource use in terms of nutrient balances, labour use, food sufficiency and cash balance.Farm Management, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,