525 research outputs found

    Praca socjalna i terapia rodziny: interdyscyplinarne korzenie interwencji w rodzinie

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    Social work practice takes place between persons in families and other social institutions, such as schools, health systems, welfare systems or courts. Drawing from multi-disciplinary theoretical sources, the article brings together social work and family therapy to develop a contemporary model of social work practice with families. There are five generic principles of family systemic practice: 1) persons are inherently relational; 2) families have resilient strengths; 3) family life cycles proceed systemically generating relational tasks for family members; 4) repetitive family interaction generates relational structures; 5) cultures, as perceived by family members, are themselves in dynamic motion, necessitating a transcultural understanding of family interaction.Praktyka pracy socjalnej odbywa się pomiędzy członkami rodzin a innymi instytucjami społecznymi, takimi jak: szkoły, systemy opieki zdrowotnej, systemy opieki społecznej i sądy. Czerpiąc z multidyscyplinarnych źródeł teoretycznych, artykuł łączy pracę socjalną i terapię rodzinną w celu opracowania współczesnego modelu praktyki pracy socjalnej z rodzinami. Istnieje pięć ogólnych zasad systemowej praktyki rodzinnej: 1) osoby są z natury relacyjne; 2) rodziny mają siły rodzące sprężystość psychiczną; 3) cykle życia rodzinnego postępują systemowo, generując relacyjne zadania dla członków rodziny; 4) powtarzające się interakcje rodzinne generują struktury relacyjne; 5) kultury, postrzegane przez członków rodziny, znajdują się w stanie dynamicznego ruchu, co wymaga transkulturowego zrozumienia interakcji rodziny

    Virtual Evidence: A Constructive Semantics for Classical Logics

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    This article presents a computational semantics for classical logic using constructive type theory. Such semantics seems impossible because classical logic allows the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM), not accepted in constructive logic since it does not have computational meaning. However, the apparently oracular powers expressed in the LEM, that for any proposition P either it or its negation, not P, is true can also be explained in terms of constructive evidence that does not refer to "oracles for truth." Types with virtual evidence and the constructive impossibility of negative evidence provide sufficient semantic grounds for classical truth and have a simple computational meaning. This idea is formalized using refinement types, a concept of constructive type theory used since 1984 and explained here. A new axiom creating virtual evidence fully retains the constructive meaning of the logical operators in classical contexts. Key Words: classical logic, constructive logic, intuitionistic logic, propositions-as-types, constructive type theory, refinement types, double negation translation, computational content, virtual evidenc

    Exotic Scalar States in the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We investigate a family of solutions of Type IIb supergravity which asymptotically approach AdS_5 X S^5 but contain a non-constant dilaton and volume scalar for the five-sphere. These solutions preserve an SO(1,3) X SO(6) symmetry. We discuss the solution in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, and we find that as well as running coupling from the nontrivial dilaton, the corresponding field theory has no supersymmetry and displays confinement at least for a certain range of parameters.Comment: 18 pages. 3 figures. Revised discussion section, added references. Final version to appear in JHE

    Spin-Two Glueballs, Positive Energy Theorems and the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We determine the spectrum of graviton excitations in the background geometry of the AdS soliton in p+2 dimensions. Via the AdS/CFT correspondence this corresponds to determining the spectrum of spin two excitations in the dual effective p-dimensional field theories For the cases of D3- and M5-branes these are the spin two glueballs of QCD_3 and QCD_4 respectively. For all values of p we find an exact degeneracy of the spectra of these tensor states and certain scalar excitations. Our results also extend the perturbative proof of a positive energy conjecture for asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes (originally proposed for p=3) to an arbritrary number of dimensions.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Transforming the Academy: Knowledge Formation in the Age of Digital Information

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    Computer-mediated knowledge formation will profoundly change every academic discipline and pose fundamental challenges to the mission of the modern research university in teaching the new knowledge, securing sound methods for creating it, directing it to our deepest intellectual concerns, and insuring that we become wiser for it. Digital information, now measured in petabytes, is expanding rapidly; already most of it will never be examined by any human. Computers show us where to look and help us see patterns and extract meaning. How will this way of knowing impact the research university as the Age of Digital Information unfolds? To grasp the magnitude of the changes we face, it is important to realize that knowledge created with computer assistance goes well beyond classical knowledge formation rising from computer processing of digital information resources on a scale that could not be achieved by all peoples of the earth acting in concert using all their cognitive powers. Computers change the scale at which resources can be examined, and they already provide sufficient discriminatory powers that scale and speed compensate for their currently limited intelligence as they draw conclusions, make predictions, and participate in discoveries. The academy is not generally aware of the potential of this transformation, although some computer scientists and computational scientist are. The challenge for society is to assimilate digital knowledge and to improve the human condition by its application. We also seek to understand how it will shape our sense of self, individually and collectively as a society and a culture. In all of these tasks, the universities play an indispensable role for which they must prepare

    Education for social work as a self-regulating profession

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    The paper was given on 5 April 2000 as an invitational paper at the university of Macerata in Italy upon the opening of their new program preparing for social work (assistence sociale) practice in Italy. The paper discusses models of social work education which would prepare for free-standing, self-regulated practice (una libera professione) of social work, similar to professions of physicians, lawyers, accountants, etc. there is discussion of international models of social work practice, the general scope of work an advanced, specialized practice

    Family education and family therapy: tools for relational change

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    In this paper, I wish to outline the substantive base for family education and family therapy in the necessary interaction of family members to secure uniquely human needs –to create a secure and safe base, to belong, to communicate, to have choices within an ethical, relational framework, to grow, to interact, to care for others and to love. Family interaction, if it is successful, creates the context for human development and human care of vulnerable persons –all of us. I will use these reflections on the substance of family interaction briefly to discuss family therapy and family education and raise questions for further work in this area

    Intuitionistic Completeness of First-Order Logic

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    We establish completeness for intuitionistic first-order logic, iFOL, showing that is a formula is provable if and only if it is uniformly valid under the Brouwer Heyting Kolmogorov (BHK) semantics, the intended semantics of iFOL. Our proof is intuitionistic and provides an effective procedure Prf that converts uniform evidence into a formal first-order proof. We have implemented Prf . Uniform validity is defined using the intersection operator as a universal quantifier over the domain of discourse and atomic predicates. Formulas of iFOL that are uniformly valid are also intuitionistically valid, but not conversely. Our strongest result requires the Fan Theorem; it can also be proved classically by showing that Prf terminates using K¨onig’s Theorem. The fundamental idea behind our completeness theorem is that a single evidence term evd witnesses the uniform validity of a minimal logic formula F. Finding even one uniform realizer guarantees validity because Prf (F, evd) builds a first-order proof of F, establishing its uniform validity and providing a purely logical normalized realizer. We establish completeness for iFOL as follows. Friedman showed that iFOL can be embedded in minimal logic (mFOL). By his transformation, mapping formula A to F r(A). If A is uniformly valid, then so is F r(A), and by our Basic Completeness result, we can find a proof of F r(A) in minimal logic. Then we prove A from F r(A) in intuitionistic logic by a proof procedure fixed in advance. Our result resolves an open question posed by Beth in 1947