400 research outputs found

    Signal Passing Self-Assembly Simulates Tile Automata

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    The natural process of self-assembly has been studied through various abstract models due to the abundant applications that benefit from self-assembly. Many of these different models emerged in an effort to capture and understand the fundamental properties of different physical systems and the mechanisms by which assembly may occur. A newly proposed model, known as Tile Automata, offers an abstract toolkit to analyze and compare the algorithmic properties of different self-assembly systems. In this paper, we show that for every Tile Automata system, there exists a Signal-passing Tile Assembly system that can simulate it. Finally, we connect our result with a recent discovery showing that Tile Automata can simulate Amoebot programmable matter systems, thus showing that the Signal-passing Tile Assembly can simulate any Amoebot system

    Covert Computation in Self-Assembled Circuits

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    Traditionally, computation within self-assembly models is hard to conceal because the self-assembly process generates a crystalline assembly whose computational history is inherently part of the structure itself. With no way to remove information from the computation, this computational model offers a unique problem: how can computational input and computation be hidden while still computing and reporting the final output? Designing such systems is inherently motivated by privacy concerns in biomedical computing and applications in cryptography. In this paper we propose the problem of performing "covert computation" within tile self-assembly that seeks to design self-assembly systems that "conceal" both the input and computational history of performed computations. We achieve these results within the growth-only restricted abstract tile assembly model (aTAM) with positive and negative interactions. We show that general-case covert computation is possible by implementing a set of basic covert logic gates capable of simulating any circuit (functionally complete). To further motivate the study of covert computation, we apply our new framework to resolve an outstanding complexity question; we use our covert circuitry to show that the unique assembly verification problem within the growth-only aTAM with negative interactions is coNP-complete

    0-7030: Synthesis of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) for Applications in Texas

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    Engineered cementitious composites (ECC) are a special type of high-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites that is characterized by high-ductility (3–5% strain) and moderate tensile strength (4–6 MPa) with 1.5–2% fiber content by volume. Under tensile deformation, ECC shows strain-hardening behavior and closely spaced microcracks after the first cracking. ECC possesses excellent shear capacity, improved damage tolerance, ability to control crack width, and synergistic interaction with reinforcing bars. ECC has been proposed as a novel alternative for infrastructure materials but to date has not seen wide application in Texas or the rest of the United States. The objective of this project is to identify high priority applications of ECC appropriate to the Texas transportation system

    Building Patterned Shapes in Robot Swarms with Uniform Control Signals

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    This paper investigates a restricted version of robot motion planning, in which particles on a board uniformly respond to global signals that cause them to move one unit distance in a particular direction. We look at the problem of assembling patterns within this model. We first derive upper and lower bounds on the worst-case number of steps needed to reconfigure a general purpose board into a target pattern. We then show that the construction of k-colored patterns of size-n requires Ω(n log k) steps in general, and Ω(n log k + √ k) steps if the constructed shape must always be placed in a designated output location. We then design algorithms to approach these lower bounds: We show how to construct k-colored 1 × n lines in O(n log k + k) steps with unique output locations. For general colored shapes within a w×h bounding box, we achieve O(wh log k+hk) steps

    Hardness of Reconfiguring Robot Swarms with Uniform External Control in Limited Directions

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    Motivated by advances is nanoscale applications and simplistic robot agents, we look at problems based on using a global signal to move all agents when given a limited number of directional signals and immovable geometry. We study a model where unit square particles move within a 2D grid based on uniform external forces. Movement is based on a sequence of uniform commands which cause all particles to move 1 step in a specific direction. The 2D grid board additionally contains \blocked spaces which prevent particles from entry. Within this model, we investigate the complexity of deciding 1) whether a target location on the board can be occupied (by any) particle (occupancy problem), 2) whether a specific particle can be relocated to another specific position in the board (relocation problem), and 3) whether a board configuration can be transformed into another configuration (reconfiguration problem). We prove that while occupancy is solvable in polynomial time, the relocation and reconfiguration problems are both NP-Complete even when restricted to only 2 or 3 movement directions. We further define a hierarchy of board geometries and show that this hardness holds for even very restricted classes of board geometry

    Relocating Units in Robot Swarms with Uniform Control Signals is PSPACE-Complete

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    This paper investigates a restricted version of robot motion planning, in which particles on a board uniformly respond to global signals that cause them to move one unit distance in a particular direction on a 2D grid board with geometric obstacles. We show that the problem of deciding if a particular particle can be relocated to a specified location on the board is PSPACE-complete when only allowing 1x1 particles. This shows a separation between this problem, called the relocation problem, and the occupancy problem in which we ask whether a particular location can be occupied by any particle on the board, which is known to be in P with only 1x1 particles. We then consider both the occupancy and relocation problems for the case of extremely simple rectangular geometry, but slightly more complicated pieces consisting of 1x2 and 2x1 domino particles, and show that in both cases the problems are PSPACE-complete

    Dual-Pump CARS Measurements in the University of Virginia's Dual-Mode Scramjet: Configuration "C"

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    Measurements have been conducted at the University of Virginia Supersonic Combustion Facility in configuration C of the dual-mode scramjet. This is a continuation of previously published works on configuration A. The scramjet is hydrogen fueled and operated at two equivalence ratios, one representative of the scram mode and the other of the ram mode. Dual-pump CARS was used to acquire the mole fractions of the major species as well as the rotational and vibrational temperatures of N2. Developments in methods and uncertainties in fitting CARS spectra for vibrational temperature are discussed. Mean quantities and the standard deviation of the turbulent fluctuations at multiple planes in the flow path are presented. In the scram case the combustion of fuel is completed before the end of the measurement domain, while for the ram case the measurement domain extends into the region where the flow is accelerating and combustion is almost completed. Higher vibrational than rotational temperature is observed in those parts of the hot combustion plume where there is substantial H2 (and hence chemical reaction) present
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