15 research outputs found

    R Code for Phase 2

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    R code for Phase 2 to analyze changes in offspring quality as a function of parental age

    R Code for Phase 1

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    R code for Phase 1 to analyze changes in rates of survival and reproduction with age


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    A Matlab MEX function, written in C++, which finds the minimum number of competitive reversals required to change a given tournament to a hierarchy (s in Petraitis 1979)


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    A Matlab MEX function, written in C++, which, given n, provides a list of all n-species tournaments, gives the minimum number of reversals required to change them into their respective minimally distant hierarchies (s in Petraitis 1979), and also gives the maximum minimum number of reversals (M in Petraitis 1979)

    Survival and Reproduction vs. Age (Phase 1)

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    Lifespans and reproduction schedules for the 214 fronds of Lemna minor from Phase 1 of our study

    R Code for Graphics

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    R code used to produce the figures in our paper

    Appendix A. Movies of the lattice model depicting six-species competition, varying the localness of competition ("local" vs. "global") and the level of intransitivity ("hierarchical" vs. "intransitive").

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    Movies of the lattice model depicting six-species competition, varying the localness of competition ("local" vs. "global") and the level of intransitivity ("hierarchical" vs. "intransitive")

    Appendix B. Figures showing the raw data for the number of generations until the first extinction and final species richness.

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    Figures showing the raw data for the number of generations until the first extinction and final species richness

    Appendix S1 data and R code for each figure

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    Data and R code needed to create figures in Appendix S1 in Hargreaves et al (2015) J Evol Biol. All figures remake Fig 3 while varying one parameter. Fig S1.1 shows murate = .005; Fig S1.2 shows avshift = .01, .05, .2; Fig. S1.3 shows K=10; Fig. S1.4 shows effect of eliminating kin selection by randomizing individuals within columns before each dispersal event. For each figure there is 1 data file per model. Each data file contains evolved D across the range after 500 generations of stable climate and after 1000 generations of climate change, for 10 runs per cost

    Fig 6 (D vs density) data and R code

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    Data and R code needed to create Fig 6 in Hargreaves et al (2015) J Evol Biol. Two data files (one for evolved D and one for density) for each of 2 model runs, one with dispersal (dispersal distance =1 as normal) and one run without dispersal (dispersal distance =0)