5 research outputs found

    L’inclusion Financiere Et Le Paiement Mobile En Zone CEMAC

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    Ce travail se propose d’apprécier les effets de l’inclusion financière sur la croissance économique en zone CEMAC. L’approche utilisée pour l’inclusion financière est celle du Mobile Money défini comme étant un service pour lequel le téléphone mobile est utilisé pour accéder à des services financiers ou encore l’argent qui peut être consulté et utilisé via le téléphone mobile. Notre panel est constitué des personnes détenant un ou plusieurs comptes Mobiles Money. La période d’étude s’étend de 2011 à 2016, le logiciel utilisé pour l’analyse des données est EVIEWS, celui-ci est accompagné de deux tests économétriques à savoir le modèle VAR (qui permet d’établir le lien de causalité) et le test de causalité au sens de Granger (duquel découle une causalité unidimensionnelle). Les contacts dégagés de cette étude empirique montrent que l’externalité de réseau et la compatibilité influencent positivement et significativement l’inclusion financière. Les autorités monétaires doivent donc contribuer à l’amélioration de l’inclusion financière notamment par la promotion de l’éducation financière des citoyens, la mise en place d’une plateforme pour financement des startup et la mise en place d’un dispositif de suivi des progrès en terme d’inclusion financière et des outils pour la promotion de l’inclusion financière en zone CEMAC. This work aims to assess the effects of financial inclusion on economic growth in the CEMAC zone. The approach used for financial inclusion is that of mobile money defined as a service for which the mobile phone is used to accessed and used via the mobile phone. Our panel consists of people holding one or more mobile money accounts. The study period extends from 2011 to 2016, the software used for data analysis is EVIEWS, it is accompanied by two econometric tests namely the VAR model (which allows to establish the causal link) and the Granger causality test (from which flows a onedimensional causality). Contacts from the empirical study show that network externality and compatibility positively and significantly influence financial inclusion. The monetary authorities must therefore contribute to improving financial inclusion, in particular by promoting the financial education of citizens, setting up a platform for financing startups and setting up a monitoring mechanism, progress in terms of financial inclusion and tools for promoting financial inclusion in the CEMAC zone


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    This work is to study the effect of the Board on the performance of institutions credit in Cameroon. More specifically, it is to evaluate how the size of the board improves bank financial profitability Cameroon on the one hand and secondly to analyze the impact of the composition of the Board on bank financial profitability in Cameroon. The contribution of this study is that it examines the impact of organizational variables, in addition to financial and macroeconomic variables, mainly focusing on the role played by the Board of Directors on the financial viability of Cameroonian banks. The key findings emerged from this empirical study indicate that the involvement of the board as head of the institution seems to be positively correlated with the return on assets of banks and negatively correlated with the profitability of banks' own funds on the reference period

    Contrôle De L’inflation En Regime De Change Fixe: Le Cas De La Communaute Economique Et Monetaire d’Afrique Centrale (CEMAC)

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    This paper focuses on the determinants of inflation under different policy rules and fixed exchange rate regime, the example of the CEMAC zone. The purpose of this paper is to check the behaviour of inflation in fixed exchange rate regime for a flexible targeting period and a period of strict targeting. The data used are mainly from the World Bank, in «the book of world development indicators» contained in the CD -ROM (WDI 2015). Working for the periods 1977-1994, 1995-2012 and 1977-2012, the analyses was done with a dynamic panel that has the distinction of being among the independent variables, the endogenous variable lagged one or more periods. The endogenous variable is the rate of inflation. Estimates made from the Arellano and Bond (1991) method, it is clear that during the period (1977- 1994) of flexible inflation targeting, money supply, trade balance and the exchange rate are the main determinants of inflation. During the period (1995-2012) of strategy of strict inflation targeting, the main determinants of inflation are the benefits of natural resources, the trade balance and the economic crisis. The determinants of inflation have opposing effects of a match type to another and it is the combination of these effects for each variable that shows the different effects of the determinants of inflation over the period. The exchange rate increased the rate of inflation over the first sub-period (1977-1994) and throughout the entire period (1977-2012). In times (1995-2012) of strict inflation targeting, these negative effects were mitigated at the expense of economic growth. Countries with fixed exchange rate regime should not adopt a strict policy of inflation targeting, but should alternate with the growth objective by facilitating financing for investments

    L’inclusion Financiere dans la CEMAC : Une Explication par la Bancarisation

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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’apprécier les effets de la bancarisation sur la croissance économique en zone CEMAC au cours de la période 2007-2018. La population d’étude est constituée des personnes détenant un ou plusieurs comptes dans une banque et/ou un EMF. Les résultats de la régression par la méthode des Pooled Mean Group (PMG) montrent que l’effet de la bancarisation sur la croissance économique est positif au sein de la CEMAC. Ces différents résultats suscitent des recommandations dont les plus urgentes sont les suivantes. L’obligation faite aux salariés du public et du privé de disposer d’un compte (domiciliation des salaires) ; Chaque Etat devrait mettre en place un dispositif (émissions radio-télé, séminaires…) de promotion de l’éducation et du développement de la culture financière des femmes et des jeunes. This paper focuses on assessing the effects of banking on economic growth in the CEMAC zone during the period 2007-2018. The study population focuses on people with one or more accounts in a bank and/or an EMF. The results of the regression by the Pooled Mean Group show that the effect of banking is positive within CEMAC. The various results gave rise to recommendations and the most urgent are as follows: the obligation imposed on public and private sector employees to have an account (domiciliation of wages); and each state should set up a system (radio and television broadcasts, seminars, etc.) to promote education and the development of financial literacy for women and young people


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    This work is to study the effect of the Board on the performance of institutions credit in Cameroon. More specifically, it is to evaluate how the size of the board improves bank financial profitability Cameroon on the one hand and secondly to analyze the impact of the composition of the Board on bank financial profitability in Cameroon. The contribution of this study is that it examines the impact of organizational variables, in addition to financial and macroeconomic variables, mainly focusing on the role played by the Board of Directors on the financial viability of Cameroonian banks. The key findings emerged from this empirical study indicate that the involvement of the board as head of the institution seems to be positively correlated with the return on assets of banks and negatively correlated with the profitability of banks' own funds on the reference period