2,536 research outputs found

    Sign-changing blow-up for scalar curvature type equations

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    Given (M,g)(M,g) a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n3n\geq 3, we are interested in the existence of blowing-up sign-changing families (\ue)_{\eps>0}\in C^{2,\theta}(M), θ(0,1)\theta\in (0,1), of solutions to \Delta_g \ue+h\ue=|\ue|^{\frac{4}{n-2}-\eps}\ue\hbox{ in }M\,, where Δg:=divg()\Delta_g:=-\hbox{div}_g(\nabla) and hC0,θ(M)h\in C^{0,\theta}(M) is a potential. We prove that such families exist in two main cases: in small dimension n{3,4,5,6}n\in \{3,4,5,6\} for any potential hh or in dimension 3n93\leq n\leq 9 when h\equiv\frac{n-2}{4(n-1)}\Scal_g. These examples yield a complete panorama of the compactness/noncompactness of critical elliptic equations of scalar curvature type on compact manifolds. The changing of the sign is necessary due to the compactness results of Druet and Khuri--Marques--Schoen

    Sign-changing solutions to elliptic second order equations: glueing a peak to a degenerate critical manifold

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    We construct blowing-up sign-changing solutions to some nonlinear critical equations by glueing a standard bubble to a degenerate function. We develop a method based on analyticity to perform the glueing when the critical manifold of solutions is degenerate and no Bianchi--Egnell type condition holds.Comment: Final version to appear in "Calculus of Variations and PDEs

    Examples of non-isolated blow-up for perturbations of the scalar curvature equation on non locally conformally flat manifolds

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    Solutions to scalar curvature equations have the property that all possible blow-up points are isolated, at least in low dimensions. This property is commonly used as the first step in the proofs of compactness. We show that this result becomes false for some arbitrarily small, smooth perturbations of the potential.Comment: Final version to appear in J. of Differential Geometry. References updated, details adde

    A mixed finite volume scheme for anisotropic diffusion problems on any grid

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    We present a new finite volume scheme for anisotropic heterogeneous diffusion problems on unstructured irregular grids, which simultaneously gives an approximation of the solution and of its gradient. In the case of simplicial meshes, the approximate solution is shown to converge to the continuous ones as the size of the mesh tends to 0, and an error estimate is given. In the general case, we propose a slightly modified scheme for which we again prove the convergence, and give an error estimate. An easy implementation method is then proposed, and the efficiency of the scheme is shown on various types of grids

    Inference of plasmid copy number mean and noise from single cell gene expression data

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    Plasmids are extra-chromosomal DNA molecules which code for their own replication. We previously reported a setup using genes coding for fluorescent proteins of two colors that allowed us, using a simple model, to extract the plasmid copy number noise in a monoclonal population of bacteria [J. Wong Ng et al., Phys. Rev. E, 81, 011909 (2010)]. Here we present a detailed calculation relating this noise to the measured levels of fluorescence, taking into account all sources of fluorescence fluctuations: the fluctuation of gene expression as in the simple model, but also the growth and division of bacteria, the non-uniform distribution of their ages, the random partition of proteins at divisions and the replication and partition of plasmids and chromosome. We show how using the chromosome as a reference helps extracting the plasmid copy number noise in a self-consistent manner.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Examples of sharp asymptotic profiles of singular solutions to an elliptic equation with a sign-changing non-linearity

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    The first two authors [Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) {\bf 114}(1):1--34, 2017] classified the behaviour near zero for all positive solutions of the perturbed elliptic equation with a critical Hardy--Sobolev growth Δu=xsu2(s)1μuq in B{0},-\Delta u=|x|^{-s} u^{2^\star(s)-1} -\mu u^q \hbox{ in }B\setminus\{0\}, where BB denotes the open unit ball centred at 00 in Rn\mathbb{R}^n for n3n\geq 3, s(0,2)s\in (0,2), 2(s):=2(ns)/(n2)2^\star(s):=2(n-s)/(n-2), μ>0\mu>0 and q>1q>1. For q(1,21)q\in (1,2^\star-1) with 2=2n/(n2)2^\star=2n/(n-2), it was shown in the op. cit. that the positive solutions with a non-removable singularity at 00 could exhibit up to three different singular profiles, although their existence was left open. In the present paper, we settle this question for all three singular profiles in the maximal possible range. As an important novelty for μ>0\mu>0, we prove that for every q(2(s)1,21)q\in (2^\star(s) -1,2^\star-1) there exist infinitely many positive solutions satisfying xs/(q2(s)+1)u(x)μ1/(q2(s)+1)|x|^{s/(q-2^\star(s)+1)}u(x)\to \mu^{-1/(q-2^\star(s)+1)} as x0|x|\to 0, using a dynamical system approach. Moreover, we show that there exists a positive singular solution with lim infx0x(n2)/2u(x)=0\liminf_{|x|\to 0} |x|^{(n-2)/2} u(x)=0 and lim supx0x(n2)/2u(x)(0,)\limsup_{|x|\to 0} |x|^{(n-2)/2} u(x)\in (0,\infty) if (and only if) q(22,21)q\in (2^\star-2,2^\star-1).Comment: Mathematische Annalen, to appea

    Convergence in C([0,T];L2(Ω))C(\lbrack0,T\rbrack;L^2(\Omega)) of weak solutions to perturbed doubly degenerate parabolic equations

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    We study the behaviour of solutions to a class of nonlinear degenerate parabolic problems when the data are perturbed. The class includes the Richards equation, Stefan problem and the parabolic pp-Laplace equation. We show that, up to a subsequence, weak solutions of the perturbed problem converge uniformly-in-time to weak solutions of the original problem as the perturbed data approach the original data. We do not assume uniqueness or additional regularity of the solution. However, when uniqueness is known, our result demonstrates that the weak solution is uniformly temporally stable to perturbations of the data. Beginning with a proof of temporally-uniform, spatially-weak convergence, we strengthen the latter by relating the unknown to an underlying convex structure that emerges naturally from energy estimates on the solution. The double degeneracy --- shown to be equivalent to a maximal monotone operator framework --- is handled with techniques inspired by a classical monotonicity argument and a simple variant of the compensated compactness phenomenon.Comment: J. Differential Equations, 201

    The gradient discretisation method for linear advection problems

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    We adapt the Gradient Discretisation Method (GDM), originally designed for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, to the case of a linear scalar hyperbolic equations. This enables the simultaneous design and convergence analysis of various numerical schemes, corresponding to the methods known to be GDMs, such as finite elements (conforming or non-conforming, standard or mass-lumped), finite volumes on rectangular or simplicial grids, and other recent methods developed for general polytopal meshes. The scheme is of centred type, with added linear or non-linear numerical diffusion. We complement the convergence analysis with numerical tests based on the mass-lumped P1 conforming and non conforming finite element and on the hybrid finite volume method

    A unified analysis of elliptic problems with various boundary conditions and their approximation

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    We design an abstract setting for the approximation in Banach spaces of operators acting in duality. A typical example are the gradient and divergence operators in Lebesgue--Sobolev spaces on a bounded domain. We apply this abstract setting to the numerical approximation of Leray-Lions type problems, which include in particular linear diffusion. The main interest of the abstract setting is to provide a unified convergence analysis that simultaneously covers (i) all usual boundary conditions, (ii) several approximation methods. The considered approximations can be conforming, or not (that is, the approximation functions can belong to the energy space of the problem, or not), and include classical as well as recent numerical schemes. Convergence results and error estimates are given. We finally briefly show how the abstract setting can also be applied to other models, including flows in fractured medium, elasticity equations and diffusion equations on manifolds. A by-product of the analysis is an apparently novel result on the equivalence between general Poincar{\'e} inequalities and the surjectivity of the divergence operator in appropriate spaces

    Unified convergence analysis of numerical schemes for a miscible displacement problem

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    This article performs a unified convergence analysis of a variety of numerical methods for a model of the miscible displacement of one incompressible fluid by another through a porous medium. The unified analysis is enabled through the framework of the gradient discretisation method for diffusion operators on generic grids. We use it to establish a novel convergence result in L(0,T;L2(Ω))L^\infty(0,T; L^2(\Omega)) of the approximate concentration using minimal regularity assumptions on the solution to the continuous problem. The convection term in the concentration equation is discretised using a centred scheme. We present a variety of numerical tests from the literature, as well as a novel analytical test case. The performance of two schemes are compared on these tests; both are poor in the case of variable viscosity, small diffusion and medium to small time steps. We show that upstreaming is not a good option to recover stable and accurate solutions, and we propose a correction to recover stable and accurate schemes for all time steps and all ranges of diffusion