156 research outputs found

    Clergy work-related psychological health : listening to the Ministers of Word and Sacrament within the United Reformed Church in England

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    Drawing on the classic model of balanced affect proposed by Bradburn (The structure of psychological well-being, Aldine, Chicago, IL, 1969), this study conceptualised poor work-related psychological health in terms of high levels of negative affect in the absence of acceptable levels of positive affect. In order to illuminate self-perceptions of work-related psychological health among a well-defined group of clergy, a random sample of 58 ministers of word and sacrament serving within the west midlands synod of the United Reformed Church in England completed an open-ended questionnaire concerned with the following six guiding questions. Do you enjoy your work? How would you define stress? How would you define burnout? What stresses are there in your ministry? What do you do to keep healthy? What can the church do to enhance the work-related psychological health of ministers? Content analysis highlighted the main themes recurring through these open-ended responses. The conclusion is drawn that ministers of word and sacrament within the United Reformed Church in England are exposed to a number of recurrent recognisable sources of stress. Suggestions are advanced regarding the need for future more detailed research and for the development of more effective pastoral strategies

    The relationship between recalled self-esteem as a child and current levels of professional burnout among Anglican clergy in England

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    This study links and tests three strands of theory concerned with explaining individual differences in levels of professional burnout in general and among religious professionals in particular. These three strands concern the significance of current self-esteem, recalled self-esteem as a child, and personality. Data were provided by a sample of 1,278 male stipendiary parochial clergy working in the Church of England who completed the modified Maslach Burnout Inventory (specially designed for use among clergy), and the short-form Revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (designed to measure the personality dimensions of extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism), together with a semantic differential index of recalled self-esteem as a child. The bivariate correlation coefficients demonstrated significant associations between more positive self-esteem as a child and lower levels of professional burnout (higher personal accomplishment, lower emotional exhaustion and lower depersonalisation). The bivariate correlation coefficients also demonstrated significant associations between personality and professional burnout. Multiple regression analyses, however, demonstrated that the association between recalled self-esteem as a child and professional burnout largely disappeared after controlling for the personality variables. The conclusion is drawn that knowledge about the personality profile of clergy functions as a more secure predictor of susceptibility to professional burnout than knowledge about recalled self-esteem as a child

    Our Taz

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    In memory of Professor Andrew Taslit

    Inflammasomes and Metabolic Disorders: Old Genes in Modern Diseases

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    Modern medical and hygienic practices have greatly improved human health and longevity; however, increased human lifespan occurs concomitantly with the emergence of metabolic and age-related diseases. Studies over the past decade have strongly linked host inflammatory responses to the etiology of several metabolic diseases including atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity and gout. A common immunological factor to these diseases is the activation of the inflammasome and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that promote disease progression. Here we review the molecular mechanism(s) of inflammasome activation in response to metabolic damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and discuss potential targets for therapeutic intervention

    Regulation of Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) by Nucleotide-binding Domain, Leucine-rich Repeat-containing (NLR) Proteins

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    Most of the nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) proteins regulate responses to microbial and damage-associated products. Class II transactivator (CIITA) has a distinct function as the master regulator of class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) transcription. Recently, human NLRC5 was found to regulate MHC-I in cell lines; however, a host of conflicting positive and negative functions has been attributed to this protein. To address the function of NLRC5 in a physiologic setting, we generated an Nlrc5−/− strain that contains a deletion in the exon that encodes the nucleotide-binding domain. We have not detected a role for this protein in cytokine induction by pathogen-associated molecular patterns and viruses. However, Nlrc5−/− cells showed a dramatic decrease of classical (H-2K) and nonclassical (Tla) MHC-I expression by T/B lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, and myeloid-monocytic lineages. As a comparison, CIITA did not affect mouse MHC-I expression. Nlrc5−/− splenocytes and bone marrow-derived macrophages were able to up-regulate MHC-I in response to IFN-γ; however, the absolute levels of MHC-I expression were significantly lower than WT controls. Chromatin immunoprecipitation of IFN-γ-treated cells indicates that Nlrc5 reduced the silencing H3K27me3 histone modification, but did not affect the activating AcH3 modification on a MHC-I promoter. In summary, we conclude that Nlrc5 is important in the regulation of MHC-I expression by reducing H3K27me3 on MHC-I promoter and joins CIITA as an NLR subfamily that controls MHC gene transcription

    Controlled analysis of nanoparticle charge on mucosal and systemic antibody responses following pulmonary immunization

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    To our knowledge, no other nano-based vaccine delivery platform has directly assessed the effects of nanoparticle charge on pulmonary vaccination without affecting other physio/chemical particle characteristics and/or antigen loading. The Particle Replication in Non-Wetting Templates nanoparticle fabrication process is unique in that it allows for isolation of charge as the sole variable in these studies while maintaining all other physical and chemical parameters constant. We find that positively charged nanoparticles induce robust mucosal and systemic antibody responses following pulmonary administration, whereas negatively charged nanoparticles fail to do so. Therefore, our studies underscore the importance of considering nanoparticle charge as a critical design parameter when generating pulmonary-based vaccines and may have implications for particulate vaccination through other routes of administration

    The Nucleotide-binding Leucine-rich Repeat (NLR) Family Member NLRX1 Mediates Protection against Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis and Represses Macrophage/Microglia-induced Inflammation

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    The nucleotide binding domain and leucine-rich repeat-containing (NLR) family of proteins is known to activate innate immunity, and the inflammasome-associated NLRs are prime examples. In contrast, the concept that NLRs can inhibit innate immunity is still debated, and the impact of such inhibitory NLRs in diseases shaped by adaptive immune responses is entirely unexplored. This study demonstrates that, in contrast to other NLRs that activate immunity, NLRX1 plays a protective role in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a mouse model for multiple sclerosis. When compared with wild-type controls, Nlrx1−/− mice have significantly worsened clinical scores and heightened CNS tissue damage during EAE. NLRX1 does not alter the production of encephalitogenic T cells in the peripheral lymphatic tissue, but Nlrx1−/− mice are more susceptible to adoptively transferred myelin-reactive T cells. Analysis of the macrophage and microglial populations indicates that NLRX1 reduces activation during both active and passive EAE models. This work represents the first case of an NLR that attenuates microglia inflammatory activities and protects against a neurodegenerative disease model caused by autoreactive T cells

    Design, Delivery, Maintenance, and Outcomes of Peer-to-Peer Online Support Groups for People With Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders: Systematic Review

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    Background: Online support groups (OSGs) are one way for people with chronic diseases, their family or friends, and health professionals to communicate, gain information, and provide social support. As the number of peer-to-peer OSGs for chronic musculoskeletal conditions grows, it is important to gain insight into the different designs of groups available, who is accessing them, if and how they may be effective, and what strategies are being used to implement or increase consumer engagement. Objective: The objectives of this systematic review of people with musculoskeletal conditions were to (1) describe the design features (functions, usage options, moderation, and expert input) of peer-to-peer OSGs, (2) describe the characteristics of the individuals using peer-to-peer OSGs, (3) synthesize the evidence on outcomes of participation, and (4) identify strategies used in the delivery and maintenance of OSGs. Methods: A search comprising terms related to the population (people with musculoskeletal disorders) and the intervention (peer-to-peer OSGs) was conducted in 6 databases. Results were filtered from 1990 (internet inception) to February 2019. Studies identified in the search were screened according to predefined eligibility criteria using a 2-step process. Quantitative studies were appraised by 2 reviewers using the Risk Of Bias In Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions tool. Qualitative studies were appraised by 2 different reviewers using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist. Extracted data were synthesized narratively. Results: We examined 21 studies with low to moderate risk of bias. Of these studies, 13 studies included OSGs hosted on public platforms, 11 studies examined OSGs that were conducted in English, and 6 studies used moderators or peer leaders to facilitate engagement. Studies either reported the number of OSG members (n=1985 across all studies) or the number of posts (range: 223-200,000). The majority of OSG members were females who were not full-time employees and with varied levels of education. There were no randomized controlled trials measuring the efficacy of OSGs. Qualitative and quantitative studies identified empowerment, social support, self-management behavior, and health literacy as primary constructs to measure OSG efficacy. Neutral or marginal improvement was reported in these constructs. Sharing experiences and a greater level of engagement appeared to have an important influence on OSGs efficacy. The extent to which members posted on the website influenced engagement. Conclusions: Across a diverse range of designs, languages, included features, and delivery platforms, peer-to-peer OSGs for chronic musculoskeletal conditions attract predominantly female participants of all ages and education levels. The level of participation of a member appears to be related to their perceived benefit, health literacy, and empowerment. Future studies are needed to identify which design and maintenance strategies have superior efficacy and whether there are concomitant improvements in health outcomes for people with chronic musculoskeletal conditions resulting from participation in OSGs

    Analysis of human innate immune responses to PRINT fabricated nanoparticles with cross validation using a humanized mouse model

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    Ideal nanoparticle (NP)-based drug and vaccine delivery vectors should be free of inherent cytotoxic or immunostimulatory properties. Therefore, determining baseline immune responses to nanomaterials is of utmost importance when designing human therapeutics. We characterized the response of human immune cells to hydrogel NPs fabricated using Particle Replication in Non-wetting Templates (PRINT) technology. We found preferential NP uptake by primary CD14+ monocytes, which was significantly reduced upon PEGylation of the NP surface. Multiplex cytokine analysis of NP treated primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hu-PBMC) suggests that PRINT based hydrogel NPs do not evoke significant inflammatory responses nor do they induce cytotoxicity or complement activation. We furthered these studies using an in vivo humanized mouse model and similarly found preferential NP uptake by human CD14+ monocytes without systemic inflammatory cytokine responses. These studies suggest that PRINT hydrogel particles form a desirable platform for vaccine and drug delivery as they neither induce inflammation nor toxicity

    Nanoparticle clearance is governed by Th1/Th2 immunity and strain background

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    Extended circulation of nanoparticles in blood is essential for most clinical applications. Nanoparticles are rapidly cleared by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS). Approaches such as grafting polyethylene glycol onto particles (PEGylation) extend circulation times; however, these particles are still cleared, and the processes involved in this clearance remain poorly understood. Here, we present an intravital microscopy–based assay for the quantification of nanoparticle clearance, allowing us to determine the effect of mouse strain and immune system function on particle clearance. We demonstrate that mouse strains that are prone to Th1 immune responses clear nanoparticles at a slower rate than Th2-prone mice. Using depletion strategies, we show that both granulocytes and macrophages participate in the enhanced clearance observed in Th2-prone mice. Macrophages isolated from Th1 strains took up fewer particles in vitro than macrophages from Th2 strains. Treating macrophages from Th1 strains with cytokines to differentiate them into M2 macrophages increased the amount of particle uptake. Conversely, treating macrophages from Th2 strains with cytokines to differentiate them into M1 macrophages decreased their particle uptake. Moreover, these results were confirmed in human monocyte–derived macrophages, suggesting that global immune regulation has a significant impact on nanoparticle clearance in humans
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