14 research outputs found

    Green Technology Policy as a Driver for Change Sustainability Practices among the Community in Melaka

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    The suggestion for people to change their minds towards a developed society in line with the idea of implementing green technology urban development is a necessity to achieve sustainable development. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the issues related to the need to change society’s practices so that society is able to face the cultural environment of society based on green technology towards sustainability. This study uses a quantitative method that is using by a questionnaire instrument involving a total of 308 respondents. The results of the analysis found that those living in areas involved with green technology were higher their awareness towards green lifestyle compared to communities outside the green technology declaration area. In general, there are various challenges in the implementation of green technology urban development in Melaka, especially in changing the lifestyle of the community towards the ideology of sustainable development based on green technology

    Understanding The Role of Khalifa for the Foundation of Wizard Khalifa Tourism

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    Branding has helped Malaysian tourism industry moving forward in this highly competitive world. Till now these Malaysian brands such as Malaysia Truly Asia or Muslim friendly country or Halal friendly country are still relevant but a new perspective toward Malaysia is a need. Thus, this research aimed to offer a new approach of tourism branding that would put Malaysian in the map of the world again. This new approach of branding is a concept of Wizard Khalifa Tourism (WKT). It was introduced to relook philosophically at the role of mankind that man is not a lord on earth but merely as a tourist in this world. In order to be the wizard khalifa tourist, he or she must return to the purpose of man’s creation on earth, as demanded by Allah; the role of khalifa or a vicegerent man. Then, when men have retrieved the understanding of the purpose of their existence in this world; later on, they would act to benefit other helixes in this world in general and in the world of tourism, in specific aspect


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    Metode learning by doing dalam mengoptimalisasi kualitas belajar siswa SMP. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui metode learning by doing dalam mengoptimalisasikan kualitas belajar siswa SMP. Model pembelajaran learning by doing merupakan konsep belajar dengan melakukan, yaitu suatu pandangan pendidikan pragmatis berdasarkan dua alasan penting: pertama suatu takdir tuhan bahwa anak adalah makhluk aktif, kedua melalui bekerja anak  by doing yaitu bahwa siswa perlu terlibat dalam proses belajar secara spontan. Dengan ini akan membantu siswa untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan belajar aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif. Desain rancangan penelitian disusun oleh peneliti menggunakan kajian literatur. Harapan dari study literatur ini mampu menunjukan optimalisasi kualitas belajar melalui metode learning by doing pada siswa SMP

    Efficiency Analysis Of Zakat Institutions In Indonesia: Data Development Analysis (DEA) And Free Disposal Hull (FDH) Approaches

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    This study aimed at assessing the efficiency of zakat organizations in Indonesia by the use of non-parametric efficiency measurement methods. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the affiliation type was also used to assess the efficiency of Zakat organizations. A quantitative approach with the DEA and FDH methods was applied to this research, during which the latest data from the financial reports of each Zakat Institution have been utilized. This period ranges from 2014 to 2018 for the 14 Zakat Institutions. Based on the results, Zakat Institutions have equal efficiency between DEA and FDH methods if the clusters of government, corporation, and social community are combined. Research data on measuring efficiency show that the DEA method contributes 21% of all Decision-Making Units (DMU) to the total, while the FDH method contributes 25%. The research is one of the first studies to focus on the efficiency of the Zakat Institutions and its associated clusters: government, corporation, and social community. This research can be useful for Zakat Institutions in the form of critical application evaluation considering the research input variables, such as salaries, operational costs, and cost of socialization, and research output variables, for example zakat fund, zakat distribution taking maqasid sharia aspects into consideration


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    This study aimed at assessing the efficiency of zakat organizations in Indonesia by the use of non-parametric efficiency measurement methods. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the affiliation type was also used to assess the efficiency of Zakat organizations. A quantitative approach with the DEA and FDH methods was applied to this research, during which the latest data from the financial reports of each Zakat Institution have been utilized. This period ranges from 2014 to 2018 for the 14 Zakat Institutions. Based on the results, Zakat Institutions have equal efficiency between DEA and FDH methods if the clusters of government, corporation, and social community are combined. Research data on measuring efficiency show that the DEA method contributes 21% of all Decision-Making Units (DMU) to the total, while the FDH method contributes 25%. The research is one of the first studies to focus on the efficiency of the Zakat Institutions and its associated clusters: government, corporation, and social community. This research can be useful for Zakat Institutions in the form of critical application evaluation considering the research input variables, such as salaries, operational costs, and cost of socialization, and research output variables, for example zakat fund, zakat distribution taking maqasid sharia aspects into consideration


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    This study aimed at assessing the efficiency of zakat organizations in Indonesia by the use of non-parametric efficiency measurement methods. In addition, a cluster analysis based on the affiliation type was also used to assess the efficiency of Zakat organizations. A quantitative approach with the DEA and FDH methods was applied to this research, during which the latest data from the financial reports of each Zakat Institution have been utilized. This period ranges from 2014 to 2018 for the 14 Zakat Institutions. Based on the results, Zakat Institutions have equal efficiency between DEA and FDH methods if the clusters of government, corporation, and social community are combined. Research data on measuring efficiency show that the DEA method contributes 21% of all Decision-Making Units (DMU) to the total, while the FDH method contributes 25%. The research is one of the first studies to focus on the efficiency of the Zakat Institutions and its associated clusters: government, corporation, and social community. This research can be useful for Zakat Institutions in the form of critical application evaluation considering the research input variables, such as salaries, operational costs, and cost of socialization, and research output variables, for example zakat fund, zakat distribution taking maqasid sharia aspects into consideration. Keywords: Zakat Institutions, Data Envelopment Analysis, Free Disposal Hull, Efficiency, Cluster of Zakat Institution