6,952 research outputs found

    First data on batch fecundity and relative fecundity of Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) (Clupeidae) in the south-western Adriatic Sea

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    Se ha determinado por primera vez la fecundidad parcial y relativa de Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) en las aguas del bajo Adriático con el método de los ovocitos hidratados. Las muestras han sido recogidas de la propia flota comercial y de embarcaciones alquiladas y equipadas con red de arrastre pelágico a la pareja, red de arrastre semipelágico a la pareja o red de cerco con jareta durante el periodo de reproducción. Se han estudiado diferentes modelos de regresión entre la fecundidad parcial y el peso de las hembras sin ovarios. El mejor ajuste corresponde a una regresión lineal. Se ha calculado también la fecundidad relativa (número de ovocitos por gramo de hembra sin ovarios) y se ha confrontado con la de otros clupeiformes.The batch fecundity and relative fecundity of Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) have been determined for the first time in the waters of the Lower Adriatic Sea using the hydrated oocyte method. The samples were collected from the commercial fleet and chartered boats equipped with midwater pair trawls, midwater otter trawls and purse seine during the reproductive period. Various regression models were studied, to express the relationship between the batch fecundity and the weight of ovary-free females. The linear model proved to be the best one, because of its simplicity. Relative batch fecundity (number of hydrated oocytes per gram from ovary-free females) was also studied, and compared with that of other clupeiforms.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    A new method of seismic strengthening stone masonry with CRM coatings on one side

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    The paper presents the results of a research study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of composite-reinforced mortar (CRM) for the seismic strengthening of existing stone masonry walls. The experimental research focused on the strengthening performance of a coating applied only on one side of the masonry wall. Such an application is interesting because it does not require the temporary relocation of residents. The historic two-wythe stone masonry used in the research represents Adriatic's coastal and surrounding regions. The coating was made of hydraulic lime mortar reinforced with a glass fibre–reinforced polymer mesh attached to the wall using two types of anchors. In-plane cyclic shear compression tests and cyclic out-of-plane tests were conducted, and the performances of the coating on one and both sides were compared. The results showed that the coating on one side was effective, improving all aspects of the seismic response, which was successfully simulated using existing design models

    Frequency Shifts in Natural Vibrations in Pantographic Metamaterials under Biaxial Tests

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    In this paper a 2D continuum model, thought as the homogenized limit of a microstructured pantographic sheet, is studied. The microstructure is characterized by two families of parallel fibers, whose deformation measures account for bending, elongation and relative rotation of the fibers. The deformation energy density of the homogenized model depends on both first and second gradients of the displacement. Modal analysis is performed in order to assess the peculiarities of the dynamic behavior of higher gradient models, and in particular the difference, with respect to classical laminae, in the dependence of the eigenfrequencies on the stiffness

    Cyclic tests on two-leaf rubble stone masonry spandrels strengthened with CRM coating on one or both sides

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    The paper reports the results of an original experimental campaign carried out on full-scale, two-leaf rubble stone masonry spandrels retrofitted using the Composites Reinforced Mortar (CRM) technique, applied on one or both wall faces. The CRM system consisted of a mortar coating reinforced with Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) meshes and GFRP transverse connectors to promote the connection with the existing masonry. When the coating was applied on one side, additional transverse connectors, made of grout cores with embedded steel ties (artificial diatons), were also used. These elements further strengthened the connection between the coating and the masonry and connected the leaves of the multi-leaf stone masonry walls. The GFRP mesh in the mortar coating provided the walls with the capacity to resist tension: once the coating and the masonry cracked, the strengthened samples withstood higher distortions, exhibited increased ductility and developed very diffuse crack patterns before collapsing, yielding greater energy dissipation. Furthermore, the transverse connectors enabled the composite action of the CRM coating and the walls and, in the case of artificial diatons, prevented the separation of the masonry leaves. The resistance of the walls with the CRM coating on one and both sides was 2.8 and 3.4 times that of the plain samples, respectively; in both cases, the ultimate drift was more than five times larger than the reference, while the cumulative dissipated energy was more than 30 times. The equivalent hysteretic damping in the damaged state was 11–14% (for CRM on one side) and 8–9% (for both sides)

    The extended gaussian ensemble and metastabilities in the Blume-Capel model

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    The Blume-Capel model with infinite-range interactions presents analytical solutions in both canonical and microcanonical ensembles and therefore, its phase diagram is known in both ensembles. This model exhibits nonequivalent solutions and the microcanonical thermodynamical features present peculiar behaviors like nonconcave entropy, negative specific heat, and a jump in the thermodynamical temperature. Examples of nonequivalent ensembles are in general related to systems with long-range interactions that undergo canonical first-order phase transitions. Recently, the extended gaussian ensemble (EGE) solution was obtained for this model. The gaussian ensemble and its extended version can be considered as a regularization of the microcanonical ensemble. They are known to play the role of an interpolating ensemble between the microcanonical and the canonical ones. Here, we explicitly show how the microcanonical energy equilibrium states related to the metastable and unstable canonical solutions for the Blume-Capel model are recovered from EGE, which presents a concave "extended" entropy as a function of energy.Comment: 6 pages, 5 eps figures. Presented at the XI Latin American Workshop on Nonlinear Phenomena, October 05-09 (2009), B\'uzios (RJ), Brazil. To appear in JPC

    A direct kinematical derivation of the relativistic Sagnac effect for light or matter beams

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    The Sagnac time delay and the corresponding Sagnac phase shift, for relativistic matter and electromagnetic beams counter-propagating in a rotating interferometer, are deduced on the ground of relativistic kinematics. This purely kinematical approach allows to explain the ''universality'' of the effect, namely the fact that the Sagnac time difference does not depend on the physical nature of the interfering beams. The only prime requirement is that the counter-propagating beams have the same velocity with respect to any Einstein synchronized local co-moving inertial frame.Comment: 10 pages, 1 EPS figure, to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Percolação de poluentes em solos após aplicação de resíduos de fábrica de papel reciclado.

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    O estudo dos efeitos da aplicação de resíduos de fábrica de papel reciclado na água percolada pelo solo foi o objetivo deste trabalho. A aplicação de resíduos de fábricas de papel em solos tem sido crescente e despertado a atenção pela possibilidade de contaminação do meio ambiente, principalmente pela poluição das águas. Com o uso de resíduo de fábrica de papel reciclado, foi realizado um ensaio em casa de vegetação da Embrapa, em Colombo (PR). Foram montados tubos de PVC com mistura de resíduo e dois tipos de solo, Neossolo Regolítico Distrófico húmico e Cambissolo Húmico Distrófico típico. O experimento foi realizado em blocos inteiramente casualizados, com três repetições, com dosagens crescentes (0, 10, 20, 40 e 80 t.ha-1). A duração foi de 140 dias, com a coleta da água de percolação dos vasos. Os resultados foram comparados aos limites da Resolução CONAMA n°. 357/05. Os teores de alumínio, ferro e manganês excederam os limites da legislação. Não excederam os limites o chumbo, o cromo, os fenóis, o nitrogênio amoniacal, os nitratos, os nitritos, os ortofosfatos, o sódio e os surfactantes
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