61 research outputs found

    Arah Kebijakan Kesehatan Mental: Tren Global dan Nasional Serta Tantangan Aktual

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    Abstract Globally, during the last three decades, mental health has played significant role in regards to the discourse of global health policy. Since two decades ago, WHO has firmly defined health as a rounded state of condition where an individual reach “...not merely the absence of the illness, but also achievement of physical, mental and social well-being.” WHO’s definition of health implies a significant impact on global health policy – all members of states should adhere their health policy to this definition. The Global Burden of Disease study carried out by IHME (The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) in 2012 that mapped out the burden of disease around the world revealed an appalling fact namely worsened mental health condition. Years lost due to disability (YLD) study mentioned that 6 out to 20 diseases that were most responsible in causing disability were mental illnesses. Therefore, this article aimed to describe the mental illness prevalence in global and national level by reviewing several mental illness epidemiological studies. Additionally, this article highlighted some of important challenges that should be considered by healthcare service providers and policymakers in tackling mental health issues, which are treatment gap and mental health stigma. Keywords: Mental Health Policy, Global and National Prevalence, Treatment Gap Abstrak Secara global, dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun terakhir, isu mengenai kesehatan mental memainkan peran penting dalam perumusan kebijakan kesehatan global. Sejak dua dekade yang lalu, WHO mengeluarkan definisi sehat sebagai suatu kondisi dimana seorang indvidu mencapai “...tak sekedar bebas dari penyakit, melainkan mampu mencapai kesejahteraan fisik, mental dan sosial.” Definisi dari WHO tersebut berkonsekuensi besar dalam perumusan kebijakan kesehatan mental, dimana seluruh negara anggotanya harus menyandarkan garis besar kebijakan kesehatannya pada definisi ini. Studi mengenai Global Burden of Disease yang diselenggarakan oleh IHME (The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation) mengungkapkan bahwa ada tren yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kesehatan mental menjadi ancaman serius. Studi mengenai jumlah tahun yang hilang akibat disabilitas (YLD) menyebutkan bahwa 6 dari 20 penyakit yang paling bertanggung jawab menyebabkan disabilitas adalah penyakit mental. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan prevalensi gangguan mental dalam skup global dan nasional dengan cara meninjau beberapa riset epidemiologis yang berfokus pada gangguan mental. Selain itu, artikel ini akan membahas mengenai isu-isu penting yang merupakan tantangan bagi pelayanan kesehatan mental di Indonesia yang harus ditanggapi serius oleh penyedia layanan kesehatan mental dan pembuat kebijakan, yaitu kesenjangan perawatan dan stigma. Kata kunci: Kebijakan Kesehatan Mental, Prevalensi Global dan Nasional, Kesenjanga

    ‘Is Ethnicity the Root of all Evil?’ Engaging Macro and Micro Analysis of Ethnic Violence in Post New-order Indonesia

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    In this theoretical review, the author examines intergroup conflicts and genocides in post New-Order Indonesia as the manifestation of politicised nationalism by employing several theoretical approaches. The theoretical review starts from combining micro (social-psychological approach) and macro perspectives (sociological and political approach) to answer these following questions; (a) how do we explain intragroup conflicts and genocides, especially in post New-Order Indonesia, as the consequences of nationalism’s existence? (b) In what circumstances are intergroup conflict, or in the most extreme case; genocide, likely to occur? Thus, the theoretical review is structured into four parts; addressing the problem of intergroup conflict and genocide as well as emphasising its importance to be aware of; tracing back the emergence of the nation using Smith and Barthian’s ethno-symbolic approach; narrating the conditions in which allow intergroup conflict arose; and some concluding remarks

    Development of a psychological test to measure ability-based emotional intelligence in the Indonesian workplace using an item response theory

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    This study aimed to develop an emotional intelligence (EI) test that is suitable to the Indonesian workplace context. Airlangga Emotional Intelligence Test (Tes Kecerdasan Emosi Airlangga [TKEA]) was designed to measure three EI domains: 1) emotional appraisal, 2) emotional recognition, and 3) emotional regulation. TKEA consisted of 120 items with 40 items for each subset. TKEA was developed based on the Situational Judgment Test (SJT) approach. To ensure its psychometric qualities, categorical confirmatory factor analysis (CCFA) and item response theory (IRT) were applied to test its validity and reliability. The study was conducted on 752 participants, and the results showed that test information function (TIF) was 3.414 (ability level = 0) for subset 1, 12.183 for subset 2 (ability level = -2), and 2.398 for subset 3 (level of ability = -2). It is concluded that TKEA performs very well to measure individuals with a low level of EI ability. It is worth to note that TKEA is currently at the development stage; therefore, in this study, we investigated TKEA’s item analysis and dimensionality test of each TKEA subse

    Simplification is Not Indoctrination

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    Bartels (2023; this issue) argues that (a) classic studies and topics covered in psychological textbooks and introductory classes are often misrepresented, (b) that there is an ideological bias among scholars in psychology towards the left side of the political spectrum, and (c) this bias is responsible for the misrepresentation of studies and topics in textbooks. In our commentary, we argue that claims (a) and (b) may be correct, but they have nothing to do with each other. Thus, claim (c) – that a liberal bias among scholars and course instructors leads to “indoctrination” in introductory courses and textbooks – is unsubstantiated and actually detrimental

    Faktor Determinan Perilaku Konservasi Energi dalam Skala Rumah Tangga dan Sektor Transportasi pada Konsumen Produk Elektronik Ramah Lingkungan dan BBM Non-Subsidi

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    Excessive energy consumption is the main cause of high emissions in our atmosphere, so that energy conservation remains a vital issue in combatting climate change. This research aimed to investigate determinant factors that supported conservation behaviour of green electronic products and non-subsidised petrol consumer. Energy conservation behaviour can be explained by two dimensions; psychological dimension, which is pro-environmental values and attitudes; and positional dimension, which is socioeconomic status. The research was conducted using social survey design by employing a combination of paper-based and online questionnaire. Involving 143 respondents, this research came into conclusion that key determinant factor which influenced energy conservation behaviour in household sector is external motivation or reducing household energy costs, so that it can be categorized as rational decision. Meanwhile in transportation sector, intrinsic motivation and pro-environmental values were important determinant factors that enticing energy consumption behaviour. Therefore, energy conservation behaviour in transportation sector is determined by internalfactors, so that it is mentioned as an idealistic decision

    The Tale of Seeking Treatment: A Qualitative Study of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    Aim: The aims of the study were unravelling patients’ health-seeking behaviour pathways to seek medication in healthcare facilities and key factors that determined patients’ immediacy in seeking medical treatment. Method: By involving 5 pulmonary TB patients who were undertaking treatment at Pegirian Primary Health Centre, Surabaya, Indonesia, the research was carried out using an explorative qualitative research design, and the chosen data collection technique was semi-structured interview. Results: The research findings demonstrated that all participants showed five rather similar health-seeking behaviour sequences, such as: (a) defining symptoms; (b) asking laypeople opinions on symptoms; (c) undertaking non-medical treatment to reduce the symptoms; (d) taking laypeople’s suggestions to visit healthcare facilities into consideration; (e) deciding to undergo treatment process. Several barriers that caused treatment delay were inaccurate symptom definition and poor health-related risk perception. Meanwhile, reinforcing factors were relatives’ appeal to seek treatment, the existence of comorbid/previous diseases, access to healthcare facilities, and increasing perceived severity of the symptoms. Conclusion: Research findings showed that participants performed similar health-seeking pathways. Hindering factors that caused treatment delay were mostly related to cultural-based illness definition and knowledge. Research findings would be potentially beneficial to local primary healthcare for designing interventions that encourage patients to seek professional help and reduce treatment delay

    Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries

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    Anger and disgust shape judgments of social sanctions across cultures, especially in high individual autonomy societies

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