997 research outputs found

    Dampak ACFTA (Asean-China Free Trade Area) Terhadap Perdagangan Buah Jeruk Lokal Di Indonesia (Impact of ACFTA (Asean-China Free Trade Area) on Trade Local Citrus Indonesia)

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    Indonesia is one of the central of oranges in the world. In 2010 the government issued the reduction in import tariffs on oranges fruits in Indonesia. This reduction will affect the sales of the local oranges fruit Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affect the import, productivity, consumtion, area and the price of orange in Indonesia, and to analyze the impact of ACFTA on oranges fruit sales in Indonesia. This study employs an econometric model consisting of 5 structural equations and 2 identity equations. This study uses secondary data is structured as time series data, starting 1986 until 2010. The result of this study shows the reduction of import tarrif will increase import oranges in Indonesia, and the consumption the local oranges will be decrease

    Dampak Perluasan Areal pada Komoditas Karet terhadap Perekonomian Provinsi Jambi

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    Since 2006, commodity development in Jambi is focusing on rubber through area expansion, rejuvenation and plant rehabilitation. The scope of this research is to study the relation between plantation commodity development which done through area expansion and Jambi\u27s economy. The objectives of this study are to identify factors that influence the size of area, production, productivity, price and export of rubber in Jambi, as well as to analyze the impact of rubber expansion to Jambi\u27s economy. This study used secondary data, which compiled as annual pooled data, at nine districts in Jambi Province from 2000 to 2012. The analysis method used was simultaneous equation econometric, which consists of 2 identity equations and 5 structural equations, followed by model identification, model estimation using 2 SLS, validation and simulation of model. The model shows the relation between rubber expansion policy with Jambi\u27s economy where a 6% increase in expansion will increase the economy by 0.95%. Thus, it is recommended that Jambi Province remains focus on rubber expansion because it positively impacts their economic development

    Dampak Revitalisasi Perkebunan pada Komoditas Kelapa Sawit terhadap Perekonomian Provinsi Jambi

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    In 2006 minister of agriculture policy, the Jambi province activities focused on the development commodity (palm oil), through expansion, renovation and rehabilitation of tree crops. Palm oil is one of the estate commodities is quite important for the Jambi economy, particularly as a provider of employment, sources of income and foreign exchange. Jambi Province is one of the largest palm oil producer in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that affect the area, production, productivity, commodity prices and export in the Jambi province, and to analyze the impact of expansion areal palm oil on the economy of Jambi province. This study uses secondary data is structured as pooled annual data on nine districts in Jambi province, starting 2000 until 2009. The result of this study shows the expansion of palm oil can improve the economy of Jambi

    Latarjet procedure for failed arthroscopic Bankart repair: a case report

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    Arthroscopic Bankart Repair (ABR) provides acceptable results for recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation. However, recent studies have shown recurrent rates of 4-19% or even up to 35-40% in patients aged <25 years, and the results tend to get worse after long-term follow-up. The Latarjet procedure can improve anterior stability by multiple mechanisms, not only can the Bankart lesion be repaired and provide stability, but the transfer of the coracoid process extends the bony articular arc of the glenoid, and the addition of the conjoint tendon may provide dynamic stability as well. The Latarjet procedure for correcting recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation led to good and excellent results in 82.7% of the cases. The Latarjet procedure had the lowest re-dislocation rate, which was significantly lower than the arthroscopic Bankart repair. Latarjet procedure is effective in terms of restoring anteroinferior glenohumeral stability and good option for failed arthroscopic Bankart repair. Recurrence rates of instability are acceptable and re-operation rates were low

    Developmental analysis of a temperature-sensitive melanotic tumor mutant in Drosophila melanogaster

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    A sex-linked, temperature-sensitive melanotic tumor mutation in Drosophila melanogaster, tu (1) Sz ts , was mapped at 34.3±and localized to bands 10A10-11 of the polytene chromosomes. At 26°C tu-Sz ts larvae develop melanotic tumors whereas 18°C is non-permissive for tumor formation. Tumorigenesis at 26°C involves the encapsulation of abnormal caudal fat body regions by precociously differentiated hemocytes. Low temperature blocks the development of the abnormal adipose cells and the overlying aberrant tissue surfaces but does not inhibit precocious differentiation of the hemocytes to the lamellocytic form. This phenotypic difference at the two temperatures indicates that lamellocyte encapsulation to form melanotic tumors is directed against abnormal tissue surfaces. On the basis of these observations and an earlier study (Rizki and Rizki 1979) we propose that hereditary melanotic tumors in D. melanogaster are a calss of autoimmune disorders in which affected tissue surfaces arouse the body's cellmediated defense response.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47507/1/427_2004_Article_BF00868678.pd

    Peramalan Pasang Surut Di Sekitar Perairan Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (Tpi) Banyutowo, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah

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    Pasang surut adalah fenomena alam yang terjadi pada air laut, permukaan air laut akan mengalami naik turun secara teratur dan berulang-ulang yang dapat menyebabkan pergerakan partikel massa air dari permukaan sampai ke dasar laut. Dalam memprediksi pasang surut dibutuhkan data amplitudo dan beda fase setiap masing-masing komponen pembangkit pasang surut.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik HHWL, LLWL, MSL, dan tipe pasut; untuk peramalan pasang surut dengan metode World Tides dan MIKE 21 di sekitar perairan TPI Banyutowo selama 5 tahun kedepan; serta untuk mengetahui elevasi lantai dermaga TPI Banyutowo.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 – 20 Mei 2016 di Sekitar TPI Banyutowo, Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer pasang surut yang diambil di lokasi penelitian dan data sekunder pasang surut Tuban bulan Mei 2016 dari BIG; serta data gelombang yaitu nilai Hb, db, dan T yang diperoleh dari data bersama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus yaitu bertujuan untuk menjelaskan objek yang di teliti sekaligus menjelaskan objek yang di teliti tersebut bisa terjadi. Sedangkan untuk pengambilan data metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatifkarena dibantu dengan menggunakan instrumen atau alat yang dapat mempermudah mendapatkan data. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode admiraltydiperoleh karakteristik pasang surut di Sekitar Perairan TPI Banyutowo adalah tipe pasut tunggal atau Diurnaldengan nilai formzahl 5,17. Nilai HHWL, LLWL, dan MSL sudah dikoreksi dengan pasang surut Tuban dari BIG yaitu HHWL sebesar 247 cm, LLWL sebesar 115 cm, dan MSL sebesar 181 cm. Peramalan pasang surut menggunakan World Tides dan MIKE 21 memiliki nilai MRE sebesar 2,492% untuk World Tides, dan 20,277% untuk MIKE 21. Serta elevasi lantai dermaga TPI Banyutowo adalah sebesar 3,652 m

    Perencanaan Sistem Penyaluran Dan Pengolahan Air Limbah Domestik Di Sempadan Sungai Pepe Segmen 1 Kota Surakarta

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    Pada segmen 1 Sungai Pepe, yang terdiri dari Kelurahan Manahan dan Gilingan masih belum terlayani penyaluran dan pengolahan air limbah ke sistem terpusat Kota Surakarta. Pada segmen ini, air limbah domestik yang dihasilkan dari berbagai aktivitas masyarakat setempat mengalir ke Sungai Pepe. Berdasarkan hasil uji pada saluran 1 mewakili bagian hulu, nilai TSS 486 mg/l, COD 341,6 mg/l dan BOD 122,5 mg/l. Pada titik saluran 2 yakni Kelurahan Manahan, nilai TSS 345 mg/l, COD 141,6 mg/l, BOD 121,67 mg/l dan pada titik saluran 3 yang mewakili Kelurahan Gilingan, nilai TSS 319 mg/l, COD 123,7 mg/l, BOD 122,4 mg/l. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa air limbah domestik yang masuk ke Sungai Pepe segmen 1 masih diatas baku mutu menurut Perda Jateng No. 5 Tahun 2012. Sehingga diperlukan perencanaan penyaluran dan pengolahan air limbah domestik untuk mencegah pencemaran air sungai dengan memanfaatkan lahan di sempadan sungai. Pada perencanaan ini, sistem penyaluran air limbah menggunakan sistem small bore sewerage. Pemilihan alternatif instalasi pengolahan menggunakan metode AHP (Analytical Hirarchy Process) dengan software Expert Choice 11. Alternatif terpilih terdiri dari bak pengendap, Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetland (HSFSCW) dan bak pengumpul. Terdapat 6 Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), terdiri dari 3 unit di Kelurahan Manahan yang melayani 2 RW dan 3 unit di Kelurahan Gilingan yang melayani 1 RW. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan kriteria efisiensi penyisihan untuk bak pengendap BOD 25%, COD 20%, TSS 50% dan HSFSCW dengan efisiensi BOD 74%,COD 70%, TSS 60% sehingga akan menghasilkan keluaran air limbah domestik yang sesuai dengan baku mutu
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