10 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Arang Aktif Bidara Dalam Menunda Kematangan Buah Klimakterik Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum): The Effect Of Bidara Active Charcoal In Inhibiting The Climacteric Fruit Ripens Of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) is classified as a climacteric fruit that is easily damaged, especially during the storage and shipping process, so proper postharvest management is needed. Postharvest management of climacteric fruit can be overcome by inhibiting the process of respiration and transpiration using activated charcoal. Activated charcoal works by absorbing ethylene gas during the respiration process. This study aims to analyze the use of bidara activated charcoal variations as an inhibitor of tomato ripeness and to examine changes in fruit quality during the 10day storage. The research used One Way Anova analysis with one factor of variation of activated charcoal with control treatment, 1gr, 3gr, and 5gr. Parameters tested were weight loss, Total Soluble Solid, and vitamin C. The use of bidara activated charcoal on tomatoes got the best results in the 5gr treatment with a weight loss value of 0.46%, 0.10 obrix total dissolved solids, and 14.77% vitamin C. The more activated charcoal used the better it is to absorb ethylene gas. Bidara wood activated charcoal can be developed into an absorbent material for tomatoes

    SIFAT FISIKOKIMIA TEPUNG PISANG KEPOK (Musa paradisiaca L.) YANG DITANAM DI LOKASI BERBEDA DI KABUPATEN SUMBAWA: Physicochemical Properties of Kepok Banana (Musa paradisiaca L.) Flour Planted in Different Areas of Sumbawa Regency

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    Kabupaten Sumbawa di Nusa Tenggara Barat, merupakan wilayah yang memiliki peluang pengembangan pisang sangat besar. Produktivitas pisang di Kabupaten Sumbawa terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, dan pengolahannya menjadi tepung pisang dinilai menjadi salah satu bentuk alternatif diversifikasi komoditas pisang yang menjanjikan. Salah satu jenis pisang yang berkembang di Wilayah Sumbawa yaitu Pisang Kepok, akan tetapi selama ini belum ada data yang jelas secara kualitas tentang perbedaan fisikokimia tepung pisang kepok yang dihasilkan dari beberapa lokasi tanam berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang pengaruh perbedaan lokasi tanam terhadap sifat fisikokimia (kadar air, kadar pati dan kadar amilosa) tepung pisang kepok. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan satu faktor yaitu lokasi penanaman (P1=Kecamatan Moyo Utara; P2=Kecamatan Lunyuk; P3=Kecamatan Alas Barat dan P4=Kecamatan Tarano), dan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali.  Kadar air sampel tepung pisang dari keempat lokasi tanam berkisar antara 5,07% hingga 9,31%, kadar pati sebesar 53,3% hingga 83,2% dan kadar amilosa antara 27,4% hingga 48,2%. Rendemen tepung pisang yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 18,36-18,62%. Nilai kecerahan (nilai L) tepung pisang berkisar antara 60,90-62,27 dengan deskripsi warna moderate yellow. Tepung pisang yang berasal dari buah yang ditanam di Kecamatan Lunyuk memiliki kadar air, kadar pati dan kadar amilosa tertinggi.Di Nusa Tenggara Barat, khususnya Kabupaten Sumbawa, peluang pengembangan pisang sangat besar, hal ini terkait dengan persyaratan tumbuh pisang yang tidak membutuhkan persyaratan tumbuh yang sangat spesifik. Produktivitas pisang di Kabupaten Sumbawa terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun, dan pengolahannya menjadi tepung pisang dinilai menjadi salah satu bentuk alternatif diversifikasi komoditas pisang yang dianjurkan. Penyebaran pisang kepok merata di seluruh wilayah di Kabupaten Sumbawa, akan tetapi selama ini belum pernah dilakukan pendataan secara kualitas tentang perbedaan fisikokimia tepung pisang kepok yang dihasilkan dari beberapa lokasi tanam yang berbeda. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh perbedaan lokasi tanam terhadap sifat fisikokimia (kadar air, kadar pati dan kadar amilosa) tepung pisang kepok. Penelitian disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan satu faktor yaitu lokasi penanaman (P1=Kecamatan Moyo Utara; P2=Kecamatan Tarano; P3=Kecamatan Alas Barat dan P4=Kecamatan Tarano), dan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 3 kali.  Kadar air sampel tepung pisang dari keempat lokasi tanam berkisar antara 5.07% hingga 9.31%, kadar pati sebesar 53.3% hingga 83.2% dan kadar amilosa antara 27.4% hingga 48.2%. Tepung pisang yang berasal dari buah yang ditanam di Kecamatan Lunyuk memiliki kadar air, kadar pati dan kadar amilosa tertinggi

    Simulasi Penyebaran dan Persentase Fatalitas Oleh Gas SO2 dan CO2 Hasil Pembakaran PLTU Independent Power Producer (IPP) Lombok Timur (50 MW) Dengan Low Rank Coal Menggunakan Model Gaussian

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    The Sembelia Steam Power Plant is located in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and is managed by PT. Lombok Energy Dynamic uses the light coal until 200,000 tons per year. This case can be the  environmental pollution. This study aims to calculate the SO2 and CO2 exhaust gases into the environment by the simulation as well as included the  fatality percentage due to coal combustion of the The Sembelia Steam Power Plant with the model of Gaussian. This research was carried out by calculating the SO2 and CO2concentrations released concentration. At the end of these project, we calculated the SO2 and CO2 released by the dispersion potential and fatality percentage at four points around it. The result of this research showed that the dispersion mass of SO2 dispersion was 0.096 kg per second (with distance of 2,000 to 46,000 m). This result showed that the increases (6.876x10-46 ppm to 1.276x10-5 ppm), and then showed that the decreases to 0 ppm. Fatality percentage in this study is 0 percent. The potential of  CO2 dispersion with an outgoing mass of 8,252 kg/second increased (2,000-58,000 m) with a concentration of 62.47x10-63 ppm to 7.9x10-4ppm. In the other hand, the concentration of CO2 was reduced to 0 ppm. In the end of this study showed that fatality percentage by the CO2 released is 0percent, and the calculation of dispersion at four points around the The Sembelia Steam Power Plant is safe from the SO2 and CO2dispersion


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    Populasi manusia yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan bertambahnya kebutuhan pangan dan tempat tinggal, karena itu dibutuhkan keseimbangan antara daya dukung lingkungan dengan pemanfaatan lahan yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status daya dukung lingkungan berbasis neraca lahan eksisting serta untuk mengetahui status neraca lahan pada tahun 2031, yaitu menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan cara mendiskripsikan hasil perhitungan untuk mendapatkan status neraca lahan. Perhitungan ketersediaan dan kebutuhan lahan diproyeksikan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah ketersediaan dan kebutuhan lahan pada tahun 2031. Proses simulasi dibuat dengan cara memproyeksikan jumlah penduduk sampai tahun 2031 dengan menggunakan metode aritmatik. Hasil ketersediaan lahan dan kebutuhan lahan kemudian dibandingkan untuk mendapatkan status neraca lahan. Kecamatan Praya Barat memiliki total nilai produksi sebesar Rp 3.965.659.613.333,34, produktivitas beras sebesar 3251 Kg/Ha; dengan harga beras Rp 8000,00 Kg, didapatkan hasil ketersediaan lahan eksisting sebesar 152.478,03 Ha. Analisis kebutuhan lahan menunjukkan bawa total nilai kebutuhan lahan eksisting sebesar 23.120,82 Ha dengan rincian jumlah penduduk tahun 2018 sebanyak 75.166 jiwa, dan kebutuhan hidup layak (KHL) sebesar 0,31 Ha/kapita. Status neraca lahan eksisting Kecamatan Praya Barat adalah surplus dengan selisih 129.357,21 Ha. Perhitungan daya dukung lingkungan basis neraca lahan pada tahun 2031 menggunakan ketersediaan lahan eksisting, yaitu sebesar 152.478,03 Ha, sedangkan perhitungan kebutuhan lahan menggunkan jumlah penduduk (N) tahun 2031 sebanyak 88.285 jiwa. Didapatkan Kebutuhan lahan tahun 2031 sebesar 27.156,04 Ha. Status daya dukung neraca lahan Kecamatan Praya Barat pada tahun 2031 masih surplus dengan selisih 125.321,99 Ha. Status surplus menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan lahan masih dapat mencukupi kebutuhan produk hayati masyarakat setempat.Populasi manusia yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan bertambahnya kebutuhan pangan dan tempat tinggal, karena itu dibutuhkan keseimbangan antara daya dukung lingkungan dengan pemanfaatan lahan yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan status daya dukung lingkungan berbasis neraca lahan eksisting serta untuk mengetahui status neraca lahan pada tahun 2031, yaitu menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan cara mendiskripsikan hasil perhitungan untuk mendapatkan status neraca lahan. Perhitungan ketersediaan dan kebutuhan lahan diproyeksikan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah ketersediaan dan kebutuhan lahan pada tahun 2031. Proses simulasi dibuat dengan cara memproyeksikan jumlah penduduk sampai tahun 2031 dengan menggunakan metode aritmatik. Hasil ketersediaan lahan dan kebutuhan lahan kemudian dibandingkan untuk mendapatkan status neraca lahan. Kecamatan Praya Barat memiliki total nilai produksi sebesar Rp 3.965.659.613.333,34, produktivitas beras sebesar 3251 Kg/Ha; dengan harga beras Rp 8000,00 Kg, didapatkan hasil ketersediaan lahan eksisting sebesar 152.478,03 Ha. Analisis kebutuhan lahan menunjukkan bawa total nilai kebutuhan lahan eksisting sebesar 23.120,82 Ha dengan rincian jumlah penduduk tahun 2018 sebanyak 75.166 jiwa, dan kebutuhan hidup layak (KHL) sebesar 0,31 Ha/kapita. Status neraca lahan eksisting Kecamatan Praya Barat adalah surplus dengan selisih 129.357,21 Ha. Perhitungan daya dukung lingkungan basis neraca lahan pada tahun 2031 menggunakan ketersediaan lahan eksisting, yaitu sebesar 152.478,03 Ha, sedangkan perhitungan kebutuhan lahan menggunkan jumlah penduduk (N) tahun 2031 sebanyak 88.285 jiwa. Didapatkan Kebutuhan lahan tahun 2031 sebesar 27.156,04 Ha. Status daya dukung neraca lahan Kecamatan Praya Barat pada tahun 2031 masih surplus dengan selisih 125.321,99 Ha. Status surplus menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan lahan masih dapat mencukupi kebutuhan produk hayati masyarakat setempat

    The exploration of indigenous plant-based coagulant for sumbawanese cheese production as probiotic source

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    Sumbawa cow's milk processing is still limited even though it has the potential to be developed. Therefore, a diversification product like cheese as a source of probiotic is required. Cheese derived from milk that is coagulated using rennet which is expensive and has high halal critical point. Thus, an alternative coagulant that is affordable with low halal critical point such as local plant-based material is needed. This study used Sumbawa local cow’s milk to produce cheese which coagulated using pineapple and gooseberry and the addition of Lactobacillus lactis as the lactic acid bacteria. Observed parameters were clotting time, yield, hardness, protein, total fat, total lactic acid bacteria, and sensory quality. This experiment showed that the cheese yielded using pineapple was higher than that of gooseberry, while the cheese coagulated using gooseberry (26714 N/m2) was having firmer texture. Meanwhile, clotting time, protein content and total fat content of the cheese coagulated using both coagulants were the same. The total lactic acid bacteria of the cheese coagulated using pineapple and gooseberry was similar 10.80 Log CFU/mg and 10.84 Log CFU/mg, respectively. Sensory evaluation using quantitative descriptive analysis showed that the cheese coagulated using pineapple extract has higher aftertaste and bitter taste. Meanwhile, the cheese coagulated using gooseberry extract was dry, grainy, yellowish, and its overall acceptance was higher than that of pineapple

    Karakteristik briket ampas tebu (bagasse) dari bahan perekat tepung beras ketan

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    Energy requirements are increasing with the increased of human activities that use either fossil fuel or biofuel. Biomass can be utilised as an alternative energy source in the form of briquettes. This study aims to increase the utilization of bagasse through the manufacture of briquettes using glutinous rice flour as the adhesive. Research variables include moisture content, ash content, destruction index, burning time and calorific value. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with variations in the concentration of glutinous rice flour 20%, 30%, and 40%. The results showed that the water content ranged from 5.85% - 7.65%. Ash content ranged from 6.44 to 8.14%. The destruction index was 0.24 – 0.65%. the burning time was between 124.67 -155 minutes, and the calorific value produced from bagasse briquettes was 7069.8 – 9759.3 cal/gram. The calorific value tend to decreased as the concentration of the adhesive was increasedKebutuhan energi semakin meningkat seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya aktivitas manusia yang menggunakan bahan bakar terutama bahan bakar minyak yang diperoleh dari fosil tumbuhan maupun hewan. Salah satu energi alternatif yang bisa digunakan adalah energi biomassa seperti briket. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan limbah ampas tebu melalui pembuatan briket menggunakan perekat tepung beras ketan. Variabel penelitian meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, indeks kehancuran, lama pembakaran dan nilai kalor. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan variasi konsentrasi tepung ketan 20%, 30%, dan 40%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai kadar air berkisar antara 5,85% – 7,65%. Kadar abu berkisar antara 6,44 – 8,14%. Nilai indeks kehancuran yaitu 0,24 – 0,65%. lama pembakaran antara 155 – 124,67 menit, dan Nilai kalor yang dihasilkan dari briket ampas tebu sebesar 7069,8 – 9759,3 kal/gram. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi perekat yang digunakan menyebabkan Nilai kalor menurun

    The effect of fermentation time on bioethanol levels from sugar cane (saccharum officinarum)

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    High energy consumption has an impact on the crisis caused by the decline in fossil energy reserves, so that Indonesia must have other energy alternatives in the form of biofuels, namely bioethanol. Knowing the effect of fermentation time on ethanol content, pH value, and brix content obtained from sugarcane juice is the purpose of this study. Using completely randomized design (CRD) with fermentation time factor. Research shows that fermentation time has an effect on ethanol content and acidity (pH), but has no effect on sugar content (brix). The best treatment was obtained at 6 days of fermentation with ethanol content of 7.67%, acidity (pH) 4.87%, and sugar content (brix) 6.33%. the ratio of high and low amount of ethanol produced is influenced by sugar consumption and yeast growth during the fermentation process.High energy consumption has an impact on the crisis caused by the decline in fossil energy reserves, so that Indonesia must have other energy alternatives in the form of biofuels, namely bioethanol. Knowing the effect of fermentation time on ethanol content, pH value, and brix content obtained from sugarcane juice is the purpose of this study. Using completely randomized design (CRD) with fermentation time factor. Research shows that fermentation time has an effect on ethanol content and acidity (pH), but has no effect on sugar content (brix). The best treatment was obtained at 6 days of fermentation with ethanol content of 7.67%, acidity (pH) 4.87%, and sugar content (brix) 6.33%. the ratio of high and low amount of ethanol produced is influenced by sugar consumption and yeast growth during the fermentation process

    Determination of the added value of kades coffee agroindustry product using the hayami method (case study of MSME’s Agal Deta, Sumbawa Besar District)

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    Coffee is an agro-industrial product commodity that has the potential to be developed, because it can be processed into ground coffee products with various flavors and can last a long time. This study aims to analyze the added value of Kades Coffee Agro-industry products in the MSME’s of Agal Deta which located in Marente Village, Alas District, Sumbawa Besar Regency using the Hayami method. The variables used in this method include input output and prices, revenues and profits, and margins. The results of the analysis of the added value of Kades coffee on the output, input and price variables obtained a conversion factor value of 5 kg/production cycle and a labor efficiency of 0.32 HOK/kg. The revenue and profit variables obtain of added value ratio of 76%, a profit level of 83% and an added value of 95,000 IDR. The margin variable gains a profit of 79% with a margin value of 100,000 IDR. The added value of Kades coffee is included in the profitable business category because it gets a added value ratio of above 40%

    Analysis of macronutrient content macro nutrient content in organic fertiliser using fermented betel leaf extract

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    The use of organic fertilizers in Indonesia is increasing, this is due to the scarcity of synthetic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers have their own challenges in terms of the concentration they contain. In addition, some organic materials that exist today are very abundant, so it needs to be used as organic fertilizer, one of which is betel leaf. However, betel leaf itself is an additional ingredient that can increase the existing nutrient content. In this study, analysis of the macro elements in organic fertilizers was carried out by adding variations in the amount of betel leaf raw material. The research was conducted using variations of betel leaf extract 2%, 4%, and 6%. The test analysis in this study was in the form of N, P, and K levels. The results showed that the highest N content was in the 4% betel leaf variation, which was 0.1%, the highest P content was in the 2% variation, which was 0.04%, and the highest K content was at 2% variation, namely 0.066%. From these results, it can be said that there was no significant effect of the addition of betel leaf extract on the macro-nutrient content of liquid organic fertilizer.

    Initial Characterization of Activated Charcoal from the Indigenous Ziziphus mauritiana Wood from Dryland of Sumbawa

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    Ziziphus mauritiana is widely found in Sumbawa arid and semi-arid area. It is a drought tolerant plant which grows in areas with extreme conditions. While information of the utilisation of Bidara seeds as activated carbon is available, there are limited resources that use Bidara woods. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the activated charcoal derived from Z. mauritiana wood which was activated using 25%, 30% and 35% of H2SO4 and NaOH. The moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and iodine absorption capacity were investigated and compared to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI. 06-3730-1995). The result showed that NaOH activated charcoal obtained higher quality compared to the H2SO4 activated charcoal. The best activated charcoal was obtained from 35% of NaOH which has 1.19% moisture content, 13.21% ash content, 1.42% volatile matter, 84.73% fixed carbon, and 1892.40 mg/g iodine number. This study concludes that the characteristics of Z. mauritiana activated charcoal (except the ash content) comply with Indonesian National Standard and potentially can be developed as an adsorbent.Ziziphus mauritiana is widely found in Sumbawa arid and semi-arid area. It is a drought tolerant plant which grows in areas with extreme conditions. While information of the utilisation of Bidara seeds as activated carbon is available, there are limited resources that use Bidara woods. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the activated charcoal derived from Z. mauritiana wood which was activated using 25%, 30% and 35% of H2SO4 and NaOH. The moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and iodine absorption capacity were investigated and compared to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI. 06-3730-1995). The result showed that NaOH activated charcoal obtained higher quality compared to the H2SO4 activated charcoal. The best activated charcoal was obtained from 35% of NaOH which has 1.19% moisture content, 13.21% ash content, 1.42% volatile matter, 84.73% fixed carbon, and 1892.40 mg/g iodine number. This study concludes that the characteristics of Z. mauritiana activated charcoal (except the ash content) comply with Indonesian National Standard and potentially can be developed as an adsorbent