4 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted in the area of Intensive Silviculture/ TPTII of PT Sari Bumi Kusuma in Central Kalimantan. Research purposes to analyze the impact and build social economic activities from TPTII silvicultural systems in the scope of carbon trading. The results of the analysis showed that the increase of TPTII activities lead to the increasing recognition of indigenous people and make condusive certainty of the business. However, the employment negatively correlated to the size of planting area, the minimum life needs are still at least low compared with the poverty standard of the World Bank. Based on the results of the analysis and projections indicate that scenario increasing community development/ PMDH and implementation of a continuous TPTII can press shifting cultivation growing rate of deforestation and degradation in the year to 50, as compared to no guidance of other parties and TPTII activities. In term of Carbon Conservation that community love to plant attractively is rubber, meranti and tengkawang. Compensation value for carbon conservation feasible for the community of Rp. 380.000/month/family. To involve the community directly in conservation activities in the carbon framework of REDD, then suggested to the program within the community, increasing the number and skills of communities and local labor, desimination activities of TPTII to the community, and providing a compensation fund can be derived from the DR/Reforestation Fee or other source of funds. Key words: Customary recognition, conflict, business certainty, carbon conservation, compensatio

    Socialization Related to the Dangers of Kites, Laser Beams, Hot Air Balloons, and Drones Around Silampari Lubuklinggau Airport

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    The implementation of socialization in the Tridharma of Higher Education framework is by conducting research and compiling Scientific Journals within the Palembang Aviation Polytechnic, South Sumatra. In addition, this activity aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of the general public around the Silampari – Lubuklinggau Class III Airport Operator Unit. This activity also informs about the dangers of kites, laser beams, hot air balloons, and drones around the air space in Silampari – Lubuklinggau as well as the safe distance of building construction, especially in the Flight Operation Safety Area, especially people who live close to the Flight Operation Safety Area (KKOP). The method used for socialization is a participatory Focus Group Discussion (FGD) by resource persons and discussions with communities living around the Silampari – Lubuklinggau Class III Airport Operator Unit that the results are expected so that participants know the results of socialization related to activities that can endanger flights. Then, the results of the socialization were published on the social media of the Palembang Poltekbang

    Promising alkaloids and flavonoids compounds as anti-hepatitis c virus agents: a review

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    Background: Virus infections are presently seen as a major public health problem. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is recognized as a “silent killer” because the acute infection has no symptoms, and it develops as a chronic infection that causes hepatocellular carcinoma and liver damage. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that between 130-170 million people are estimated to have chronic Hepatitis C. Plants have various phytochemical compounds such as alkaloids and flavonoids that have prominent antiviral effects especially anti-HCV. The current HCV treatment still has limitations related to side effects and can lead to viral resistance. Therefore, it is necessary for the discovery and development of novel anti-HCV drugs for alternative and complementary medicine. Objective: This review intends to evaluate the alkaloids and flavonoids that have the potential to be used against HCV by looking at their classification and their mechanism of action. Methods: Twenty-one articles from 2010 to 2022 obtained from PUBMED database using keywords such as isolated compounds, alkaloids, flavonoids, hepatitis C virus. Results: 21 alkaloids and 37 flavonoids reported active against HCV. Alkaloids include quinoline, quinolizidine and isoquinoline. In addition, flavanone, flavonol, flavone, flavan-3-ol, flavonolignan, anthocyanidin and proanthocyanidin comprise flavonoids. The berberine alkaloids and eriodictyol 7-O-(6′′-caffeoyl)-β-D- glucopyranoside flavonoids had the lowest IC50 with values of 0.49 mM and 0.041 nM. Conclusions: Alkaloids and flavonoids compound had good activity against HCV with various mechanisms. Our results provide information of alkaloids and flavonoids to the researcher for the development of alternative and complementary medicine of hepatitis C

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Upaya Pencegahan Penularan COVID-19 melalui Peningkatan Pemahaman dan Keterampilan Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Tangan Bunga Rosella pada Siswa Pesantren Di Gresik Sebagai Implementasi SDGs 3: Community Empowerment in Efforts to Prevent Transmission of COVID-19 through Increasing Understanding and Skills in Making Rosella Flower Hand Washing Soap for Islamic Boarding School Students in Gresik as Implementation of SDGs 3

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    Efforts to inhibit the transmission of COVID-19 are continuing to this day. One of them is using hand-washing soap to prevent the transmission of this virus. The Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, seeks to implement SDGs-3 through community service activities to increase community empowerment, especially for the younger generation. The utilization of natural ingredients containing many active compounds has yet to be discovered. The solution is to provide information on the source of the active ingredients for hand washing soap, for example, the Rosella flower, explaining the mechanism of soap in inhibiting the spread of viruses and how to make hand washing soap. The activity was carried out in Gresik with counseling and training methods. The outcome was an increase in participants' understanding, as indicated by an average post-test score of >65, with an increase in score of >10% compared to the pretest. In addition, one product of Rosela flower hand washing soap was also obtained. From this activity, it was concluded that there was an increase in understanding of 28%. It is hoped that this increase in understanding and skills for the younger generation can mobilize the surrounding community so that prevention of the transmission of COVID-19 is more massive and conditions of good health and well-being in society will be achieved.