5 research outputs found


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    This paper departs from anxiety about the spread of the Covid 19 virus in Indonesia which is increasing significantly. The government as the main actor in policy making is required to produce policies that are able to reduce and solve covid 19 problems in Indonesia, including the impacts. But the policy will have no meaning if it does not get a response from the recipient of the policy. Therefore this paper is intended to track how the public responds to the reasoning of state policies in dealing with the Covid 19 virus in Indonesia. Through the literature study method, this paper is presented based on the results of readings in journals, books, mass media news to obtain comprehensive results. The rational choice approach to policy making is used as a knife for analysis to sharpen arguments. The results of this paper conclude that the policies taken by the government show rational reasoning. This logical logic of health emergencies can be accepted rationally by the community. However, there was a different response by some people, especially the middle to lower classes. This is caused by social vulnerability caused by limited resources so that it is "forced" to break through the reasoning of the country's rationality in the policy of handling the co-epidemic pandemic19 in Indonesia. The key to its solution is the country's ability to guarantee the economic security of every family. So that the rationality of the state and society will be the same in the face of the Covid 19 pandemi

    Evaluation of the Covid 19 Vaccine Policy for the Elderly Community in Pekanbaru City

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    The number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is still high. One of the efforts made by the government is vaccination. As one of the cities with high enough Covid-19 cases, Pekanbaru City has also implemented a vaccination policy. One of the priority targets for vaccination in Pekanbaru City is the Elderly Community. However, the reality is that many older people still have not received the vaccination according to the target set. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the implementation of vaccination for the elderly and to see further how the relationship between the Central Government and Local Government in the implementation of vaccination policy. This study uses a qualitative method by collecting data from informants and various documents. The data obtained were then analyzed using a predetermined theory. The results of this study, the number of elderly who received the vaccine decreased in stage II. Factors that become obstacles in the implementation of vaccination for the elderly such as body conditions are not recommended and the lack of public confidence in the quality of vaccines. Public distrust will affect the success of a policy. Thus, clear information is needed regarding the safety of vaccination for the elderly

    Rethinking the Institutional Dimension of PDAM on Clean Water Supply in Dumai City

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    The scarcity of clean water in Dumai City has been going on for decades. PDAM Tirta Dumai Bersemai is required to have good performance so that the distribution of clean water is evenly distributed to all people. However, PDAM faces many challenges in achieving this goal. Challenges in the form of limited funds, human resources, and influential environmental factors so that performance is said to be not optimal. PDAM almost went bankrupt in 2016, trying to get up in 2018-2020 by making various efforts. This paper is intended to explain the success of PDAM in providing clean water. Success is interpreted not as an equal supply of clean water to all people but rather as success in getting through a period of bankruptcy. This research was conducted using qualitative methods by collecting data through interviews and documentation. The field results were then analyzed, resulting in the following findings. First, PDAM can be involved in various clean water supply schemes such as SPAM NUWS, PPP, and Durolis. This involvement shows the trust of the parties in the PDAM's performance. Second, improvements in PDAM performance are inseparable from improvements in PDAM's internal management. Improvement of PDAM's institutional dimension is the key to PDAM's revival. The leadership of the first and second periods of the principal director of PDAM showed significant changes. So that in the future, PDAM leadership must be based on qualified knowledge, information, and experience in managing clean water

    Kesenjangan Angka Partisipasi Pemilih

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan kondisi kesenjangan angka partisipasi pemilih di antara Pilkada Riau 2018 dan Pemilu 2019 di Riau. Pada Pilkada Provinsi Riau tahun 2018, tingkat partisipasi pemilih relatif rendah. Berbeda dengan pada Pemilu di Riau tahun 2019, partisipasi pemilih relatif tinggi dan berbeda secara signifikan. Pertanyaannya adalah faktor apa yang menjadi penyebab kesenjangan angka partisipasi pemilih tersebut? Pertanyaan menjadi menarik, karena kenyataannya dua momentum pemilihan yang berbeda ini diikuti sebagian besar pemilih yang sama, berlangsung dalam jarak waktu yang relatif pendek dan dilakukan di tempat yang sama. Banyak pilihan teoritis untuk menjelaskan kondisi kesenjangan yang ada, tetapi  mempertimbangkan dua pemilihan itu dilakukan dalam waktu yang berdekatan, sehingga tidak rasional mengasumsikan terdapat perubahan besar pada kondisi pemilih, maka penelitian ini melihat perbedaan faktor stimuluslah yang menjadi penyebab kesenjangan sebagaimana diteorisasikan oleh Milbrath. Pendekatan metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan mix-method (campuran) dengan penekanan pada metode kualitatif. Sedangkan tipologi penelitian yang diterapkan yaitu causal comparative research. Penelitian ini menemukan  tiga faktor utama yang menjadi penyebab kesenjangan angka partisipasi pemilih pada dua momentum pemilu tersebut yaitu: Pertama, perbedaan jumlah aktor politik yang berkepentingan untuk memberi stimulus pada pemilih; Kedua, gaung politik yang menstimulus pemilih untuk mengidentifikasi pada calon tertentu yang sedang berkontestasi dan terdorong untuk memenangkannya; ketiga, pengaruh media massa dan media sosial. Penelitian ini menyarankan, Pilkada dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan pileg daerah sedangkan Pilpres dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan pileg nasional untuk menyeimbangkan partisipasi pemilih