8 research outputs found

    Treatment of Learning Anxiety: A Bibliometric Review in Islamic Psychology

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    This study provides a bibliometric review of research on the treatment of learning anxiety in Islamic psychology, which involved a systematic search in multiple databases, resulting in 91 relevant studies for analysis. The bibliometric data generated from the investigation, identification, and extraction processes were analyzed using statistical analysis. The study found that cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and stress reduction therapy were the most commonly used methods to treat learning anxiety. Furthermore, most studies were conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States, which suggests a need for further research in other regions. Studies found that the most frequently discussed topics on treating learning anxiety in Islamic psychology were psychological interventions, educational practices, and the impact of Islamic beliefs and practices on learning anxiety. Additionally, the study identified variations in the quality of studies, with some demonstrating high quality while others indicating a risk of bias. This paper emphasizes the importance of conducting further research on the treatment of learning anxiety in Islamic psychology, particularly in other regions. These findings could be valuable for academics, researchers, and psychology practitioners interested in treating learning anxiety and educators seeking to better understand and address this issue in their students. Further studies can focus on developing therapy models tailored to Islamic Psychology's principles to provide more optimal outcomes in addressing learning anxiety

    Pemberdayaan Guru Dalam Implementasi Pembelajaran Abad 21

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    This form of devotion training aims to provide detailed guidance on designing and developing a 21st century learning in the form of e-learning. Train and design new instructors in the e-learning design orientation and provide basic concepts and information about the processes and resources involved in e-learning. Designing and managing e-learning is a new skill in the 21st century that teachers must have. The method of activities used are training, mentoring, implementation, and evaluation. Participants in the training and mentoring activities were junior high school science teachers from Cirebon, Cirebon, and Indramayu districts. Data in the form of observations and questionnaires were analyzed descriptively. The results of training and mentoring that teachers are able to use e-learning well. Teachers can create a learning space in e-learning that contains student teaching materials. The application of e-learning in each school still has limited facilities and infrastructure. The results of the questionnaire responses showed a positive response to the 21st century training and service activities


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    Critical thinking skills are needed as competitive capital in the future. Critical thinking ability is the most important goal taught in mathematics learning. One of the supporting factors for students' success in mathematical critical thinking is the level of self-efficacy. This study aims to determine whether there is an increase in mathematical critical thinking skills in terms of self-efficacy in discovery learning learning. The research design used is mastered experiments using quantitative data. The population of this study was class VII Cirebon 8 Public Middle School and the sample taken was class VII B. The results showed that (1) self-efficacy students'had an average of 78.14 which was quite good. (2) Mathematical critical thinking skills of students have increased based on the results of pre-tests and p-test. (3) There is an increase in students 'critical thinking skills after learning which is viewed from self-efficacy students'.Keywords: Mathematical critical thinking ability, self-efficac

    Improving the Quality of Islamic Elementary School through the Moral Leadership of the Principal

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    AbstractThis study aims to describe the moral leadership of the headmaster in improving the quality of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Using a phenomenological case study,the data were gathered through interviews, observation, and documentation and then analyzed using three stages, namely data reduction, data display, and data verification. The results reveal that the headmaster is capable of bringing the madrasah to become one of the best madrasahs in Banyumas regency, Indonesia. Every leader has his own passion and leadership strategy. The passion of the headmaster is characterized by a self-energy, a belief based on divine values, and a willingness to learn from other schools. There are three strategies of the headmaster in managing the madrasah: 1) the values to be implemented in the madrasah that presents belief in his leadership passion; 2) communication that is done to build up relationships and motivation towards the vision; and 3) collaboration as a representation of the bonding power in building the strength of the madrasah with the power of the community, in this case the students’ guardians. Moral leadership integrated with religious and social attitudes greatly helps the leadership role of the principal.Keywords: moral leadership, strategy, quality of Islamic elementary school. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepemimpinan moral kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu madrasah ibtidaiyah. Dengan menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan fenomenologis, data diambil melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan tiga tahap yaitu reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kepala sekolah mampu membawa madrasah yang dipimpinnya menjadi salah satu madrasah terbaik di Kabupaten Banyumas, Indonesia. Setiap pemimpin memiliki semangat dan strategi kepemimpinannya sendiri. Gairah Kepala Sekolah ditandai dengan energi diri, keyakinan yang dilandasi nilai-nilai ketuhanan, dan kemauan untuk belajar dari sekolah lain sebagai kekuatan pengikat. Tiga strategi kepala madrasah dalam mengelola madrasah adalah: 1) nilai-nilai yang diterapkan di madrasah yang menghadirkan keyakinan akan semangat kepemimpinannya; 2) komunikasi yang dilakukan untuk membangun hubungan dan motivasi menuju visi; dan 3) kolaborasi sebagai representasi kekuatan ikatan dalam membangun kekuatan madrasah dengan kekuatan masyarakat, dalam hal ini wali murid. Kepemimpinan moral yang terintegrasi dengan sikap keagamaan dan sosial sangat membantu peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah.Kata kunci: kepemimpinan moral, strategi, kualitas madrasah ibtidaiyah

    Improving the Quality of Islamic Elementary School through the Moral Leadership of the Principal

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    Digital Competence of Post-Pandemic Teachers Based on Gender, Work Period, and Certification Factors

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    Technological developments must be balanced with the skills of mastering these technological products. Digital competence is highly correlated with the use and awareness of teachers in applying technology to their professional activities. This article presents diagnostic results on Teachers' self-perceptions of their digital competence. The digital competency framework based on DigiComp has five dimensions as an evaluation tool. The sample of this study consisted of 11 upper-middle-level teachers with various characteristics. Questionnaires were used to collect teacher response data. Descriptive analysis is used to diagnose teacher competence. The results showed that teachers have good skills in the aspects of information and data literacy as well as communication and collaboration. Digital content creation and problem solving skills related to the use of technology still need improvement efforts through improving soft skills. Increasing digital competency skills really needs to be pursued to integrate technology into the learning proces