80 research outputs found

    In Vitro Fermentation Characteristics and Rumen Microbial Population of Diet Supplemented with Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Rumen Microbe Probiotics

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    The objective of this study was to select three strains of probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae and to evaluate the effect of S. cerevisiae and rumen bacteria isolate (MR4) supplementation and their combination on rumen fermentability and rumen microbial population. Experiment 1 was designed in a 4 x 5 factorial randomized block design with 3 replications. The first factor was S. cerevisiae strain consisted of control treatment (without S. cerevisiae supplementation), NBRC 10217, NRRL Y 567 and NRRL 12618, and the second factor was incubation time consisted of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 h. Ration was basal ration for feedlot with forage to concentrate ratio (F:C)= 60:40. Dosage of each treatment with S. cerevisiae was 5 x 1010 cfu/kg ration. Experiment 2 was designed in randomized block design with 4 treatments: P0= basal ration of feedlot; P1= P0 + S. cerevisiae; P2= P0 + MR4 isolate (5 x 107 cfu/kg ration); P3= P0 + S. cerevisiae and MR4 isolate. The result of experiment 1 showed that supplementation of S. cerevisiae NRRL 12618 had the highest S. cerevisiae population and increased rumen bacterial population. This strain was selected as probiotic in experiment 2. The result from experiment 2 showed that probiotic supplementation stabilized rumen pH and produced the highest NH3 concentration (P<0.05) and bacterial population (P<0.05). As compared with control, all treatments reduced protozoa population (P<0.05). Combination of S. cerevisiae and MR4 probiotics produced the highest total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and isovalerate (P<0.05). It was concluded that strain S. cerevisiae NRRL 12618 had potential as probiotic yeast. Supplementation with this strain increased fermentability, rumen isoacid and decreased A:P ratio. Those abilities could be improved with MR4 rumen isolate probiotic

    A Pre Experimental Study in Teaching Inference From Spoof Text by Using Errq Reading Strategy

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    This research was designed to answer the research questions about the significance and the size effect of the use of ERRQ reading strategy to teach inference making from spoof text. The sample was grade- XI IPA in SMA SANTUN UNTAN that consisted of thirty students. The data were collected by a multiple choice test and analyzed by t-test and size effect formula. The findings show that the use of ERRQ reading strategy increase students ability in inference-making significantly and the level of the effectiveness is classified as high

    Analysis on the Students Problems in Comprehending Narrative Texts

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    The research is about analysis on theability of the students on comprehending narrative text reading ofthe Eighth Grade Students of SMP KemalaBhayangkariKubu Raya in Academic Years 2012/2013. The objective of the study is to know how well the Students ability in comprehending narrative text. It is expected that the research would be useful for the teachers and students in language teaching and learning process. The method used in this research is a Descriptive Research whichis aimed at describing the characteristics of subjects. The population of the study was the eight Grade Students of SMP KemalaBhayangkariKubu Raya in Academic Years 2012/2013. The number of research samplewas 30 students. The technique used for collecting data was measurement technique and direct observation technique. The tool of collecting data was reading test. Based on the research finding, the students were still weak at reading comprehension. They were weak at finding orientation, complication, resolution, reorientation and vocabulary

    Perilaku Seksual Lesbian Terkait Personal Hygiene di Kota Bandung

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    Lesbians are the same-sex oriented enthusiasts between women and women. Its presence in Indonesia continues to grow especially in big cities, one of which is the city of Bandung is famous as the Metropolitan City. In the city of Bandung lesbi already dare to show off in public places even dare to conduct sexual behavior in public places. Lesbian sexual behavior can adversely affect health such as cervical cancer, hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, to HIV / AIDS. One of the causes is personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is an act to maintain a person's hygiene and health. This qualitative descriptive research collected data by in-depth interview to 7 respondents with snowball method. Processing and data analysis of validity and reliability with triangulation. Respondents interviewed had an age range of 19 - 25 years. Latest education from all respondents high school and bachelor. Background of the respondent to a lesbian is broken home, hurt due to men, the environment and begins with a trial and error. Recognized label respondents there are four types namely no labeling, femme, andro, and butch. The results of research on lesbian sexual behavior related to personal hygiene performed by all respondents in the form of sexual behavior that he did was oral, fingering, liking, scissoring, and using dildos. Respondents are not afraid to engage in sexual behavior because they have a good knowledge of personal hygiene. The practice is to wash your hands with liquid soap and stem, not to let your nails grow long, keep your mouth clean by rinsing with mouthwash and toothbrush, and take a bath as a way to keep the overall cleanliness

    Upaya Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga

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    Guna mengatasi kekerasan dalam keluarga, dasar hukum sudah ada. Mulai dari Undang-undang sampai pada Peraturan Pemerintah, agaknya sudah cukup sebagai dasar untuk mengatasi kekerasan ini. Namun pelaksanaan Undang-undang ini memerlukan upaya dan dukungan dari semua lapisan masyarakat tanpa kecuali. Untuk itu diselenggarakanlah Pengabdian Masyarakat di Kecamatan Tarub Kabupaten Tegal. Tujuan Pengabdian Masyarakat ini adalah :Memberikaan penjelasan Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 Tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) untuk membangun kesadaran bahwa persoalan KDRT adalah persoalan social bukan individu.Memperkecil, menghapus/menghilangkan setiap perbuatan terhadap perempuan, suami, anak, atau anggota keluarga yang ikut dalam satu rumah tangga atau pihak yang ter-subordinasi yang menimbulkan kesengsaraan/penderitaan fisik, seksual, ekonomi, social, psikologi, termasuk ancaman pemaksaan dan pemerkosaan dalam lingkungan keluarga.Terwujudnya kesetaraan dan keadilan gender dalam lingkup keluarga dan masyarakat
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