111 research outputs found

    Effect Of Zeolite Addition In The Diet On Logmann Brown Egg Quality In The Second Production

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    Egg shape of second phase production (40- 70 weeks age) of layer bigger than egg shape of one phase production, but egg shell less thickly so than more perishable. On the other side 3.5-4% Ca in the diet only 50% can be absorbed in the intestinal. Ca absorption and Ca retention can be raised by supplementary zeolite in the diet. This experiment was conducted to observe the effect of supplying zeolite in the diet of 192 lohmann brown layer on the egg quality of second phase production. Different feeding treatment was carried out four each group. Layer in treatment 1 were fed control diet; treatment 2, a control diet + zeolite 1.5%; treatment 3, a control diet + zeolite 3%; and treatment 4, a control diet + zeolite 4%. 96 eggs sampel from layer experiment kept on 15 days. The result showed that supplementary zeolite in the diet was significantly ( P ≤ 0.05) increased the thickness of egg shell, significantly (P≤0.05) decreased of egg weight, significantly (P≤ 0.05) decreased air cell, significantly (P≤0.05) increased Haugh Unit (HU) score, and significantly (P≤ 0.05) decreased pH albumen of egg in the second phase production

    Effectivity of Zeolite Addition Into Ration to Quail Performance of 7- 14 Week

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    The aim of this experiment was to find the effect of supplementation of zeolit and was to find the optimum level of zeolit in rations on quail performance. This experiment used 80 female Coturnix coturnix japonica of five weeks old with average body weight 145,44 ± 6,72 g (cv 4,62%). The data were analysed using Completely Randomized Design and polinomial ortogonal test. The treatments was divided to four supplementation zeolit rations treatment (0%,2%,4%,6%). Each treatment had five replication and each replication used four quails. Results of this study indicated that supplementation of zeolit (0 - 6%) in rations gave not significantly different (P ≥ 0,05) to feed consumption but gave significantly different (P < 0,05) to hen day egg production (Ŷ = 46,48 + 4,86X – 1,09 X2 ; 0≤ X ≤6 ; R2 = 0,90) and significnatly different (P < 0,05) to feed convertion (Ŷ= 4,85-0,44 + 0,10X 2 ; 0≤X≤6;R2 = 0,97). Level supplementation zeolit 2,22% was optimum to hen day egg production (51,86%) and level supplementation zeolit 2,09% was optimum to feed convertion (4,39)

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Ipa-fisika Melalui Permainan Monopoli Bagi Siswa Kelas VIII a SMP Negeri 2 Gajah Demak Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPAFisika.Manfaat dari penelitian ini secara umum adalah untukmendapatkan teori baru tentang peningkatan hasil belajar IPAFisikamelalui permainan ?óÔé¼?ômonopoli?óÔé¼?Ø serta sebagai dasarpenelitian selanjutnya. Manfaat praktis bagi siswa untukmeningkatkan hasil belajarnya, meningkatkan rasa senang danmotivasi belajar IPA-Fisika. Bagi guru bermanfaat untukmendorong kreativitas dan inovasi dalam mendesainpembelajaran. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakanmetode penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari dua siklus.Langkah-langkah dalam setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan(Planning), pelaksanaan tindakan (Acting), pengamatan(Observing) dan refleksi (Reflecting) oleh guru dalam bentukkartu. Hasil pekerjaan siswa didiskusikan dalam kelompok dantidak dipresentasikan. Pada siklus II juga demikian. Setelah siswabekerja secara individu hasilnya didiskusikan pada kelompokbesar. Perwakilan dari kelompok besar mempresentasikanhasilnya ke depan kelas dan ditanggapi oleh kelompok lain. Hasilbelajar selama 3 kali ulangan harian sebelum diberi tindakan nilaitertinggi yang dicapai oleh siswa sebesar 79, nilai terendahnya 37dan rata-rata nilainya 49. jumlah siswa yang aktif kurang lebih 13anak dari 20 anak atau 65 %. Pada siklus I hasil belajar siswameningkat yaitu nilai tertinggi 87, nilai terendah 33, dan rata-ratanilai sebesar 63. Rata-rata 93,33 %. Hasil belajar siswa padasiklus II nilai tertinggi 90, nilai terendah 40, dan rata-rata nilaisebesar 67, rata-rata peran aktif siswa 98 %

    Pengaruh Perendaman Telur Menggunakan Larutan Daun Kelor terhadap Kualitas Internal Telur Ayam Ras

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    The purpose of this research was to find out interior quality of egg laying hens which immersion with moringa leaf solution and to find out the best moringa leaf solution. This research carried out on August 14--September 13, 2016 housed in the Laboratory Animal Production and Reproduction, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The material of research used 72 eggs laying hens strain isa brown from layer of 60 weeks old with the average weight 63,0±1,51 gram and coefficient of variation 2,40%. This research used a Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 6 repetition. The treatments of research consists of immersion egg used moringa leaf solution 0% (w/v), 10% (w/v), 20% (w/v), and 30% (w/v). Analyzed data observation used variance with 5% trust level and continued with Least Significant Different test. The result showed that immersion egg with moringa leaf solution significant effect (P0,05) to yolk index and percentage egg weight lo. Concentration 30% of immersion moringa leaf solution to give the best treatment to interior quality of egg laying hens

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Dan Warna Kerabang Terhadap Kualitas Internal Telur Itik Tegal

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    The purpose of this study were to (1) investigate the effects of storage time and eggshell colour of tegal duck eggs on the internal egg quality, (2) determine eggshell colour with the different storage time on score of haugh unit, pH of albumen, pH of yolk, and yolk colour. A total 72 duck egg with Completely Randomized Nest Design was used in this study. The treatments consist of 3 storage time (0, 7, and 14 days) as the main plot factor, 2 treatments eggshell colour (bright and dark) as the nest plot factor and 4 replications. Orthogonal contrast test done if there is a real variable. Based on the result showed that duck eggshell colour (bright and dark) treatments on storage time 0, 7, and 14 days did not provide significant effect on score haugh unit, pH of albumen, pH of yolk, and yolk colour of tegal duck eggs. The treatment eggshell colour (bright and dark) with a shell thickness of 0.01 mm difference with storage time 0, 7, and 14 days give the same contribution on the internal duck egg quality

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Karboksimetil Kitosan

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    Karboksimetil kitosan merupakan derivate dari kitosan yang diperoleh melalui proses eterifikasi alkalis kitosan dengan asam monokloroasetat. Kitosan diperoleh dari deasetilasi kitin dalam kulit udang putih (Penaeus vannamei). Keberadaan kitin dalam kulit udang tidak dalam keadaan bebas, akan tetapi berikatan dengan protein, mineral, dan berbagai macam pigmen (zat warna). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mensintesis dan mengkarakterisasi karboksimetil kitosan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kitosan sebanyak 17,33% (per berat serbuk kulit udang) dan karboksimetil kitosan sebanyak 42% (per berat kitosan). Spektum IR karboksimetil kitosan menunjukan melebarnya serapan dari vibrasi ulur gugus -OH yang tumpang tindih dengan serapan vibrasi ulur –NH serta semakin tajamnya intensitas serapan pita ulur C=O dan vibrasi ulur C-O. Kadar air dari kitosan hasil sintesis sebesar 2,13% sedangkan karboksimetil kitosan sebesar 11,86%. Kadar abu kitosan hasil sintesis sebesar 0,73%, sedangkan kadar abu karboksimetil kitosan sebesar 0,93%. Swelling untuk kitosan hasil sintesis sebesar 163,13% sedangkan untuk karboksimetil kitosan sebesar 182,98 %

    Gambaran Darah Ayam Petelur Fase Grower (7--10 Minggu) pada Kepadatan Kandang Berbeda

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    The research aimed to determine the hematological profile (erythrocytes, leukocytes, andhemoglobin) of grower laying hens with different cage density and the best cage density. Thisresearch has been conducted in April 2014 using 210 grower laying hens 7--10 weeks in Varia AgungJaya Farm and Balai Veteriner Lampung. The treatment is given based on completely randomizeddesign (CRD), consisting of four treatments and five replications. The data was analyzed usinganalysis of variance on 5% significance level.The result of the research shows that the density of the cage 6,9,12, and 15 hens m-2 have notsignificant (P>0,05) on hematological profile (erythrocytes 1,04--2,74 x 106 mm-3; leukocytes 27,96--52,52 x 103 mm-3; and hemoglobin 6,40--8,20 g/dl)
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