41 research outputs found

    Argumentation Semantics for Temporal Defeasible Logic

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    We present an extension of the argumentation semantics for defeasible logic to cover the temporalisation of defeasible logic with permanent and imminent temporal literals

    Modelling dialogues for optimal legislation

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    This paper presents a framework for modelling legislative deliberation in the form of dialogues. Roughly, in legislative dialogues coalitions can dynamically change and propose rule-based theories associated with different utility functions, depending on the legislative theory the coalitions are trying to determine

    Neural-symbolic probabilistic argumentation machines

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    Neural-symbolic systems combine the strengths of neural networks and symbolic formalisms. In this paper, we introduce a neural-symbolic system which combines restricted Boltzmann machines and probabilistic semi-abstract argumentation. We propose to train networks on argument labellings explaining the data, so that any sampled data outcome is associated with an argument labelling. Argument labellings are integrated as constraints within restricted Boltzmann machines, so that the neural networks are used to learn probabilistic dependencies amongst argument labels. Given a dataset and an argumentation graph as prior knowledge, for every example/case K in the dataset, we use a so-called K- maxconsistent labelling of the graph, and an explanation of case K refers to a K-maxconsistent labelling of the given argumentation graph. The abilities of the proposed system to predict correct labellings were evaluated and compared with standard machine learning techniques. Experiments revealed that such argumentation Boltzmann machines can outperform other classification models, especially in noisy settings

    An Imprecise Probability Approach for Abstract Argumentation based on Credal Sets

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    Some abstract argumentation approaches consider that arguments have a degree of uncertainty, which impacts on the degree of uncertainty of the extensions obtained from a abstract argumentation framework (AAF) under a semantics. In these approaches, both the uncertainty of the arguments and of the extensions are modeled by means of precise probability values. However, in many real life situations the exact probabilities values are unknown and sometimes there is a need for aggregating the probability values of different sources. In this paper, we tackle the problem of calculating the degree of uncertainty of the extensions considering that the probability values of the arguments are imprecise. We use credal sets to model the uncertainty values of arguments and from these credal sets, we calculate the lower and upper bounds of the extensions. We study some properties of the suggested approach and illustrate it with an scenario of decision making.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Accepted in The 15th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2019

    Temporal Deontic Defeasible Logic: An Analytical Approach

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    Basic Defeasible Logic was extended to capture some temporal aspects in legal reasoning. All these extensions can be criticized in two respects: first, a synthetical approach with which all temporal and substantial elements of the norm are represented within the same sentence was adopted instead of an analytical approach in which one sentence represents the substantive content of the norm, and other sentences specify its temporal features. Second, no semantics was provided. This paper aims to provide a Temporal Deontic Defeasible Logic adopting an analytical approach and an argumentation semantics