7 research outputs found

    Alveolar graft in the cleft lip and palate patient: review of 104 cases

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    Introduction: Alveolar bone grafting is a vital part of the rehabilitation of cleft patients. The factors that have been most frequently associated with the success of the graft are the age at grafting and the pre-grafting orthodontic treatment. Objectives: 1) Describe the cases of alveolar bone grafts performed at the Maxilofacial Unit of Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona (HSJD); and 2) Analyze the success/failure of alveolar grafts and related variables. Material and Methods: Descriptive retrospective study using a sample of 104 patients who underwent a secondary alveolar graft at the Craniofacial Unit of HSJD between 1998 and 2012. The graft was done by the same surgeon in all patients using bone from the iliac crest. Results: 70% of the patients underwent the procedure before the age of 15 (median 14.45 years); 70% of the graft patients underwent pre-graft maxillary expansion. A total of 100 cases were recorded as successful (median age of 14.58 years, 68 underwent pre-graft expansion) and only 4 were recorded as failures (median age of 17.62 years, 3 underwent pre-graft expansion). We did not find statistically significant differences in age at the time of grafting or pre-surgical expansion when comparing the success and failure groups. We found the success rate of the graft to be 96.2%. Conclusions: The number of failures was too small to establish a statistically significant conclusion in our sample regarding the age at grafting and pre-grafting expansion. The use of alveolar bone grafting from the iliac crest has a very high success rate with a very low incidence of complications. Existing controversies regarding secondary bone grafting and the wide range of success rates found in the literature suggest that it is necessary to establish a specific treatment protocol that ensures the success of this procedure

    Prevalence of sleep-related breathing disorders in children with malocclusion

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    The paediatric population has a high incidence of sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD). A notable risk factor is the presence of craniofacial abnormalities. The objective of the study was therefore to survey the prevalence of SRBD in patients presenting for interceptive treatment. Prospective study with a sample of 249 healthy patients. The ?Paediatric Sleep Questionnaire? and ?Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children? were completed by the children?s parents and the results were evaluated. All patients had their medical records reviewed and underwent orthodontic diagnosis by oral examination, as well as dental cast and cephalometric analysis. Finally, we compared the results of the pre- and post-treatment questionnaires of 50 patients in the sample. Based on the results of the questionnaires, 22.8% of the study sample had SRBD. No statistically significant correlation was found between SRBD and the anthropometric characteristics and occlusal variables assessed. According to the cast analysis, patients with SRBD had a smaller maxillary width (p<0.003), and according to the cephalometric study, less overbite (p<0.003). Furthermore, the prevalence of SRBD was higher among patients with a history of adenotonsillectomy (p<0.02). Comparison of the results of pre- and post-treatment questionnaires revealed significant differences after orthodontic treatment (p<0.0005). It is necessary to identify the presence of SRBD in orthodontic patients given its high prevalence. Patients with SRBD have a smaller maxillary width and less overbite

    Dental treatment under general anesthesia in a group of patients with cerebral palsy and a group of healthy pediatric patients

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    This is a comparative study between two groups, one of healthy children and the other of children with cerebral palsy, which underwent dental treatment under general anesthesia at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona. The purpose of the study was to compare and determine oral pathology, frequency, severity and postoperative complications in pediatric patients with and without an underlying disease which undergo a dental treatment un - der general anesthesia

    Tratamiento ortodóncico en niños con malformaciones congénitas craneofaciales

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    Anomalies congènites; Cavitat oral; Cavitat craniofacial; Congenital anomalies; Oral cavity; Cavity craniofacial; Anomalías congénitas; Cavidad oral; Cavidad craneofacialLes anomalies congènites craniofacials i de la cavitat oral són un grup molt ampli de problemes congènits de salut que es caracteritzen per una heterogeneïtat de símptomes i signes de presentació, gran diversitat d'òrgans afectats i molt baixa freqüència de presentació. La majoria s'inclou en la categoria de malalties minoritàries. Objectius: Analitzar la freqüència de presentació de les anomalies congènites de la cavitat oral i craniofacials. Estudiar l'eficàcia/efectivitat i seguretat dels tractaments mèdics, quirúrgics i de rehabilitació que s'utilitzen més freqüentment en l'actualitat. Metodologia: S'ha dut a terme una revisió exhaustiva de la literatura científica i s'ha recollit l'experiència d'un centre de referència de Catalunya en els tractaments ortodòntics infantils en les malformacions craniofacials, així com el tractament ortodòntic

    Trends of maxillofacial trauma : an update from the prospective register of a multicenter study in emergency services of Chile

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    Determine the behavior of the maxillofacial trauma of adults treated in 3 tertiary care centers in the central zone of Chile. Descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study, based on the prospective records of maxillofacial trauma cases attended between May 2016 and April 2017 by dental and maxillofacial clinical teams of Adult Emergency Units of hospitals Dr. Sótero del Río (metropolitan region), Carlos Van Buren and Dr. Gustavo Fricke (region V). Age, sex, date of occurrence, type of trauma according to ICD-10, etiology, legal medical prognosis and associated injuries were recorded, stratifying by sex and age. Chi square and unpaired Wilcoxon tests were used to compare by groups. 2.485 cases and 3.285 injuries were investigated. The male: female ratio was 1.7: 1 with age under 30 predominant, followed by older adults. Variability was observed in the yearly, weekly and daily presentation. The highest frequencies were in January and September, weekends and at night. The main etiologies were violence (42.3%), falls (13.1%) and road traffic crashes (12.9%) with differences by age and sex (p<0.05). 31,9% of the injuries occurred in hard tissue, being fractures in nasal bones predominant (S02.2). The profile of the maxillofacial trauma in Chile seems to be mixed by age, affecting young people and the elderly. The male sex predominates; the main cause, which varies by age group, is violence. Their surveillance is possible from hospital emergency records

    Premaxillary osteotomy in children with bilateral cleft lip and palate: Skeletal and dental changes

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    Purpose: To evaluate changes in children with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) who premaxillary osteotomy and secondary alveolar bone grafting as compared to children with BCLP who are not indicated for surgery, and to determine variables that differentiate patients who do or do not require osteotomy. Material and methods: Twenty-four children with BCLP were included in the study: 12 who underwent osteotomy (intervention group) and 12 who had no surgery (control group). Radiographic and model values of the intervention group were compared before (T1) and after (T2) premaxillary osteotomy, and measurements were compared with those from the control group at T1. Results: Convexity, ANB (point A-nasion-point B), and maxillary depth was more diminished at T2 in children in the intervention group. Point A, anterior nasal spine, and pogonion were retroposed after surgery, and the anterior spine was higher. At T2, the upper incisors were proinclinated and intruded, and overbite was improved. Models revealed increased intermolar intercanine width as well as intrusion of upper incisor after surgery. Premaxilla and upper molars were more extruded, had a higher total maxillary height and increased extrusion of upper incisor in children who underwent osteotomy. Conclusion: After surgery, children who undergo surgery have a premaxilla that is more normalized and more level with the occlusal plane, as well as improved dental inclination. Variables that differentiate children who require osteotomy from those who do not include more extrusion and protrusion of the premaxilla, and a greater extrusion of the upper incisors

    Oral disorders in children with Prader-Willi syndrome: a case control study

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    Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a genetic disorder caused by the lack of expression of certain paternal genes located on chromosome 15q11-q13. This anomaly causes cognitive, neurological and endocrine abnormalities, among which one of the most important is hyperphagia. The aim of this study was to assess the oral health of children with PWA and to establish preventive criteria. Results: thirty patients with PWS (mean age 10.2 years) and 30 age- and gender-matched controls were included in the study. Twenty-six patients with PWS(86.6%) followed dietary treatment prescribed by their endocrinologist. Individuals with PWS had a mean caries index of 53.3% and Decayed Missing Filled teeth (DMFT) index 2.5, and 53.3% had gingivitis, in the control group the respective figures were 43.3%, 0.93, and 60%. Only the DMFT index (p 0.017) presented significant differences. Regarding stimulated salivary secretion, patients with PWS presented a mean of 0.475 ml/min with a pH of 6.15, while controls presented a mean of 0.848 ml/min with a pH of 7.53; the differences between the groups were statistically significant in both cases (p 0.032 and p 0.0001 respectively). The population with PWS presented a higher plaque index (> 2) than their healthy peers, but the differences were not significant. Conclusion: pediatric patients with Prader-Willi syndrome have an increased risk of caries and gingivitis. The children with this syndrome have a decreased salivary flow and a more acidic salivary pH. In these patients, dental care is an essential part of their multidisciplinary medical treatment