23 research outputs found

    Reanalisando Teach for America: Uma base conceitual para a próxima geração de análises

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    In this article, we advance a conceptual framework for the study of Teach For America (TFA) as a political and social movement with implicit and explicit ideological and political underpinnings. We argue that the second branch of TFA’s mission statement, which maintains that TFA’s greatest point of influence in public education is not in classrooms, but in its facilitation of entry into leadership positions aimed at reshaping public schooling, can be better understood in terms of the organization’s: a) infusion of “policy entrepreneurs” into educational policymaking processes; b) cultivation of powerful networks of elite interests; c) promotion of “corporate” models of managerial leadership; and, d) racial and social class identities of its corps members that facilitate entry into leadership and policy networks. Our framework is informed by the extant research literature on TFA, interview data from more than 150 alumni and corps members, and our observations of TFA’s 20th Anniversary Summit in Washington, D.C., as an illustrative case of TFA’s messaging and general orientation toward educational reform. We conclude that this framework can help illuminate under-examined political and ideological motivations behind the organization’s activities.En este artículo, presentamos un marco conceptual para el estudio de Teach For America (TFA) como movimiento político y social con fundamentos ideológicos y políticos implícitos y explícitos. Sostenemos que el segundo punto del documento que presenta la misión de TFA, indicando que el espacio de mayor influencia en la educación pública no son las aulas, sino su rol para facilitar la entrada en posiciones de liderazgo destinados a la re-hacer la escuela pública, se debe entender en términos de a) infusión de "emprendedores políticos" en procesos de política educativa;: de organización b) desarrollo de redes poderosas con intereses elitistas; c) la promoción de modelos "corporativos" de liderazgo gerencial; y, d) identidades de clase raciales y sociales de los miembros de TFA con mejores posibilidades de entrada en redes políticas y de liderazgo. Nuestro marco conceptual es informado por la literatura existente investigación sobre TFA, datos de entrevistas con 150 alumnos, y nuestras observaciones del 20 Aniversario de TFA y reunión Cumbre en Washington, DC, como un caso ilustrativo de los mensajes de TFA y la orientación general hacia la reforma educativa. Llegamos a la conclusión de que este marco conceptual ilumina aspectos poco estudiados de las motivaciones políticas e ideológicas detrás de las actividades de la organización.Neste artigo, apresentamos uma base teórica e conceitual para o estudo de Teach For America (TFA) como um movimento político e social com bases ideológicas e políticas implícitas e explícitas. Sustentamos que o segundo ponto do documento que apresenta a missão de TFA, indicando que o espaço de maior influência na educação pública não são as salas de aula, mas seu papel para facilitar a entrada a seus membros a posições de liderança destinados a re-fazer da escola pública deve ser entendido em termos de a) infusão de "empreendedores políticos" no processo de organização política de educação;: b) desenvolvimento de redes poderosas com interesses elitistas; c) a promoção de modelos de liderança de gestão "corporativa"; e, d) promoção entre membros da TFA de identidades de classe raciais e sociais com melhores chances de entrada em redes políticas e liderança. Nossa base conceitual é informada pela pesquisa bibliográfica sobre TFA, dados de entrevistas com 150 alunos, e as nossas observações do 20º aniversário da TFA e encontro de cúpula em Washington, DC, como um caso ilustrativo das mensagens e orientação geral sobre reforma educacional. Conclui-se que esta base conceitual ilumina aspectos pouco estudados das motivações políticas e ideológicas por trás das atividades da organização

    Microbes in the coral holobiont: partners through evolution, development, and ecological interactions

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    In the last two decades, genetic and genomic studies have revealed the astonishing diversity and ubiquity of microorganisms. Emergence and expansion of the human microbiome project has reshaped our thinking about how microbes control host health—not only as pathogens, but also as symbionts. In coral reef environments, scientists have begun to examine the role that microorganisms play in coral life history. Herein, we review the current literature on coral-microbe interactions within the context of their role in evolution, development, and ecology. We ask the following questions, first posed by McFall-Ngai et al. (2013) in their review of animal evolution, with specific attention to how coral-microbial interactions may be affected under future environmental conditions: (1) How do corals and their microbiome affect each other's genomes? (2) How does coral development depend on microbial partners? (3) How is homeostasis maintained between corals and their microbial symbionts? (4) How can ecological approaches deepen our understanding of the multiple levels of coral-microbial interactions? Elucidating the role that microorganisms play in the structure and function of the holobiont is essential for understanding how corals maintain homeostasis and acclimate to changing environmental conditions.Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology. Center for Environmental Sensing and ModelingMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Presidential Fellowshi

    A Second-Generation Nanoluc-IL27 Fusion Cytokine for Targeted-Gene-Therapy Applications

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    An emerging approach in treating skeletal malignancies utilizes osteoimmunology to investigate new multifunctional immune-stimulatory agents that can simultaneously combat tumor growth and promote bone repair. We have hypothesized that cytokine Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is an excellent candidate biologic to help rebalance the prostate tumor cells and bone cell environment. In this work, we examined the proof of principle for a short, secreted luciferase (Nanoluc or Nluc) fusion with IL-27 to produce a novel cytokine-based biologic (Nluc-27), whereby we examined its efficacy in vitro in reducing prostate tumor growth and rebalancing bone cell proliferation and differentiation. This work demonstrates the targeting and anti-tumor efficacy of the Nluc-27 fusion cytokine in cancer and bone cell models. The fusion cytokine is detectable in conditioned media, and bioactive in different cell systems. This novel Nluc-27 cytokine will allow flexible incorporation of other targeting domains and may serve as flexible tool to augment IL-27′s bioactivity and reengineer its efficacy against prostate tumor or bone cells, and may prove applicable to several other cell types for targeted gene therapy applications

    Daydream Presentation

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    Daydream is a community focused on promoting mental health and improving the United Nations third sustainable development goal. During quarantine, more than ever people have started to feel unhealthy mentally and depression has been on a rise. To combat this, our team developed an online app and forum where people can come together to form a community that talks about their mental well being and struggles. This product can categorize similar people into the same discussions so users can understand they are not alone and see what other members in the community are struggling with. The forum will be separated into many communities that target different users, such as a community for school, work, specific interests, etc. What separates us from other mental health forums is that we will take serious action in keeping our forums safe for our community, through moderators and computer programs. Users will be anonymous so there will be no bullying or breaches of security. In addition, Daydream would be a third party contacter where experienced therapists can find patients in need for a certain amount of pay. Daydream and most of the resources offered are free, but to receive upgrades like experienced therapists or more advanced resources, a payment will be required. We will also have other ways of profit such as advertising in our forums, premium membership options, therapist certifications, and much more. To collect data for improving our product, we plan to send out short surveys and random ratings to active users and if they fill out the survey, they can receive a free week of our premium membership or other prizes for helping Daydream improve itself. Overall, our goal is to connect people with unhealthy mental health together in order to create a positive environment where they can heal their minds

    Palau's warmest reefs harbor thermally tolerant corals that thrive across different habitats

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    Ocean warming is killing corals, but heat-tolerant populations exist; if protected, they could replenish affected reefs naturally or through restoration. Palau's Rock Islands experience consistently higher temperatures and extreme heatwaves, yet their diverse coral communities bleach less than those on Palau's cooler outer reefs. Here, we combined genetic analyses, bleaching histories and growth rates of Porites cf. lobata colonies to identify thermally tolerant genotypes, map their distribution, and investigate potential growth trade-offs. We identified four genetic lineages of P. cf. lobata. On Palau's outer reefs, a thermally sensitive lineage dominates. The Rock Islands harbor two lineages with enhanced thermal tolerance; one of which shows no consistent growth trade-off and also occurs on several outer reefs. This suggests that the Rock Islands provide naturally tolerant larvae to neighboring areas. Finding and protecting such sources of thermally-tolerant corals is key to reef survival under 21st century climate change.Ministry of Education (MOE)National Research Foundation (NRF)Published versionFunding sources: To A.L.C.: National Science Foundation (OCE2049567), The Seija Family, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, the Atlantic Charter Donor Advised Fund, and the Dalio Foundation, Inc. To J.R.T.: The Singapore Ministry of Education and National Research Foundation through an RCE award to Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE), and the MIT Sea Grant Office. To H.E.R.: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Coastal Ocean Institute Grant and Ocean Venture Fund, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program, the Martin Family Fellowship for Sustainability, and the American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship. To M.D.F.: The WHOI Postdoctoral Fellowship. To K.S.M.-K. and H.E.R.: Paul M. Angell Family Foundation Grant. To I.B.B.: OCE-1537959

    Relationship of body image to the level of confidence among first to third year medical students of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute Dasmarinas, Cavite SY 2012-2013

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    The target population was the 1st to 3rd year medical students enrolled in the second semester of academic year 2012-2013. Questionnaires containing demographic data, body image questionnaire, and Rosenberg scale for level of confidence were answered by the medical students randomly selected as the respondents. Chi-square test was the statistical tool used to know the association of body language to the level of confidence. The results showed that majority of the medical students have high body image perception while 21.9% of medical students have low body image perception. Ninety-three percent (93) of students had high level of confidence and 6.3% had low level of confidence