96 research outputs found


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    El aborto bovino es un factor limitante del desarrollo ganadero en todos los países del mundo. El aborto puede presentarse en forma esporádica o endémica o en forma de brote y pueden ser de origen infeccioso y no infeccioso por lo que establecer el agente causal es difícil. Los agentes infecciosos con o sin tropismo por las membranas fetales y/o fetos son la Brucella, Leptospira, diarrea viral bovina, Aspergillus sp., Neospora caninum, etc., y pueden ocasionar en el embrión o feto un conjunto de fetopatías dependiendo del periodo de la gestación y de la virulencia del agente infeccioso. Estudios realizados en bovinos lecheros de crianza intensiva de la cuenca de Lima y en otras áreas ganaderas como la campiña de Cajamarca, Arequipa y algunos valles interandinos como el Mantaro indican que un alto porcentaje de los casos de abortos ocurridos son debidos al virus de la diarrea viral bovina y a la N. caninum. Falta mucho por aprender a cerca de la problemática del aborto bovino en el país pero poco podrá hacerse sin el decidido apoyo de los ganaderos.El aborto bovino es un factor limitante del desarrollo ganadero en todos los países del mundo. El aborto puede presentarse en forma esporádica o endémica o en forma de brote y pueden ser de origen infeccioso y no infeccioso por lo que establecer el agente causal es difícil. Los agentes infecciosos con o sin tropismo por las membranas fetales y/o fetos son la Brucella, Leptospira, diarrea viral bovina, Aspergillus sp., Neospora caninum, etc., y pueden ocasionar en el embrión o feto un conjunto de fetopatías dependiendo del periodo de la gestación y de la virulencia del agente infeccioso. Estudios realizados en bovinos lecheros de crianza intensiva de la cuenca de Lima y en otras áreas ganaderas como la campiña de Cajamarca, Arequipa y algunos valles interandinos como el Mantaro indican que un alto porcentaje de los casos de abortos ocurridos son debidos al virus de la diarrea viral bovina y a la N. caninum. Falta mucho por aprender a cerca de la problemática del aborto bovino en el país pero poco podrá hacerse sin el decidido apoyo de los ganaderos


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    La diarrea viral bovina (DVB), enfermedad enzoótica en la población bovina mundial, tiene importancia económica por las fallas reproductivas y por afectar la salud del hato en general. Las pérdidas económicas que ocasiona fueron observadas desde sus inicios cuando emergió como una enfermedad aguda. La importancia económica para la industria lechera y la biología del agente causal, el virus de la diarrea viral bovina (VDVB), motivaron una intensa investigación sobre la epidemiología, fisiopatología y biología del virus que ha permitido el planteamiento de un nuevo concepto de control de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de esta revisión es proveer a la comunidad veterinaria de un resumen de los conocimientos sobre los eventos cronológicos más importantes del VDVB y de la enfermedad de la DVB desde su emergencia en la década del 40 hasta la actualidad. Además, se describen los aspectos más relevantes sobre la estructura genómica del virus, que está permitiendo conocer su gran variabilidad genética y su impacto en la elaboración de biológicos para el diagnóstico y control de la enfermedad.The bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), an enzootic disease in the world cattle population, has a tremendous economic impact due to its effect on reproductive failure and health of cows. The economic losses observed since its emergence in the ‘40s and the interesting biology of this virus had prompt an intensive research on the epidemiology, physiopathology and molecular biology of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) that have contributed to the evolution of the concept of control of the disease. The purpose of this review is to summarize the most important chronologic events of the BVD and the BVDV. It also describes how the actual knowledge of the structure of the virus genome is contributing to the development of biologic products and current diagnostic tests for controlling the disease

    Serological evaluation of respiratory syncytial (rs) and parainfluenza 3 (pi3) viruses in cattle from Cusco

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la seroprevalencia de los virus Respiratorio Sincitial (RS) y Parainfluenza 3 (PI3) en bovinos de tres comunidades de la provincia de Espinar, Cusco. Se colectaron 406 muestras de sangre de bovinos mayores de 6 meses de edad, de ambos sexos, para la detección de anticuerpos contra los virus RC y PI3 mediante la prueba de neutralización viral. El 85.0 y 87.4% de los animales presentaron anticuerpos contra los virus RS y PI3, respectivamente, siendo mayor la frecuencia de animales positivos en los grupos etarios de 13 a 24 y >24 meses de edad. Los títulos de anticuerpos contra ambos virus tuvieron un rango de 2 a >256, donde títulos de anticuerpos de 16 a 64 contra el virus RS y PI3 se detectaron en el 61.4 y 58.3% de los animales. El 76.4% de los animales tuvieron anticuerpos contra ambos virus. Los resultados indican que los virus RS y PI3 están ampliamente distribuidos en los bovinos de las tres comunidades.The objective of the present study was to determine the seroprevalence of respiratory syncytial (RS) and parainfluenza 3 (PI3) viruses in cattle from three communities of the province of Espinar, Cusco, Perú. Blood samples were collected from 406 cattle older than 6 months of age of both sexes for the detection of antibodies against the RC and PI3 viruses by viral neutralization test. The 85.0 and 87.4 of animals presented antibodies against the RS and PI3 viruses, respectively, where animals with 13-24 and >24 months old were the most affected age groups. Antibody titres against both viruses had a range of 2 to >256, where antibody titres of 16-64 against RS and PI3 viruses were detected in 61.4 and 58.3% of the animals. Antibodies against both viruses were detected in 76.4% of the animals. The results revealed that the RS and PI3 viruses are widely distributed in the cattle population of the three communities


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    La brucelosis es causada por bacterias del género Brucella. Este género comprende 7 sub-especies conocidas como B. abortus, B. melitensis, B. suis, B. ovis, B. canis, B. neotomae y B. maris (Forbes y Tessaro, 1996; Samartino, 2001). La brucelosis es prevalente a nivel mundial, pero en especial en los países en desarrollo (Acha y Szyfres, 1989; Gómez, 1993). En América Latina, la brucelosis ocasiona pérdidas económicas estimadas en 600 millones de dólares anuales; no sólo por las fallas reproductivas, sino también, por constituir una barrera para el comercio internacional de animales (FAO/OMS, 1986).The objetive of the present study was to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella sp. in creole cattle of the province of Parinacochas, Ayacucho, Perú. Serum samples were collected from cows and heifers of 24 herds (n=385) located in 4 districts (Chumpi, Coracora, Puyusca and Pullo), to detect antibodies against Brucella sp. by the Rose Bengal agglutination test. Seroreactor animals were not found indicating that the area is free of Brucella sp. infection or would have a prevalence less than 4.87%. The results may be due to the effective surveillance programme conducted by the sanitary authorities on internal movement of animals, as well as the prevailing climatic conditions and breeding system, which may be adverse to Brucella sp

    El virus de la diarrea viral en bovinos criollos de la Provincia de Melgar, Puno

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    The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infection in 347 evaluated was criollo cattle of both sexes and older than 6 months of age in small herds of the province of Melgar, Puno. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against BVDV using the viral neutralization test. The 48.7 ± 0.1% (166/347) of the samples had antibodies against BVDV. Animals carrying on the virus, virus were not detected. Antibodies were detected in all sampled herds and the prevalence varied from 15.7 to 94.1%. Antibodies titers varied from 2 to \u3e256, showing that BVDV infection is widespread in the local cattle population, suggesting the presence of factors promoting the viral distribution such livestock fairs and lack of control for animal movements within the region

    Seroprevalencia de pestivirus de rumiantes en ovinos reproductores de una empresa de la sierra central del Perú

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) and Border Disease virus (BDV) in breeding sheep from a large cooperative farm in the Central highlands of Peru. Blood samples from apparently healthy sheep of 4 years old, both sexes (female = 165; male = 165) were collected for antibodies detection against BVDV and BDV using the virus neutralization test. The 2.1 ± 1.5% (7/330) and 28.5 ± 4.9% (94/330) of breeding sheep had antibodies against BVDV and BDV respectively, with antibodies titers of 1:2 and 1:16. There was significant association between sex and presence of antibodies against BDV (females: 53.3 ± 7.6%; males: 3.6 ± 2.9%) (p\u3c0.05)

    Diarrea viral bovina y animales portadores del virus en hatos productores de leche de la irrigación de Majes, Arequipa

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    The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and persistently infected (PI) animals in dairy herds located in Majes, Arequipa, Peru. In the first phase, 204 bulk tank milk samples from herds were collected and sent to the local commercial processing plant in Majes for detection of antibodies against BVDV by indirect ELISA test. In the second phase, 286 blood samples from 57 were collected strong positive (Optical Density [OD] ≥ 0.900) for the detection of herds antibodies against BVDV and in PI animals by the indirect and capture ELISAs respectively. In the third phase, blood samples from all animals were collected ranging from 6 to 24 months of age from three herds had at least one PI animal. The prevalence of BVDV in the 204 herds was 98.0 ± 1.9% (200/204), and the level of antibodies ranged from 0.300 to 2.350 OD.The 47.2% (135/286) of serum antibodies against BVDV HAD samples, and samples within the negative, four (2.7%) animals from three herds were PI. later on, additional PI detected animals were present in these three herds, and none of the six (4.0%) developed antibodies against BVDV. In conclusion, the results indicate that BVDV in dairy herds is widespread in Majes, the high level of antibodies Suggests the presence of PI animals in the bovine population and finally, bulk tank milk samples are very useful for antibody detection from milking cows

    Anticuerpos contra el virus de la estomatitis vesicularen sajinos (Tayassu tajacu) de zoocriaderos de Iquitos y Pucallpa

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    The objetive of this study was to detect antibodies against vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) collared peccaries in (Tayassu tajacu) from farms of Iquitos and Pucallpa, Peru. Blood samples were collected in animals olders than 6 months of age (pregnant females were not included) from a farm in Iquitos (n = 21) and from four farms in Pucallpa (n = 47), for detection of antibodies against Indiana 1 and New Jersey serotype of VSV by viral neutralization test. No specific antibodies against both serotypes of VSV were detected, indicating that the peccaries were not exposed to VSV, and suggesting absence of the infection in those animals


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia del virus de la diarrea viral bovina (VDVB) en bovinos productores de leche bajo crianza intensiva en el valle de Lima. Se colectaronmuestras de sangre de bovinos hembrasmayores a 6meses (n = 311) procedentes de 12 hatos sin antecedentes de vacunación contra la enfermedad de la diarrea viral bovina, para la detección de anticuerposmediante la prueba de neutralización viral. El 56.0 ± 5.5% (174/311) de las muestras presentaron anticuerpos contra el VDVBcon títulos entre 2 a >256. Cinco de los 12 hatosmuestreados no tuvieron animales serorreactores. Los resultados indicaron que el VDVB estaba difundido en el valle de Lima, aunque se encuentran hatos libres de la infección viral o con una prevalencia viral muy baja.The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was determined in 12 dairy herds of the Lima valley. Blood samples were taken in 311 female cattle older than 6 months of age for the detection of antibodies against BVDV by viral neutralization test. The herds did not have history of vaccination against bovine viral diarrhea disease. The prevalence of BVDVwas 56.0 ± 5.5%(174/311) and the titers of antibodies againstBVDV ranged from 2 to >256. Five out of the 12 herds did not have seropositive animals. The results indicated that the BVDV was widely distributed in dairy herds of Lima valley; although viral prevalence is low and some herds are free of the disease


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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la seroprevalencia del virus herpes bovino tipo 1 (VHB-1), agente causal de la Rinotraqueitis Infecciosa Bovina (RIB), en bovinos mayores de 6 meses de edad, procedentes de 12 hatos lecheros del valle de Lima y sin historia de vacunación. Se tomó muestras de sangre en 395 hembras para la detección de anticuerpos neutralizantes en suero mediante la prueba de neutralización viral. El 36 ± 0.47% (143/395) de los animales presentaron anticuerpos neutralizantes contra el VHB-1 con títulos entre 2 a >256. El 67% (8/12) de los hatos muestreados tuvieron animales seroreactores. Las mayores prevalencias se presentaron en hatos con >300 animales, en hatos ubicados en el norte y sur del valle de Lima y en animales mayores de 2 años de edad. Estos resultados confirman que el VHB-1 está difundido en el valle de Lima a pesar que no se obtuvo evidencias clínicas de la RIB. Sin embargo, considerando que los ganaderos manifestaron observar problemas respiratorios en animales jóvenes, esto podría ser indicativo que el virus estaría asociado al complejo respiratorio bovino.The seroprevalence of bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1), the causative agent of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) was determined in non-vaccinated bovines older than 6 months of age and reared in 12 dairy farms in the valley of Lima, Peru. Blood samples were collected from 395 animals and assayed for antibodies to BHV-1 by using virus neutralization test. Antibodies against BHV-1 were detected in 26 ± 0.47% (143/395) of the animals with titers between 2 and >256. Sixty seven per cent (8/12) of herds had seropositive animals. The higher prevalence was found in herds with more than 300 animals and in herds located in the north and south of Lima, and in those animals older than 2 years. These results confirmed the wide distribution of BHV-1 in the Lima valley, despite of the absence of clinical signs. Since farmers have indicated to have observed respiratory diseases in young animals, the BHV-1 would be associated to the bovine respiratory complex in calves
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