800 research outputs found

    Baudrillard and the Viral Violence of Cyber Security

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    This paper explores Jean Baudrillard’s theorization on war and communication, connecting it to recent developments in the field of cyber security. With the important elevation of military forces such as the United States Cyber Command, critical theory needs to interrogate the increasing stature and seriousness of the cyber domain in global military strategies. Baudrillard’s critique shifts the focus from simple military strategies to the globe’s consumption of the information that is offered by the global information complex. This paper explains the nuances of violence surrounding the exchange of media surrounding war, criticizing both pro-war and anti-war stances, to examine the difficulties with traditional solutions to conflict. Drawing directly from Baudrillard’s work as well as modern academic publications that apply his ideas to newer conflicts, this paper seeks to revitalize critiques of semiotic warfare and bolster their contextualization to current events in cyber security in order to keep Baudrillardian thought relevant

    Collective innovation

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 178-179).The ability to innovate sits at the heart of an organization's ability to succeed in a competitive environment. An organization can innovate by improving existing products, services, or processes or by generating new products, services, or processes. Achieving successful, repeated organizational innovation, however, is a significant challenge. The hurdles to such innovation run the gamut from psychological to structural to procedural. Managers can fall victim to myopia and other human level challenges. Organizational processes, structures, and values can short circuit innovation as well. Given these challenges, we posit that an innovation strategy embracing the concepts of collective intelligence and openness may enable organizations to surmount these hurdles. We refer to this approach as Collective Innovation and define it as a connected, open, and collaborative process that generates, develops, prioritizes, and executes new ideas. To develop our argument, we surveyed literature from a wide array of disciplines including economics, organizational behavior, social psychology, and organizational change.(cont.) We begin this thesis by drawing a connection between the economic theories of Adam Smith and Ronald Coase and research into the changing workplace by Thomas Malone. We then introduce the concepts of collective intelligence and openness, core tenets of Collective Innovation. After introducing Collective Innovation, we examine its place in the history of innovation strategy. Next, we outline and describe the four stages of the Collective Innovation process. Having dealt mainly in theory, we then turn to the application of Collective Innovation and the myriad challenges that managers will face when attempting to implement such a strategy. Keeping in mind these challenges, we outline four ways in which organizations might use Collective Innovation to power the exploration-side of their operations. Finally, we revisit several remaining questions before concluding our analysis.by Alex Slawsby [and] Carlos Rivera.M.B.A

    Sargadelos en los albores del capitalismo industrial español: entre la iniciativa privada y la promoción reformista

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    Análisis de la génesis de las Reales Fábricas de Sargadelos desde la perspectiva política del reformismo ilustrado y la historia de las mentalidades, así como sus aspectos económicos en los inicios del capitalismo industrial. Se indagan además las particularidades sociales y militares que conducen al éxito empresarial de Sargadelos hasta la muerte de su fundador, Don Antonio Raimundo Ibáñez. Todo ello planteado en el contexto de la dinámica general española durante el último tercio del siglo XVIII y los comienzos del XIX, coincidiendo con la crisis final del Antiguo Régimen.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Histori

    Surface Electrostatics of Lipid Bilayers by EPR of a pH-Sensitive Spin-Labeled Lipid

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    AbstractMany biophysical processes such as insertion of proteins into membranes and membrane fusion are governed by bilayer electrostatic potential. At the time of this writing, the arsenal of biophysical methods for such measurements is limited to a few techniques. Here we describe a, to our knowledge, new spin-probe electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) approach for assessing the electrostatic surface potential of lipid bilayers that is based on a recently synthesized EPR probe (IMTSL-PTE) containing a reversibly ionizable nitroxide tag attached to the lipids’ polar headgroup. EPR spectra of the probe directly report on its ionization state and, therefore, on electrostatic potential through changes in nitroxide magnetic parameters and the degree of rotational averaging. Further, the lipid nature of the probe provides its full integration into lipid bilayers. Tethering the nitroxide moiety directly to the lipid polar headgroup defines the location of the measured potential with respect to the lipid bilayer interface. Electrostatic surface potentials measured by EPR of IMTSL-PTE show a remarkable (within ±2%) agreement with the Gouy-Chapman theory for anionic DMPG bilayers in fluid (48°C) phase at low electrolyte concentration (50 mM) and in gel (17°C) phase at 150-mM electrolyte concentration. This agreement begins to diminish for DMPG vesicles in gel phase (17°C) upon varying electrolyte concentration and fluid phase bilayers formed from DMPG/DMPC and POPG/POPC mixtures. Possible reasons for such deviations, as well as the proper choice of an electrostatically neutral reference interface, have been discussed. Described EPR method is expected to be fully applicable to more-complex models of cellular membranes

    Removal of Carbamazepine from Drinking Water

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    Due to the increasing prevalence of prescription medication over the past few decades, pharmaceuticals have accumulated in various water sources. This has become a public health concern because many pharmaceuticals have limited research on the effects of chronic low-level exposure. According to the World’s Health Organization (WHO), traces of pharmaceuticals products have been reported in different water sources such as surface waters, wastewater, groundwater, and drinking water.[1] One pharmaceutical of interest that has been detected in water sources is carbamazepine. Carbamazepine (CBZ) is a common pharmaceutical prescribed for the treatment of seizure disorders, neuropathic pain, and various psychological disorders. It’s mechanism of action is “sodium channel blocking,” which is the impairment of conduction of sodium ions in sodium channels. This, in effect, reduces nervous-system conductivity in key areas related to the treated disorders mentioned above.[2] Carbamazepine is also not easily biodegradable and current conventional treatment methods in some drinking water and wastewater facilities do not adequately remove carbamazepine and other pharmaceuticals from treated water. While carbamazepine is not federally regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Safe Water Drinking Act (SWDA) at this time, it does have the potential for producing adverse health effects in humans. Therefore, being proactive in finding ways to remove carbamazepine and compounds like it should be encouraged. The Carbamaza-Clean team designed a bench scale unit as well as an in-home treatment system using granular activated carbon (GAC) to effectively remove carbamazepine from water. GAC was chosen for this design because it is inexpensive and does not create by-products that are harmful to human health. Several experiments were conducted to determine the efficiency of the removal of carbamazepine using two different GACs: coconut shell GAC (CSGAC) and bituminous coal GAC (BGAC). A packed bed column was constructed to determine if both carbons could reduce the concentration of carbamazepine from 1 ppm to 1 ppb or lower. The CSGAC packed bed was able to lower the concentration below 1 ppb at a packed bed length of 4.4 ft, while the BGAC only required half that (2.2 ft). Both carbons can remove carbamazepine to the desired concentration; however, the costs vary. An economic analysis was performed to determine the costs of the carbons. The CSGAC system would cost 990forthefirstyearand990 for the first year and 589.68 for each following year. The BGAC system would cost 639forthefirsttwoyears,andthen639 for the first two years, and then 200 every two years following the initial capital investment

    Aneurisma del tronco principal de la arteria coronaria izquierda Descripción de un caso clínico y revisión de tema

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    El aneurisma arterial coronario constituye una entidad rara en la población; su incidencia varía entre 1,5% y 5%, siendo más frecuente en hombres. Existe escasa bibliografía acerca de esta patología a pesar de que su estudio se remonta a finales del siglo XVIII. La arteria que se afecta con mayor frecuencia es la coronaria derecha, aproximadamente en 40% de los casos. La dificultad al momento del diagnóstico clínico radica en que inicialmente el enfoque está dirigido a confirmar y tratar de manera oportuna el síndrome coronario agudo que con insistencia constituye la manifestación inicial con que cursan este tipo de pacientes; por ello el diagnóstico necesariamente requiere ayudas imaginológicas e intervencionistas, o ambas. Hay muchas causas que puedan producir aneurismas en la circulación coronaria, la más común de ellas es la aterosclerosisseguida por trastornos congénitos, enfermedades del tejido conectivo, vasculitis y consumo de cocaína entre otros. Recientemente se han publicado innovadores estudios respecto a la fisiopatología y los avances en terapéutica farmacológica e intervencionista, aunque el tratamiento debe enfocarse en los factores de riesgo, las patologías y las manifestaciones clínicas que presente el paciente.Coronary artery aneurysm is a rare entity in the population. Its incidence rates vary between 1.5% - 5%, and is more frequent in males. There is limited literature on this disease, although its study goes back to the late eighteenth century. The most frequently affected artery is the right coronary artery, in approximately 40% of cases. The initial diagnostic difficulty lies in the fact that the initial approach is focused in confirming and treating properly the coronary acute syndrome, which is the most frequent initial presentation in these patients. Therefore, its diagnosis requires necessarily imaging or interventionist aid, or both. Many causes account for coronary aneurysms, being the most common atherosclerosis followed by congenital abnormalities, connective tissue diseases, vasculitis and cocaine consumption. Novel studies regarding the physiopathology and advances in pharmacological and interventionist therapy have been published, although treatment must focus on risk factors, associated pathologies and clinical manifestations

    Estudio de viabilidad económica del tren de transporte de carbón del Carare

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    Trabajo de gradoEstudiar la viabilidad en términos económicos de la construcción de una vía férrea que conectará las ciudades de Belencito y Vizcaína en el centro del país, mejor conocido como el Tren del Carare, el cual ha sido objeto de estudio desde hace décadas y el deseo de los productores de carbón del país. La implementación de esta vía impulsaría el desarrollo del sector carbonífero de la zona de influencia del proyecto a causa de la reducción en los costos logísticos del transporte del carbón desde las zonas de extracción hasta la disposición final en los puertos de exportación.INTRODUCCIÓN 1 GENERALIDADES 2 MARCOS DE REFERENCIA 3 METODOLOGÍA 4 PRODUCTOS A ENTREGAR 5 ENTREGA DE LOS RESULTADOS ESPERADOS E IMPACTOS 6 NUEVAS ÁREAS DE ESTUDIO 7 CONCLUSIONES 8 RECOMENDACIONESEspecializaciónEspecialista en Gerencia de Obras Civile

    Diseño de un sistema de buenas prácticas de manufactura para industrias Ipiales

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    Diseñar un sistema de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura para Industrias Ipiales.La presente investigación, tuvo como finalidad el desarrollo del diseño de un Sistema de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura para Industrias Ipiales, la misma que se encuentra ubicada en la parroquia de Natabuela perteneciente al Cantón Antonio Ante. Se efectuó un diagnóstico inicial a la planta procesadora, con el propósito de determinar el estado de cumplimiento en Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura , utilizando como herramienta de evaluación la lista de verificación establecida por la Agencia Nacional de Regulación, Control y Vigilancia Sanitaria (ARCSA). Luego de concluir con el diagnóstico inicial, la planta procesadora obtuvo una calificación de 60,57% de cumplimiento sobre los requerimientos exigidos en la Norma Técnica Sanitaria Unificada de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura. (Resolución ARCSA-DE-067-2015-GGG), obteniendo una calificación inadecuada ya que los mismos se encuentran fuera de porcentaje optimo (80-100%) para adquirir la certificación BPM. Los datos obtenidos fueron expresados en el diagrama de Pareto, con la finalidad de conocer cuáles son los capítulos que presentaron un inadecuado cumplimiento de BPM y así direccionar un Plan de Mejoras, donde se detallaron las acciones correctivas a realizar en la planta procesadora. Para determinar el estado de higienización de las superficies se efectuó los análisis microbiológicos utilizando; el método de hisopado, donde se evidenció la presencia de recuento estándar en placa y mohos, que superaron los límites permisibles (¿10² UFC/cm) por los cual, se procedió a realizar nuevamente los análisis microbiológicos, utilizando los Procedimientos Operativo Estandarizados de Sanitización (POES) incluidos en el manual BPM. Tomando como referencia el diseño layout de la planta, se identificó que Industrias Ipiales incumple aspectos fundamentales sobre la correcta ubicación y distribución de las diferentes áreas y equipos, por lo cual; basándose en la forma física que presenta la planta sobre la distribución de las áreas y equipos, se procedió a rediseñar una adecuada distribución, utilizando la metodología Systematic Layout Planning (SLP). Se elaboró el manual de BPM, donde se describen los diferentes procedimientos, fichas técnicas, métodos y requisitos exigidos en la Norma Técnica Sanitaria Unificada de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura