122 research outputs found

    Estudio de la etiología de meningitis aséptica y meningoencefalitis en el Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González, mediante estrategias de virología molecular

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    Antecedentes: La meningitis aséptica y la meningoencefalitis constituyen problemas de gran importancia clínica. Sus agentes etiológicos más frecuentes son los enterovirus (ECHOvirus, Coxsackievirus, Enterovirus no-polio), Togavirus, Flavivirus, Bunyavirus y otros grupos antes conocidos como ARBOvirus (Arthopod-borne viruses) y el virus del herpes humano. Objetivo: En este trabajo nos propusimos identificar, mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, los genomas virales de los virus del herpes simple (VHS tipos 1 y 2), del enterovirus y del virus del oeste del Nilo (VON) como causantes de meningitis aséptica y de meningoencefalitis. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron 30 pacientes que ingresaron al Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González durante el período de febrero de 2005 a junio de 2008. Se analizaron muestras de líquido cefalorraquídeo (2 mL) para buscar, mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, el genoma del enterovirus, del VHS tipos 1 y 2, y del virus del oeste del Nilo, siguiendo protocolos estandarizados. Resultados: Ninguno de los pacientes estudiados fue positivo para los virus buscados mediante amplificación por la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. Entre los datos clínicos relevantes encontramos que la presencia de estupor o el coma se relacionó significativamente con la muerte (p = 0.005). Encontramos, además, que tres muertes ocurrieron en el grupo de pacientes con meningoencefalitis (p = 0.021). Conclusiones: No encontramos el genoma de los virus analizados en el líquido cefalorraquídeo de los pacientes estudiados, probablemente debido al tamaño limitado de la muestra, a su calidad, o a diversos factores epidemiológicos en nuestra región. La información clínica y del laboratorio de los pacientes estudiados es similar a la que está publicada en estudios anteriores. Es necesario realizar estudios más amplios, incluyendo a un mayor número de pacientes que nos permitan conocer la etiología de este tipo de enfermedades en nuestra comunidad. Esto hará posible mejorar la metodología para el diagnóstico en los pacientes con patología del sistema nervioso central

    Chikungunya virus: A general overview

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a re-emerging mosquito borne alphavirus responsible for the recent outbreak in the Americas. Immunologically naïve population in the Americas favors the spread of epidemics. Chikungunya fever is characterized by an abrupt febrile illness, polyarthralgia and maculopapular rash. In chikungunya fever, shock or severe hemorrhage is very rarely observed; the onset is more acute and the duration of fever is shorter than dengue disease. The pain is much more pronounced and localized to the joints and tendons in chikungunya fever, in comparison to dengue fever. There is no specific and effective antiviral therapy and vaccines are still in trails. The only effective preventive measures consist of individual protection against mosquito bites and vector control. Disease prevention is important due to the economic burden it entails. Clinicians need to distinguish chikungunya fever between dengue fever and other diseases to give a successful treatment and prevent disease spreading

    Presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo en el noreste de México

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    Objetivo. Detectar la presencia del virus del oeste del Nilo (VON) en aves, equinos y seres humanos en el noreste de México. Material y métodos. Se buscó en diferentes localidades del noreste de México la presencia de anticuerpos antivirus del oeste del Nilo (anti-VON) en suero de 33 aves, 24 caballos y 237 personas mediante pruebas de ELISA durante el periodo de julio de 2003 a julio de 2006. En los sueros humanos se buscó también el RNA-VON mediante RT-PCR. Resultados. Se encontraron tres aves seropositivas y 15 equinos. En el hombre, 40% de los sueros fue positivo para anticuerpos IgG y ninguno para anticuerpos IgM. Conclusiones. El VON se encuentra activo en México y se suma a otras enfermedades emergentes transmitidas por vectores que representan un reto a la investigación y a los programas de prevención

    The zika virus disease: An overview

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    The zika virus, another re-emerging Flavivirus transmitted to humans by mosquitoes, is responsible for the most recent fever outbreak in the Americas and the Pacific, starting in 2015. The immunologically naïve population in the Americas favors the spread of epidemics. The zika fever is characterized by febrile illness, malaise, conjunctivitis and a maculopapular rash. Similar to other arboviroses recently spread in the Americas, there is no specific or effective antiviral therapy and vaccines are still in trials. The only effective preventive measures consist of individual protection against mosquito bites and vector control. This febrile illness increases the epidemiological and public health challenge existing in America, where the population is already fighting against dengue and chikungunya fever. Disease prevention is important due to the economic burden it entails. The fact of sexual and transfusion virus transmission is a great challenge to overcome. Doctors need to distinguish between dengue, chikungunya and other diseases to give a successful treatment and prevent the disease spreading

    Antioxidants benefits in hepatitis C infection in the new DAAs era

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    Some of the evidence on whether antioxidant supplements are effective in treatment of liver diseases is contradictory. Here we perform a descriptive analysis of the available data in vivo and in vitro of the possible antiviral action and controversy of several antioxidant molecules against HCV

    History and progress of antiviral drugs: from acyclovir to direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) for Hepatitis C

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    The development of antiviral drugs is a very complex process. Currently, around 50 drugs have been approved for human use against viruses such as HSV, HIV-1, the cytomegalo virus, the influenza virus, HBV and HCV. Advancements in this area have been achieved through efforts and technical breakthroughs in different scientific fields. The improvement in the treatment of HCV infection is a good example of what is needed for efficient antiviral therapy. A thorough description of the events that lead to the development of specifically targeted antiviral therapy or HCV (STAT-C) could be useful to further improve research for treating many other viral diseases in the future. Similar to HIV-1 and HBV treatment, combination therapy along with personalized medicine approaches have been necessary to successfully treat HCV patients. This review is focused on what has been done to develop a successful HCV therapy and the drawbacks along the wa

    Proteoma y vías de señalización inducidas por AAS en células que expresan el VHC

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    RESUMEN El AAS disminuye la expresión del VHC por mecanismos aún desconocidos. Se compararon perfiles de expresión proteómica en células de hepatocarcinoma (Huh7) y células que expresan proteínas no estructuradas del VHC (Huh7-VHC) tratadas con AAS 4mM. Los perfiles obtenidos mediante electroforesis bidimensional fueron analizados por pI y PM. Se identificaron diferentes patrones entre células Huh7- VHC tratadas y no tratadas con AAS. Entre las proteínas diferencialmente expresadas encontramos proteínas relacionadas con proliferación celular (MTMR6, FAM22, HDGF y HCF-1) y sobreexpresión de angiotensina, PI4KA y STAT-1. A las 72h, identificamos sobreexpresión de adenil-succinato sintasa, 2’-3’-di-deoxiadenosina, proteína ligasa de ubiquitina E6A, adenilsuccinato-liasa y nibrina. El AAS induce diferentes patrones proteicos en células Huh7- VHC, promoviendo la activación de proteínas relacionadas con progresión celular, reparación de DNA, inhibición de apoptosis y estimulación del crecimiento. ABSTRACT ASA has been shown to downregulate HCV expression; however, the involved mechanisms are unknown. We used proteomic analysis to compare protein expression profiles between human hepatocarcinome cells (Huh7) and Huh7-HCV cells harboring expression of non-structural HCV proteins to elucidate the mechanisms involved in ASAmediated downregulation of HCV replication. Cell lines were treated with 4 mM ASA and harvested to isolate total proteins, which were resolved by 2-DE. Gels were analyzed and proteins elucidated by pI and MW patterns. Different protein patterns among hepatocytes expressing HCV-proteins in ASA treated and untreated cells were found. Among proteins differentially expressed we found proteins related to cellular proliferation (MTMR6, FAM22, HDGF y HCF-1) and overexpression of angiotensin (PI4KA y STAT-1). We found that ASA induces different protein patterns in Huh7-HCV cells promoting activation of proteins involved in cell progression, repair of double strand breaks, proliferation, inhibition of apoptosis and growth stimulation at the same time that it decreased HCV expression

    Ebola virus disease 2014

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    Ebola virus disease was irst described in 1976 originating from the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then, Ebola virus has become an important public health threat in Africa, and now it is of great concern worldwide due to the recent outbreaks (9216 cases with 4555 deaths up to October 20th, 2014), and it is so far the largest and deadliest recorded in history. Five Ebola virus species have been identiied (including Zaire, Sudan, Ivory Coast, Reston, and Bundibugyo Ebola virus), and four of them have proved to be highly pathogenic for both human and non-human primates, causing viral hemorrhagic fever with case fatality rates of up to 90%, for which no approved therapeutics or vaccines are currently available. Ebola virus infections are characterized by immune suppression and a systemic inlammatory response that causes impairment of the vascular, coagulation, and immune systems, leading to multiorgan failure and shock, and thus, in some ways, resembling septic shock. The major affected countries, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, and Nigeria, have been struggling to contain and to mitigate the outbreak. Gene sequencing of the 2014 virus (2014WA) outbreak has demonstrated 98% homology with the Zaire Ebola virus, with a 49% case fatality ratio across the affected countries. In this review the characteristics of the viruses, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, and the cases reported in health care workers (HCW) are described, as well as a summary of outbreaks of the virus since its discovery, including these last two outbreaks in Africa