212 research outputs found

    OTOC, complexity and entropy in bi-partite systems

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    There is a remarkable interest in the study of Out-of-time ordered correlators (OTOCs) that goes from many body theory and high energy physics to quantum chaos. In this latter case there is a special focus on the comparison with the traditional measures of quantum complexity such as the spectral statistics, for example. The exponential growth has been verified for many paradigmatic maps and systems. But less is known for multi-partite cases. On the other hand the recently introduced Wigner separability entropy (WSE) and its classical counterpart (CSE) provide with a complexity measure that treats equally quantum and classical distributions in phase space. We have compared the behavior of these measures in a system consisting of two coupled and perturbed cat maps with different dynamics: double hyperbolic (HH), double elliptic (EE) and mixed (HE). In all cases, we have found that the OTOCs and the WSE have essentially the same behavior, providing with a complete characterization in generic bi-partite systems and at the same time revealing them as very good measures of quantum complexity for phase space distributions. Moreover, we establish a relation between both quantities by means of a recently proven theorem linking the second Renyi entropy and OTOCs.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Classical to quantum correspondence in dissipative directed transport

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    We compare the quantum and classical properties of the (Quantum) Isoperiodic Stable Structures -- (Q)ISSs -- which organize the parameter space of a paradigmatic dissipative ratchet model, i.e. the dissipative modified kicked rotator. We study the spectral behavior of the corresponding classical Perron-Frobenius operators with thermal noise and the quantum superoperators without it for small â„Źeff\hbar_{\rm eff} values. We find a remarkable similarity between the classical and quantum spectra. This finding significantly extends previous results -- obtained for the mean currents and asymptotic distributions only -- and on the other hand unveils a classical to quantum correspondence mechanism where the classical noise is qualitatively different from the quantum one. This is crucial not only for simple attractors but also for chaotic ones, where just analyzing the asymptotic distribution reveals insufficient. Moreover, we provide with a detailed characterization of relevant eigenvectors by means of the corresponding Weyl-Wigner distributions, in order to better identify similarities and differences. Finally, this model being generic, it allows us to conjecture that this classical to quantum correspondence mechanism is a universal feature of dissipative systems.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Semiclassical Coherent States propagator

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    In this work, we derived a semiclassical approximation for the matrix elements of a quantum propagator in coherent states (CS) basis that avoids complex trajectories, it only involves real ones. For that propose, we used the, symplectically invariant, semiclassical Weyl propagator obtained by performing a stationary phase approximation (SPA) for the path integral in the Weyl representation. After what, for the transformation to CS representation SPA is avoided, instead a quadratic expansion of the complex exponent is used. This procedure also allows to express the semiclassical CS propagator uniquely in terms of the classical evolution of the initial point, without the need of any root search typical of Van Vleck Gutzwiller based propagators. For the case of chaotic Hamiltonian systems, the explicit time dependence of the CS propagator has been obtained. The comparison with a \textquotedbl{}realistic\textquotedbl{} chaotic system that derives from a quadratic Hamiltonian, the cat map, reveals that the expression here derived is exact up to quadratic Hamiltonian systems.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure. Accepted for publication in PR

    Stable classical structures in dissipative quantum chaotic systems

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    We study the stability of classical structures in chaotic systems when a dissipative quantum evolution takes place. We consider a paradigmatic model, the quantum baker map in contact with a heat bath at finite temperature. We analyze the behavior of the purity, fidelity and Husimi distributions corresponding to initial states localized on short periodic orbits (scar functions) and map eigenstates. Scar functions, that have a fundamental role in the semiclassical description of chaotic systems, emerge as very robust against environmental perturbations. This is confirmed by the study of other states localized on classical structures. Also, purity and fidelity show a complementary behavior as decoherence measures.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Relevant OTOC operators: footprints of the classical dynamics

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    The out-of-time order correlator (OTOC) has recently become relevant in different areas where it has been linked to scrambling of quantum information and entanglement. It has also been proposed as a good indicator of quantum complexity. In this sense, the OTOC-RE theorem relates the OTOCs summed over a complete base of operators to the second Renyi entropy. Here we have studied the OTOC-RE correspondence on physically meaningful bases like the ones constructed with the Pauli, reflection, and translation operators. The evolution is given by a paradigmatic bi-partite system consisting of two perturbed and coupled Arnold cat maps with different dynamics. We show that the sum over a small set of relevant operators, is enough in order to obtain a very good approximation for the entropy and hence to reveal the character of the dynamics, up to a time t 0 . In turn, this provides with an alternative natural indicator of complexity, i.e. the scaling of the number of relevant operators with time. When represented in phase space, each one of these sets reveals the classical dynamical footprints with different depth according to the chosen base.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Quantum Lyapunov exponent in dissipative systems

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    The out-of-time order correlator (OTOC) has been widely studied in closed quantum systems. However, there are very few studies for open systems and they are mainly focused on isolating the effects of scrambling from those of decoherence. Adopting a different point of view, we study the interplay between these two processes. This proves crucial in order to explain the OTOC behavior when a phase space contracting dissipation is present, ubiquitous not only in real life quantum devices but in the dynamical systems area. The OTOC decay rate is closely related to the classical Lyapunov exponent -- with some differences -- and more sensitive in order to distinguish the chaotic from the regular behavior than other measures. On the other hand, it reveals as a generally simple function of the longest lived eigenvalues of the quantum evolution operator. We find no simple connection with the Ruelle-Pollicott resonances, but by adding Gaussian noise of â„Źeff\hbar_{\text{eff}} size to the classical system we recover the OTOC decay rate, being this a consequence of the correspondence principle put forward in [Physical Review Letters 108 210605 (2012) and Physical Review E 99 042214 (2019)]Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Hyperbolic Scar Patterns in Phase Space

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    We develop a semiclassical approximation for the spectral Wigner and Husimi functions in the neighbourhood of a classically unstable periodic orbit of chaotic two dimensional maps. The prediction of hyperbolic fringes for the Wigner function, asymptotic to the stable and unstable manifolds, is verified computationally for a (linear) cat map, after the theory is adapted to a discrete phase space appropriate to a quantized torus. The characteristic fringe patterns can be distinguished even for quasi-energies where the fixed point is not Bohr-quantized. The corresponding Husimi function dampens these fringes with a Gaussian envelope centered on the periodic point. Even though the hyperbolic structure is then barely perceptible, more periodic points stand out due to the weakened interference.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Submited to Phys. Rev.
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