964 research outputs found

    By-Elections in Québec: Signs of Discord, Dissatisfaction, or Simple Dialogue?

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    By-elections are a regular aspect of Canadian politics but have been subject to a relatively scarce amount of study. In Québec, Massicotte (1981) demonstrated that the governing party largely won every contested by-election throughout the twentieth century. Since this time period, however, we find that opposition parties won a clear majority of by-elections in almost every single parliamentary sitting from 1976 onward. Based on previous theories, our analysis finds that by-elections in Québec are significant events and serve as a barometer for the next general election. Therefore, by-election outcomes are not simply idiosyncratic or exclusive to a particular riding

    A continental rift model for the La Grande greenstone belt

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    Stratigraphic relationships and the geochemistry of volcanic rocks contrain the nature and timing of the tectonic and magmatic processes in the pre-deformational history of the La Grande greenstone belt in the Superior Province of north-central Quebec. The lowermost supracrustals in this belt are obscured by syntectonic granitoid intrusives. The supracrustal succession in the western part of the belt consists of a lower sequence of immature clastic sediments and mafic volcanoclastics, overlain by pillowed and massive basalts. Further east, along tectonic strike, a lower sequence of mafic volcanoclastics and immature clastic sediments is overlain by a thick sequence of pillowed and massive basalts, and resedimented coarse clastic sediments and banded iron formation. These are overlain by assive basaltic andesites, andesites and intermediate volcanoclastics intercalated with immature clastic sediments. In contrast, in the eastern part of the belt lenses of felsic volcanics and volcanoclastics occur at the base of the succession and pillowed and massive basalts are overlain by komatiites at the top. The La Grande greenstone belt can be explained as the product of continental rifting. The restricted occurence of komatiites, and eastwardly directed paleocurrents in clastic sediments in the central part of the belt are consistent with rifting commencing in the east and propagating westward with time. The increase in depth of emplacement and deposition with time of the lower three units in the central part of the belt reflects deposition in a subsiding basin. These supracrustal rocks are believed to represent the initial rift succession

    Plus ça change…: The Effects of Nationalism and Electoral Competition on Immigration and Integration Policy Proposals in Quebec, 1976-2014

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    This work is a comprehensive study of immigration and integration policy proposals made by the Parti Libéral du Québec (PLQ) and the Parti Québécois (PQ) through the 11 elections that took place from 1976-2016. Where the PLQ is a federalist provincial party, the PQ is the PLQ’s primary opponent and represents the province’s sovereignist ambitions. However, this work posits that the PLQ and PQ propose similar immigration and integration policy proposals. Where one might expect to see a stark contrast between the parties’ proposed ethnocultural diversity management policies, we see periods of significant convergence—both parties, in fact, propose similar policies as a whole. Furthermore, this work examines the impact that nationalism and electoral competition maintained over the parties’ policy proposals. Simply put, this work argues that nationalism is incredibly important for both parties but both parties largely proposed inclusive and pluralist ethnocultural diversity management proposals. The theory of brokerage politics has been applied in order to explain this convergence, in effect demonstrating that the parties converge on this policy area in order to appeal to the greatest number of voters as possible by fundamentally limiting the ideological differences between the two parties

    Structural Snapshots of a Flexible Cu_2P_2 Core that Accommodates the Oxidation States Cu^ICu^I, Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5), and Cu^(II)Cu^(II)

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    The phosphido-bridged dicopper(I) complex {(PPP)Cu}_2 has been synthesized and structurally characterized ([PPP]^- = bis(2-di-iso-propylphosphinophenyl)phosphide). Cyclic voltammetry of {(PPP)Cu}_2 in THF shows fully reversible oxidations at −1.02 V (Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5)/Cu^ICu^I) and −0.423 V (Cu^(II)Cu^(II)/Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5)). Chemical oxidation of {(PPP)Cu}_2 by one electron yields the class III mixed-valence species [{(PPP)Cu}_2]^+ (EPR, UV−vis). Structural data establish an unexpectedly large change (0.538 Å) in the Cu•••Cu distance upon oxidation state. Oxidation of {(PPP)Cu}_2 by two electrons yields the dication [{(PPP)Cu}_2]^(2+), an antiferromagnetically coupled dicopper(II) complex. Maintenance of a pseudotetrahedral geometry that is midway between a square plane and an ideal tetrahedron at the copper centers, along with a high degree of flexibility at the phosphide hinges, allows for efficient access to Cu^ICu^I, Cu^(1.5)Cu^(1.5), and Cu^(II)Cu^(II) redox states without the need for ligand exchange, substitution, or redistribution processes

    Scaling-up beginning farmers for wholesale production

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    With nearly 15 million people that live within 250 miles of Kansas City, the demand for local food is increasing. Local beginning farmers in the region want to reach an emerging wholesale market. However, selling directly to consumers demands different skills than the wholesale market requires. There are many educational programs offered in the region that are focused on direct to consumer sales. Unfortunately, there is a gap in educational programs that are offered to support beginning farmers that wish to expand into wholesale markets. In 2018, the Beginning Farmer Wholesale Project was started within the Growing Growers Kansas City program in congruence with the overall mission to improve the skills and livelihoods of the region’s growers. The project offers support and training to beginning farmers as they begin to navigate new market opportunities. It provides on-farm technical assistance, mentorship, opportunities to connect to wholesale buyers, a workshop series, a manual and an extensive foodshed GIS map. The ongoing project has seen several contributions to improving farmer access to wholesale markets. As of 2020, six workshops have been conducted that have covered a variety of farm production and marketing skills. Six farmer mentees have enrolled in the mentor program which enlists nine farmer mentors from across the region. Over twenty farmers have utilized the technical assistance service on their Kansas and Missouri farm operations and the farmer buyer matching program has resulted in thirteen beginning farmers gaining access to new markets. The project highlights the value of collaboration among organizations and the importance of offering multiple farmer services in order to improve wholesale access

    SpineCore treatment for early scoliosis: 15° to 24°

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