299 research outputs found

    Public Value at Cross Points: A Comparative Study on Employer Attractiveness of Public, Private, and Nonprofit Organizations

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    A commonly held assumption is that public service motivation (PSM) positively affects individuals’ attraction to government, but there are also private and nonprofit organizations that are beneficial to the common good. Therefore, the goal of this study is to shed light on an understudied topic in Public Administration, namely, how the public value of public, private, and nonprofit organizations affects their attractiveness to citizens and how PSM moderates this relationship. We find that employer attractiveness is strongly influenced by organizations’ public value regardless sectoral affiliation. This attribution of public value interacts with citizens’ PSM. For high-PSM individuals, the relationship between public value and attractiveness is stronger than for low-PSM individuals. Furthermore, high PSM exercises an asymmetric effect, punishing organizations with low public value more strongly in the private sector. These results highlight important implications for HR practitioners in all three sectors seeking to attract and retain highly motivated employees

    Vascular calcification: A stiff challenge for the nephrologist Does preventing bone disease cause arterial disease

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    Vascular calcification: A stiff challenge for the nephrologists—Does preventing bone disease cause arterial disease? There has been an explosion of interest in vascular calcification in the last 5 years. Four key “germinal” findings have fallen onto very fertile soil. First, on the background of an increasing cardiovascular disease burden it has been found that at least cross-sectionally, and in a limited fashion prospectively, achieved dialysis plasma phosphate levels are linked to all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Second, there are increasing reports of calcific uremic arteriolopathy in Australia and the United States. Third, we know know that the mechanical properties of the carotid artery, and the aorta, have a profound influence on survival for dialysis patients. Vascular calcification itself (as assessed by x-ray films and ultrasound) has been linked to aortic stiffness. Fourth, increasing numbers of studies are showing extremely extensive coronary artery calcification (CAC) in dialysis patients, even at a young age. From these apparently unlinked observations the following assertion has been posited—that in the widespread (over) use of calcium-containing oral phosphate binders (OPB) to prevent uremic osteodystrophy in our dialysis population we have unwittingly accelerated widespread uremic vasculopathy and thereby contributed to premature cardiovascular mortality.It is the purpose of this article to discuss vascular calcification (and particularly CAC) in dialysis patients as we understand it today. We will review the published series, with special reference to the Sevelamer Treat to Goal trial and also discuss the new Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (K-DOQI) guidelines on the use of phosphate binders in chronic kidney disease

    Public service motivation, prosocial motivation and altruism : towards disentanglement and conceptual clarity

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    Research on public service motivation (PSM) has made great strides in terms of study output. Given the enormous scholarly attention on PSM, it is surprising that considerable conceptual ambiguities and overlaps with related concepts such as prosocial motivation, and altruism still remain. This study addresses this issue by systematically carving out the differences and similarities between these concepts. Taking this approach, this study clarifies the conceptual space of both PSM and the other concepts. Using data from semi-structured interviews with police officers, it is illustrated that PSM and prosocial motivation are different types of motivation leading to different types of prosocial behaviour

    Attracting future civil servants with public values? An experimental study on employer branding

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    A frequently cited recommendation of public service motivation (PSM) research is to use PSM in the context of HR marketing. However, empirical evidence demonstrating the usefulness of addressing PSM in the recruitment process is limited. Moreover, we know little about the relative importance of PSM for public employers’ attractiveness. We address this gap using an experimental research design to investigate whether public service motivated individuals differ from extrinsically motivated individuals in terms of their attraction to organizations that emphasize either “traditional” public or private values in their employer branding. Our findings indicate that public service motivated individuals are attracted neither to public nor to private values in employer branding. Furthermore, individuals with very high levels of extrinsic motivation are more attracted to private values employer branding than to public values employer branding and to the control group

    Public sector management. The “IOP” Management concept of Managing the Public Sector

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    La actividad de las diversas Instituciones del Sector Público representa un alto porcentaje de la actividad económico-social en una economía moderna. Frecuentemente se sitúa en torno a un 50% del Producto Interior Bruto. Lo que implica la generación de productos y servicios relevantes para el desarrollo de la Sociedad. La complejidad de los procesos configuradores de estas restaciones con bienes y servicios a la Sociedad exige aunar los diferentes niveles de Management: el nivel político, el nivel empresarial y el nivel de prestaciones que se persigue. Actividades que deben coordinarse dentro del ámbito del Sector Público en el marco del conjunto de sistemas que configure el entorno de la Actividad Estatal. El Instituto “Institut für Organisations und Personal” de la Universidad de Berna creado y dirigido durante veinticinco años por el Prof. Dr. Norbert Thom ha trabajado intensamente este ámbito de la Actividad Económico-Empresarial Pública y ha concebido una orientación para el Management del Sector Público bajo el concepto “IOP”. En esta contribución plantea este nuevo concepto “IOP” sobre cómo se debe estructurar todo lo que configura el Sector Público, desde la perspectiva del Management Político, Empresarial y de Prestaciones en su integridad. Se abre una nueva forma de concebir el Management del Sector Público saliendo del tradicional esquema organizativo de una burocracia. Para lograr una mayor eficiencia política, económico-empresarial y social en los tres niveles. Esta concepción integral del Management del Sector Público afecta al Personal, por un lado, y a las personas que perciben las prestaciones en el marco de un nuevo diseño organizativo. Se han dado avances significativos en los distintos niveles del Sector Público impulsando la innovación consecuencia de los nuevos diseños organizativos que facilitan la integración y la participación del Personal y un mayor acercamiento a los preceptores de la actividad Estatal. Es otra forma de entender los procesos configuradores de la Actividad Estatal en una Sociedad democrática.In a modern economy, the activities of different Institutions belonging to the Public Sector account for a high percentage (frequently around 50% of GDP) of socio-economic activity. This, therefore, implies the generation of goods and services aimed at developing society. The complexity of the configuring processes of social benefits with goods and services requires that different levels of management: political, business and the desired level of benefits be brought together. Such activities must be coordinated within the ambit of the Public Sector and within the framework of the whole set of systems that configure State Activity. Bern University’s Institut für Organisations und Personal, established and then directed by Prof. Dr. Norbert Thom for twenty five years, has worked intensively upon the ambit of Public Economic/Business Activity and has created an orientation for Public Sector Management under the IOP concept. This contribution considers the new IOP concept as the basis for structuring every factor that configures the Public Sector from the Public, Business and Benefits perspectives as a whole. A new form of regarding Public Sector management is proposed, leaving behind the traditional organisational schemes of a bureaucracy, in order to achieve greater political, economic and business efficiency on the three different levels. This integrated concept of the Public Sector affects, on the one hand, the Staff involved, and on the other hand, the people who receive benefits within the framework of a new organisational design. Significant advances have been made at the various levels of the Public Sector, driving innovation which is the result of the new organisational designs that enable the Staff to integrate and participate in processes while bringing State services closer to those users of such services. This is another way of understanding the configuring processes of State Activity within a Democratic Society

    Homeoffice im öffentlichen Sektor: PublicPanel.ch - Umfragereport

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    Zur Unterstützung der empirischen Forschung in den Bereichen Verwaltungs-, Politik- und Rechtswissenschaft hat das Kompetenzzentrum für Public Management (KPM) der Universität Bern 2021 das PublicPanel, ein Umfragepanel für den schweizerischen öffentlichen Sektor lanciert. Das Panel hat zum Ziel, aktuelle Fragestellungen zur Verwaltung in der Schweiz zeitnah und auf der Basis realer Verwaltungsakteure erforschen zu können. Zeitgleich mit der Lancierung des Panels wurde eine erste Umfrage zum Thema «Homeoffice im öffentlichen Sektor» durchgeführt. Die Rückmeldungen gewähren einen Einblick in die Erfahrungen, welche Beschäftigte im öffentlichen Sektor 2020/2021 mit der vom Bundesrat verhängten Homeofficepflicht gemacht haben. Von den befragten Personen haben rund die Hälfte ihre Arbeitszeit mehrheitlich im Homeoffice verbracht. Pandemiebedingt hat die Umstellung auf Homeoffice für viele sehr rasch und ohne grosse Vorbereitungszeit erfolgen müssen. Dennoch waren die befragten Personen mehrheitlich zufrieden mit der ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Infrastruktur und der Kommunikation mit Team und Vorgesetzten

    Public service motivation: State of the art and conceptual cleanup

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    Public service motivation is an increasingly researched and, at the same time, hotly debated concept in the field of public management and public administration. It refers to the motivation people have to contribute to society. This chapter provides an overview of what has happened so far in this field since the introduction of the concept in the 1980s and 1990s, with a particular focus on the role of the research community. In this overview, causes, consequences, and related theories are identified. The chapter also establishes gaps in the literature and issues that remain unresolved. In so doing, we carry out a conceptual cleanup by positioning the subject alongside related but different concepts such as intrinsic motivation, altruism, and prosocial motivation

    Aerococcus urinae - significance of detection in the paediatric urinary tract: a case series

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    Aerococcus urinae (A. urinae) is primarily recognized as a common pathogen in the geriatric population, causing urinary tract infection (UTI), sepsis, and endocarditis, predominantly in female patients. In the paediatric population, only a few case reports exist suggesting A. urinae causes malodorous urine in otherwise healthy boys. In this study, we investigated the spectrum of clinical and laboratory presentations of A. urinae detection in children. A retrospective, single-centre, case series including all patients with the detection of A. urinae during a 7-year study period. Patients with detection of A. urinae only in non-urogenital skin swabs were excluded. A total of 40 samples from 33 patients were identified of which 20 patients were included in the final analysis. The median (IQR) age was 6.8 (2.9-9.5) years; 18 (90%) patients were boys. Four patients were diagnosed with a UTI, six had malodorous urine without UTI, three were diagnosed with balanitis and seven showed A. urinae colonization in the urine culture. Urogenital disorders were present in 12 patients. Additional pathogens were detected in 13 patients. Recurrence of detection during our study period was observed in four (20%) patients. Conclusion: Beyond malodorous urine, A. urinae detection is associated with more severe presentations including UTI in the paediatric population. Pre-existing urogenital disorders were frequent, and therefore, a nephro-urological investigation should be considered in all cases of A. urinae detection in the paediatric population. What is Known: • Aerococcus urinae (A. urinae) is known to be a common pathogen in the geriatric population, causing urinary tract infection (UTI), sepsis, and endocarditis, predominantly in female patients. • In the paediatric population, A. urinae is mainly described as a low-grade pathogen. Some case reports describe A. urinae as the cause of extraordinary malodorous urine in otherwise healthy boys. What is New: • Beyond malodorous urine, A. urinae detection is associated with more severe presentations including UTI in the paediatric population. • A. urinae was mainly detected in boys with pre-existing urogenital disorders; therefore, a nephro-urological investigation should be considered in cases of A. urinae detection in the paediatric population. Keywords: CAKUT; Children; Malodorous; Pyelonephritis; Urinary tract infection; Urogenital disorder

    Aplicación Web basada en redes neuronales para mejorar el control de asistencias con reconocimiento facial en la Institución Educativa Santísimo Sacramento de La Esperanza – Trujillo, 2023

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    El presente estudio, se enfocó en mejorar el control de asistencias en la Institución Educativa Santísimo Sacramento de la Esperanza - Trujillo, utilizando una aplicación web basada en redes neuronales, fue una investigación aplicada con diseño experimental puro, en la que se utilizó la observación directa para evaluar los indicadores de tiempo promedio para registrar asistencias, tiempo promedio para generar reportes de asistencia, nivel de exactitud de la información y tiempo promedio para la personalización de reportes, se estudiaron 30 registros del proceso de control de asistencia recogidos a través de un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, y se procesaron los datos de los grupos control y experimental mediante la prueba de normalidad Shapiro-Wilk, con la ayuda del software Jamovi versión 2.3.28. La metodología de desarrollo del software seguida fue XP, que comprende las fases de planificación, diseño, desarrollo y pruebas, los resultados mostraron que, en el grupo experimental, el 53.33% del tiempo promedio para registrar asistencias, el 70% del mismo en la Posprueba, y el 90% en comparación con el grupo control, fueron inferiores al promedio, en cuanto al tiempo promedio para generar reportes, el 60% en el grupo experimental fue menor que su promedio, y el 90% y el 100% fueron inferiores a la meta y al promedio del grupo control, con respecto al nivel de exactitud de la información, el 80% en el grupo experimental superó su promedio y la meta, y el 96.67% excedió el promedio del grupo control, finalmente, para el tiempo promedio de personalización de reportes, el 60% en el grupo experimental fue inferior a su promedio, mientras que el 93.33% y el 100% fueron menores que la meta y el promedio del grupo control, así, se concluyó que la aplicación web basada en redes neuronales contribuyó a mejorar significativamente el control de asistencias en la institución educativa