173 research outputs found

    Lithium fluoride coloration by laser-plasma soft x-rays: A promising tool for X-ray microscopy and photonics

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    A new imaging detector for EUV or soft-X-ray radiation based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) of lithium fluoride (LiF) films or crystals is presented. The first micro-radiography images of biological samples and of meshes obtained on LiF using a laser-plasma source or an X-ray laser are shown, and (up to now) a resolution better than one micron is demonstrated. The dependence of the coloration density vs the deposited X-ray dose is considered and the advantages of this new diagnostic technique for both coherent and non-coherent EUV sources, compared with CCDs detectors, photographic films and photoresists are discussed. This new detector is extremely suitable for laser plasmas and for X-ray lasers sources

    Spallative ablation of dielectrics by X-ray laser

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    Short laser pulse in wide range of wavelengths, from infrared to X-ray, disturbs electron-ion equilibrium and rises pressure in a heated layer. The case where pulse duration τL\tau_L is shorter than acoustic relaxation time tst_s is considered in the paper. It is shown that this short pulse may cause thermomechanical phenomena such as spallative ablation regardless to wavelength. While the physics of electron-ion relaxation on wavelength and various electron spectra of substances: there are spectra with an energy gap in semiconductors and dielectrics opposed to gapless continuous spectra in metals. The paper describes entire sequence of thermomechanical processes from expansion, nucleation, foaming, and nanostructuring to spallation with particular attention to spallation by X-ray pulse


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    Iron spectra have been recorded from plasmas created at three different laser plasma facilities: the Tor Vergata University laser in Rome (Italy), the Hercules laser at ENEA in Frascati (Italy), and the Compact Multipulse Terawatt (COMET) laser at LLNL in California (USA). The measurements provide a means of identifying dielectronic satellite lines from Fe XVI and Fe XV in the vicinity of the strong 2p → 3d transitions of Fe XVII. About 80 Δn ≥ 1 lines of Fe XV (Mg-like) to Fe XIX (O-like) were recorded between 13.8 and 17.1 A with a high spectral resolution (λ/Δλ ≈ 4000); about 30 of these lines are from Fe XVI and Fe XV. The laser-produced plasmas had electron temperatures between 100 and 500 eV and electron densities between 1020 and 1022 cm-3. The Hebrew University Lawrence Livermore Atomic Code (HULLAC) was used to calculate the atomic structure and atomic rates for Fe XV-XIX. HULLAC was used to calculate synthetic line intensities at Te = 200 eV and ne = 1021 cm-3 for three different conditions to illustrate the role of opacity: optically thin plasmas with no excitation-autoionization/dielectronic recombination (EA/DR) contributions to the line intensities, optically thin plasmas that included EA/DR contributions to the line intensities, and optically thick plasmas (optical depth ≈200 μm) that included EA/DR contributions to the line intensities. The optically thick simulation best reproduced the recorded spectrum from the Hercules laser. However, some discrepancies between the modeling and the recorded spectra remain

    x ray imaging of bio medical samples using laser plasma based x ray sources and lif detector

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    This contribution to ECPD2019 is dedicated to the memory of Anatoly Faenov. During a period of approximately thirteen years 1994–2006, Anatoly and his wife Tatiana Pikuz (simply "Tania" for friends), accepting the frequent invitations of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) and of the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), cooperated with many Italian research laboratories dedicated to EUV and soft X-ray generation, spread in different towns (L'Aquila, Frascati, Milano, Padova, Pisa, Roma, etc.). In spite of the fact that they could stay in Italy only about one or two months per year, their activity was so intense that more than 50 peer- reviewed publications were generated from their experimental and theoretical work (just considering only the results obtained at L'Aquila and Tor Vergata—Rome Universities and at the ENEA Research Center of Frascati), without mentioning the cultural atmosphere that they stimulated in the field of Science and Humanity. The numerous experimental spectra obtained at ENEA by means of their spherically bent mica spectrometers, together with the corresponding theoretical simulations performed in Moscow, allowed to study the changing role of different excitations mechanisms for various plasma conditions, and to characterize at best the ENEA laser-plasma source for different applications: polychromatic and monochromatic micro-radiography of dried biological samples at 1 keV, soft X-ray contact microscopy (SXCM) of living cells in the water-window spectral region, spectroscopy of hollow atoms, etc. In this memorial paper, the main results of biological samples imaging on lithium fluoride (LiF) detectors, obtained with the ENEA and Tor Vergata University laser-plasma sources, are presented. In particular, the improvement of the micro-radiography and of the SXCM techniques obtained after moving from photoresist detectors and photographic films to lithium fluoride (LiF) detectors are discussed, for both dried and wet biological samples

    Effect of Mg2+ and ATP on Depolarization-Induced Ca2+ Release in Isolated Triads

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    The effect of different free Mg2+ and ATP concentrations on depolarization-induced Ca2+ release in isolated skeletal muscle triadic vesicles was examined by simultaneously monitoring direct effects on ryanodine receptors from either isolated or coupled terminal cisternae. Free Mg2+ was increased to concentrations of 11-14 microM, 81 microM, 175-181 microM, and 1 mM while total ATP concentration was kept constant or MgATP concentration was kept constant. We observed the following. 1) Increasing MgATP reduces the measurable Ca2+ release from isolated vesicles by stimulating the Ca(2+)-ATPase in the terminal cisternae. 2) Half-maximal inhibition of functionally coupled ryanodine receptors during depolarization-induced Ca2+ release is observed at 1 mM Mg2+, whereas half-maximal inhibition of the nondepolarized ryanodine receptor is seen at 75 microM Mg2+ at the same free ATP and MgATP concentrations. 3) Two separate time constants for Ca2+ release were obtained for nondepolarized ryanodine receptors with free Mg2+ at 14 microM and free ATP at 6.1 mM; this may represent triadic ryanodine receptors vs. isolated terminal cisternae ryanodine receptors