278 research outputs found

    Transformación digital: un camino al valor económico y social

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    Digital transformation can enable the creation of substantial business and societal value. However, it entails more than simply the use and application of technology. Digital transformation implies a change in mindset, attitudes, and culture, and doing so successfully requires leaders to overcome many challenges. New technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning are accelerating the pace of this transformation, and leaders must position their organizations strategically to exploit them. For society, the critical sectors of healthcare and education are poised at an inflection point of digital transformation today, further precipitated by the global pandemic of 2020. Educators must ensure that tomorrow’s leaders are equipped to drive digital transformation as an urgent strategic imperative in their organizations.La transformación digital puede permitir la generación sustancial de valor social y de negocio. Sin embargo, implica más que el simple uso y aplicación de la tecnología. La transformación digital implica un cambio de mentalidad, actitudes y cultura, y hacerlo de forma exitosa le exige a los líderes superar muchos retos. Las nuevas tecnologías como la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje de máquinas están acelerando el paso de la transformación y los líderes deben posicionar sus organizaciones estratégicamente para explotarlas. Para la sociedad, los sectores críticos de la salud y la educación están hoy en un punto de inflexión de la transformación digital, precipitado por la pandemia global de 2020. Los educadores deben asegurarse de que los líderes del mañana estén preparados para dirigir la transformación digital en sus organizaciones

    Assessing a Firm's Web Presence: A Heuristic Evaluation Procedure for the Measurement of Usability

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    Web site usability is a critical metric for assessing the quality of a firm's Web presence. A measure of usability must not only provide a global rating for a specific Web site, ideally it should also illuminate specific strengths and weaknesses associated with site design. In this paper, we describe a heuristic evaluation procedure for examining the usability of Web sites. The procedure utilizes a comprehensive set of usability guidelines developed by Microsoft. We present the categories and subcategories comprising these guidelines, and 7discuss the development of an instrument that operationalizes the measurement of usability. The proposed instrument was tested in a heuristic evaluation study where 1,475 users rated multiple Web sites from four different industry sectors: airlines, online bookstores, automobile manufacturers, and car rental agencies. To enhance the external validity of the study, users were asked to assume the role of a consumer or an investor when assessing usability. Empirical results suggest that the evaluation procedure, the instrument, as well as the usability metric exhibit good properties. Implications of the findings for researchers, for Web site designers, and for heuristic evaluation methods in usability testing are offered

    Risks and benefits of two different entry techniques for laparoscopic gynecological surgeries

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    Background: Primary abdominal access still remains a challenge for laparoscopic surgery despite rapid advances. This study was conducted to prospectively analyse and compare risks and benefits of two different entry techniques namely, veress needle and direct trocar in laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries so as to obtain consensus on the optimal method to be followed to create pneumoperitoneum.Methods: This was a prospective randomized study conducted at Deen Dayal Upadhyay hospital, under Delhi government. During the period January 2014 to June 2016, 800 patients (20-65 years) operated laparoscopically by the same team of surgeons for various gynaecological conditions, were randomized in two groups: Veress needle group (VN) and Direct trocar group (DT). Each group comprised of 400 patients. Comparison of various parameters was done between the two groups.Results: Incidence of major complications in terms of visceral injuries was 0.75% (3/400) in DT group and nil in VN group. Open conversion rate (2/400 i. e. 0.5%) and number of attempts required to create pneumoperitoneum were also more in DT group. Failed access in previous surgery cases was 1.2% (1/38) in VN and 14.8% (4/27) in DT group. Incidence of port site bleeding (n=3) was also more in DT group. Although the incidence of minor complications such as extraperitoneal insufflations (n=5) and no. of failed access (n=6) were more in VN group, there was no incidence of any life-threatening complication.Conclusions: In our experience, there is clear evidence of advantage of using veress needle in preventing major complications. Veress needle is therefore safer, convenient and effective technique of creating pneumoperitoneum

    A Different Model at a Differtent Time for a Different Client Privatization of Education Through Engagement and Partnership

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    The changing technological and business climate is making both industry and academic look for alternative ways to train business students in the information technology. Given the expense and inefficiencies involved in supporting separate training at various facilities that are often disconnected in purpose, the Applied Technology in Business (ATiB) Program with the School of Business at Oakland University makes both the corporate sponsors and the university share this “training burden” while students are still in school. This paper briefly talks about the program, its success thus far and the educational model it attempts to incorporate within the program

    Strategic Information Technology Partnerships in Outsourcing as a Distinctive Source of Information Technology Value: A Social Capital Perspective

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    Firms increasingly acquire needed information technology (IT) products and services from external partners. In spite of the ubiquity of IT outsourcing in contemporary organizations, however, theoretical understanding of the dynamics of this phenomenon is limited. A dominant perspective used to explain IT outsourcing is transactions-cost economics (TCE) that focuses attention on efficiency and cost-reduction goals, and emphasizes opportunistic behavior. We suggest that by viewing outsourcing relationships as arms-length transactions, TCE may lead to overlooking potential mechanisms inherent in IT outsourcing relationships for the creation of alternative types of value. We present a relational lens for viewing the IT outsourcing phenomenon that is premised on knowledge exchange and learning. Specifically, we argue that the strategic partnership a firm forms through IT outsourcing constitutes a source of social capital for the focal firm, which facilitates (IT) collaboration between the focal firm and its partner. The learning resulting from knowledge exchange and transfer through the collaboration, in turn, generates (IT) value for the focal firm. Two manifestations of IT value are considered: strengthened internal IT partnerships, and IT-enabled innovation. We examine specific characteristics of social capital and how they influence the learning that occurs in the partnership. Propositions that can serve as the basis for future research are developed

    Organizational Receptivity to Change and Success in Process Reengineering

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    Although business process reengineering is a major corporate initiative today, the success rate of reengineering projects has been less than ideal. In an attempt to better understand the dynamics underlying this phenomenon, process reengineering is viewed as an organizational innovation. Based upon existing taxonomiesofinnovations,itischaracterizedasaradical,administrative,processinnovation. Drawingupon prior research in the management of such innovations, we postulate that a lack of success in process reengineering may be attributed to inadequate attention being paid to the environment into which it is introduced; we hypothesize that it is necessary to manipulate organizational receptivity to change prior to initiating process reengineering. A model that conceptualizes the determinants of such organizational receptivity to change is constructed. Using a case-study approach, the model is utilized to explain the apparent lack of success of a major business process reengineering effort. The model can potentially serve two purposes: as an a priori conceptualization of the types of organizational climates where process reengineering is likely to be successful, and as a guide to management action — to diagnose what the obstacles to process reengineering are and what changes in the organization might be appropriate


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    The informational and support requirements of ill-structured decision making activity are contingent upon the factors that have caused this lack of structure. This paper attempts to operationalize the notion of semi-structure by an examination of the effect of uncertainty and equivocality on the decision making process and suggests that the presence of the these dimensions creates different support requirements for the decision maker. These requirements are subsequently mapped onto the features of alternative types of technological support, with the intent of determining the efficacy of a particular technology for a particular type of decision making task. It is argued that a single technology may prove ineffective in supporting semi-structured decision making, and a rationale for technology integration is developed

    The Adoption and Use of National Information Infrastructure: A Social Network and Stakeholder Perspective

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    This study draws upon stakeholder theory and social network analysis to examine the diffusion of national information infrastructure (NII) among two key stakeholders—the end users (or customers) and application/ service providers. The context chosen is Singapore ONE. The study also investigates the types of mechanisms utilized by network participants for resolving their concerns with respect to NII adoption

    Central and Peripheral Routes to Sustained Technology Usage

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    In this paper we combine three theories of attitude and behavior change in an attempt to inform the under-studied concept of sustained technology usage over time. We address two broad research questions (1) what specific processes act to drive behavior change? and (2) does the route of persuasion accepted by the recipient affect the long-term behavior of the recipient, i.e. are the changes enduring? We use Kelman’s (1958) processes of attitude change (i.e. compliance, identification, and internalization) as the three mechanisms through which the change can occur. We use the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) to provide a theoretical underpinning for understanding the cognitive elaboration that information recipients use when they are subject to persuasive messages. Finally, social learning theory helps us identify supervisors, work groups, and self as salient referents for behavioral modeling. We test our conceptual model using longitudinal data from a field study of users of a new customer relationship management system in a large financial services institution. Our results show that individuals are influenced to use technology by multiple processes including compliance, identification and internalization, and their usage over a span of one and a half years is either enduring or decreasing depending upon whether or not these information cues are processed through a central or peripheral route

    Digital Health Records and Privacy Concerns: OvercommingKey Barriers To Adoption

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    Electronic health records (EHRs) constitute a significant technological advance in the way medical information is stored, communicated, and processed by the multiple parties involved in the delivery of health care. However, there is widespread concern that privacy issues may impede the diffusion of this technology. In this study, we integrate the Concern for Information Privacy (CFIP) construct with the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) to examine attitude persuasion regarding the use of EHRs when concerns about privacy of information are present in patients. We draw from attitude and attitude persuasion literatures to develop hypotheses that individuals can be persuaded to support the use of EHRs, even in the presence of significant privacy concerns, if appropriate messages about the value of EHRs are imparted to the recipient. Using an experimental methodology, we randomly assign two different types of respondents (high and low involvement) to two different treatments (strong and weak argument quality) and assess the impact of CFIP on the relationship between these variables and attitude change. We find that an individual’s CFIP interacts with argument quality and issue involvement to affect attitudes toward the use of EHRs. The research reported here makes four main contributions. From a theoretical perspective it extends the ELM to include a key construct affecting persuasion which has not been examined in prior literature – that being CFIP. Second, it focuses on EHRs which are a new and emerging technology that have the potential to radically alter the way health care is managed by consumers and providers. Third, findings from this study hold important pragmatic value for driving public policy decisions related to public perceptions and attitudes toward the use of EHRs, including but not limited to the crafting of national messages and education. Finally, while further testing is required, we believe that the moderating effect of CFIP may be useful in other contexts in which personal information is controlled or processed