14 research outputs found

    Gibbs-Duhem-Informed Neural Networks for Binary Activity Coefficient Prediction

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    We propose Gibbs-Duhem-informed neural networks for the prediction of binary activity coefficients at varying compositions. That is, we include the Gibbs-Duhem equation explicitly in the loss function for training neural networks, which is straightforward in standard machine learning (ML) frameworks enabling automatic differentiation. In contrast to recent hybrid ML approaches, our approach does not rely on embedding a specific thermodynamic model inside the neural network and corresponding prediction limitations. Rather, Gibbs-Duhem consistency serves as regularization, with the flexibility of ML models being preserved. Our results show increased thermodynamic consistency and generalization capabilities for activity coefficient predictions by Gibbs-Duhem-informed graph neural networks and matrix completion methods. We also find that the model architecture, particularly the activation function, can have a strong influence on the prediction quality. The approach can be easily extended to account for other thermodynamic consistency conditions

    Graph neural networks for the prediction of molecular structure-property relationships

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    Molecular property prediction is of crucial importance in many disciplines such as drug discovery, molecular biology, or material and process design. The frequently employed quantitative structure-property/activity relationships (QSPRs/QSARs) characterize molecules by descriptors which are then mapped to the properties of interest via a linear or nonlinear model. In contrast, graph neural networks, a novel machine learning method, directly work on the molecular graph, i.e., a graph representation where atoms correspond to nodes and bonds correspond to edges. GNNs allow to learn properties in an end-to-end fashion, thereby avoiding the need for informative descriptors as in QSPRs/QSARs. GNNs have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art prediction performance on various property predictions tasks and represent an active field of research. We describe the fundamentals of GNNs and demonstrate the application of GNNs via two examples for molecular property prediction

    Graph Neural Networks for Temperature-Dependent Activity Coefficient Prediction of Solutes in Ionic Liquids

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) are important solvents for sustainable processes and predicting activity coefficients (ACs) of solutes in ILs is needed. Recently, matrix completion methods (MCMs), transformers, and graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown high accuracy in predicting ACs of binary mixtures, superior to well-established models, e.g., COSMO-RS and UNIFAC. GNNs are particularly promising here as they learn a molecular graph-to-property relationship without pretraining, typically required for transformers, and are, unlike MCMs, applicable to molecules not included in training. For ILs, however, GNN applications are currently missing. Herein, we present a GNN to predict temperature-dependent infinite dilution ACs of solutes in ILs. We train the GNN on a database including more than 40,000 AC values and compare it to a state-of-the-art MCM. The GNN and MCM achieve similar high prediction performance, with the GNN additionally enabling high-quality predictions for ACs of solutions that contain ILs and solutes not considered during training

    Physical Pooling Functions in Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Property Prediction

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) are emerging in chemical engineering for the end-to-end learning of physicochemical properties based on molecular graphs. A key element of GNNs is the pooling function which combines atom feature vectors into molecular fingerprints. Most previous works use a standard pooling function to predict a variety of properties. However, unsuitable pooling functions can lead to unphysical GNNs that poorly generalize. We compare and select meaningful GNN pooling methods based on physical knowledge about the learned properties. The impact of physical pooling functions is demonstrated with molecular properties calculated from quantum mechanical computations. We also compare our results to the recent set2set pooling approach. We recommend using sum pooling for the prediction of properties that depend on molecular size and compare pooling functions for properties that are molecular size-independent. Overall, we show that the use of physical pooling functions significantly enhances generalization

    Molecular Design of Fuels for Maximum Spark-Ignition Engine Efficiency by Combining Predictive Thermodynamics and Machine Learning

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    Co-design of alternative fuels and future spark-ignition (SI) engines allows very high engine efficiencies to be achieved. To tailor the fuel’s molecular structure to the needs of SI engines with very high compression ratios, computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) of renewable fuels has received considerable attention over the past decade. To date, CAMD for fuels is typically performed by computationally screening the physicochemical properties of single molecules against property targets. However, achievable SI engine efficiency is the result of the combined effect of various fuel properties, and molecules should not be discarded because of individual unfavorable properties that can be compensated for. Therefore, we present an optimization-based fuel design method directly targeting SI engine efficiency as the objective function. Specifically, we employ an empirical model to assess the achievable relative engine efficiency increase compared to conventional RON95 gasoline for each candidate fuel as a function of fuel properties. For this purpose, we integrate the automated prediction of various fuel properties into the fuel design method: Thermodynamic properties are calculated by COSMO-RS; combustion properties, indicators for environment, health and safety, and synthesizability are predicted using machine learning models. The method is applied to design pure-component fuels and binary ethanol-containing fuel blends. The optimal pure-component fuel tert-butyl formate is predicted to yield a relative efficiency increase of approximately 8% and the optimal fuel blend with ethanol and 3,4-dimethyl-3-propan-2-yl-1-pentene of 19%.ISSN:0887-0624ISSN:1520-502

    Graph Neural Networks for Prediction of Fuel Ignition Quality

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    Prediction of combustion-related properties of (oxygenated) hydrocarbons is an important and challenging task for which quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) models are frequently employed. Recently, a machine learning method, graph neural networks (GNNs), has shown promising results for the prediction of structure-property relationships. GNNs utilize a graph representation of molecules, where atoms correspond to nodes and bonds to edges containing information about the molecular structure. More specifically, GNNs learn physico-chemical properties as a function of the molecular graph in a supervised learning setup using a backpropagation algorithm. This end-to-end learning approach eliminates the need for selection of molecular descriptors or structural groups, as it learns optimal fingerprints through graph convolutions and maps the fingerprints to the physico-chemical properties by deep learning. We develop GNN models for predicting three fuel ignition quality indicators, i.e., the derived cetane number (DCN), the research octane number (RON), and the motor octane number (MON), of oxygenated and non-oxygenated hydrocarbons. In light of limited experimental data in the order of hundreds, we propose a combination of multi-task learning, transfer learning, and ensemble learning. The results show competitive performance of the proposed GNN approach compared to state-of-the-art QSPR models making it a promising field for future research. The prediction tool is available via a web front-end at www.avt.rwth-aachen.de/gnn