7,765 research outputs found

    Deformations of symplectic cohomology and exact Lagrangians in ALE spaces

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    We prove that the only exact Lagrangian submanifolds in an ALE space are spheres. ALE spaces are the simply connected hyperkahler manifolds which at infinity look like C^2/G for any finite subgroup G of SL(2,C). They can be realized as the plumbing of copies of the cotangent bundle of a 2-sphere according to ADE Dynkin diagrams. The proof relies on symplectic cohomology.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, minor changes and corrected typo

    Population Structure and Connectivity of a Groundwater Crustacean Across Northwestern Montana Aquifers

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    Floodplain aquifer systems are diverse and heterogenous ecosystems that serve many ecological functions, including habitat provision to a range of groundwater species. The Flathead River system of northwestern Montana is home to many floodplain aquifers of great ecological importance to the region. The basic biology, population structure, and dispersal patterns of obligate groundwater organisms that reside within the aquifers of the Flathead are still largely unknown. In this study, we investigate the population structure of one such taxon, an undescribed species of the amphipod genus Stygobromus. For our low-coverage RADseq dataset, we tested the suitability of three different analysis pipelines: Stacks, GATK, and ANGSD. We found three distinct genetic groups that corresponded to different floodplains of the Flathead River. These results suggest that geographic separation and possible hydrologic barriers are leading to differentiation of these populations. We discuss the possible role of glacial refugia in promoting genetic diversity and the implications for aquifer research and groundwater conservation

    Controls on Joint Formation During Glacial Unloading of the Sharon Sandstone at Gorge Metropark, Akron, Ohio

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    The transition between significantly different materials is known to inhibit crack propagation, i.e. automobile glass, machinable ceramics and joints in different lithologies. In order to determine if a significant material transition, or a surface, such as a bedding plane, has a greater impact on inhibiting joint formation, I investigated discontinuous joints that formed during glacial unloading of the Sharon Sandstone, which is exposed at Gorge Metropark in Akron, Ohio. The Sharon Sandstone is a medium grained quartz arenite of Early Pennsylvanian age with significant cross-bedding, and contains many continuous (i.e. through-going), and discontinuous, joints in similar orientations. Stress fields created by unloading during glacial retreat following the last glacial maximum influenced joint orientations, spacing, and termination. 50% of the discontinuous joints observed terminated randomly within the outcrop, 20% terminated at free surfaces created by other joint sets, and 30% terminated at bedding planes. These results indicate that stress relaxation caused by joint formation exerts a larger control on joint termination than bedding planes or other surfaces in moderately homogenous rocks

    A controlled experiment for the empirical evaluation of safety analysis techniques for safety-critical software

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    Context: Today's safety critical systems are increasingly reliant on software. Software becomes responsible for most of the critical functions of systems. Many different safety analysis techniques have been developed to identify hazards of systems. FTA and FMEA are most commonly used by safety analysts. Recently, STPA has been proposed with the goal to better cope with complex systems including software. Objective: This research aimed at comparing quantitatively these three safety analysis techniques with regard to their effectiveness, applicability, understandability, ease of use and efficiency in identifying software safety requirements at the system level. Method: We conducted a controlled experiment with 21 master and bachelor students applying these three techniques to three safety-critical systems: train door control, anti-lock braking and traffic collision and avoidance. Results: The results showed that there is no statistically significant difference between these techniques in terms of applicability, understandability and ease of use, but a significant difference in terms of effectiveness and efficiency is obtained. Conclusion: We conclude that STPA seems to be an effective method to identify software safety requirements at the system level. In particular, STPA addresses more different software safety requirements than the traditional techniques FTA and FMEA, but STPA needs more time to carry out by safety analysts with little or no prior experience.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '15). ACM, 201

    Incremental submission of programming code using object-oriented classes

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    Given increasing adoption of agile software development methodologies it is essential that information technology students are exposed to them. This paper describes and evaluates an attempt to introduce agile programming into a core second year programming course. The initiative appeared to be associated with improvements in both drop out and pass rate, and student perceptions of the innovation were largely positive

    The effect of a multi-component intervention on disrespect and abuse during childbirth in Kenya

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    Background Disrespect and abuse (D & A) during labor and delivery are important issues correlated with human rights, equity, and public health that also affect women’s decisions to deliver in facilities, which provide appropriate management of maternal and neonatal complications. Little is known about interventions aimed at lowering the frequency of disrespectful and abusive behaviors. Methods Between 2011 and 2014, a pre-and-post study measured D & A levels in a three-tiered intervention at 13 facilities in Kenya under the Heshima project. The intervention involved working with policymakers to encourage greater focus on D & A, training providers on respectful maternity care, and strengthening linkages between the facility and community for accountability and governance. At participating facilities, postpartum women were approached at discharge and asked to participate in the study; those who consented were administered a questionnaire on D & A in general as well as six typologies, including physical and verbal abuse, violations of confidentiality and privacy, detainment for non-payment, and abandonment. Observation of provider-patient interaction during labor was also conducted in the same facilities. In both exit interview and observational studies, multivariate analyses of risk factors for D & A controlled for differences in socio-demographic and facility characteristics between baseline and endline surveys. Results Overall D & A decreased from 20–13 % (p < 0.004) and among four of the six typologies D & A decreased from 40–50 %. Night shift deliveries were associated with greater verbal and physical abuse. Patient and infant detainment declined dramatically from 8.0–0.8 %, though this was partially attributable to the 2013 national free delivery care policy. Conclusion Although a number of contextual factors may have influenced these findings, the magnitude and consistency of the observed decreases suggest that the multi-component intervention may have the potential to reduce the frequency of D & A. Greater efforts are needed to develop stronger evaluation methods for assessing D & A in other settings

    Principal manifolds and graphs in practice: from molecular biology to dynamical systems

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    We present several applications of non-linear data modeling, using principal manifolds and principal graphs constructed using the metaphor of elasticity (elastic principal graph approach). These approaches are generalizations of the Kohonen's self-organizing maps, a class of artificial neural networks. On several examples we show advantages of using non-linear objects for data approximation in comparison to the linear ones. We propose four numerical criteria for comparing linear and non-linear mappings of datasets into the spaces of lower dimension. The examples are taken from comparative political science, from analysis of high-throughput data in molecular biology, from analysis of dynamical systems.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    An Early Reduction in Treg Cells Correlates with Enhanced Local Inflammation in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in CCR6-Deficient Mice

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    Resistance to Leishmania major infection is dependent on the development of a cell-mediated Th1 immune response in resistant C57BL/6 mice whereas Th2-prone BALB/c mice develop non-healing lesions after infection. The chemokine receptor CCR6 is shared by anti-inflammatory regulatory T cells and pro-inflammatory Th17 cells. In a recent study we showed that C57BL/6 mice deficient in CCR6 exhibited enhanced footpad swelling and impaired T helper cell migration indicated by reduced recruitment of total T helper cells into the skin after infection and a reduced delayed type hypersensitivity reaction. Based on these findings we tested whether the lack of CCR6 alters Treg or Th17 cell responses during the course of Leishmania major infection. When we analyzed T cell subsets in the lymph nodes of CCR6-deficient mice, Th17 cell numbers were not different. However, reduced numbers of Treg cells paralleled with a stronger IFNγ response. Furthermore, the early increase in IFNγ-producing cells correlated with increased local tissue inflammation at later time points. Our data indicate an important role of CCR6 for Treg cells and a redundant role for Th17 cells in a Th1 cell-driven anti-parasitic immune response against Leishmania major parasites in resistant C57BL/6 mice
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