165 research outputs found

    Analysis to Prevent Case Cading Failure for Controller Placement in Software-Defined Networking and its Implementation Using Dynamic Switch Assignment

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    The control and data planes are decoupled in programming portrayed getting sorted out (SDN), which enables the two planes to progress unreservedly, and accomplishes various advantages like high flexibility, programmability, and quick execution of new association shows. Regardless, to improve the versatility of the control plane as of now, some control functionalities are added to the data plane, which is probably going to influence on the agreement of the data plane. The basic trial of adding control functionalities to the data plane is to track down some sort of congruity between the agreement of the data plane and the versatility of the control plane. We propose some fundamental guidelines that both control and data planes should adjust to, considering the formative example of SDN. Moreover, we receive two methodologies for reference according to the principles, seen from the control messages in OpenFlow-based SDN. Our evaluations display that the systems can keep up the distortion of the data plane and improve the flexibility of the control plane

    Traditional medicinal plants as anticancer agents from Chhattishgarh, India: An overview

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    An attempt has been made to review some medicinal plants used for the prevention and treatment of cancer in Chhattisgarh. Information on the name of plants, family, parts used and method of preparation has been collected from Ethanobotanical literatures. Information collected has revealed 53 plants species that are used for treatment of cancer in Chhattisgarh. All these plants were further reviewed for scientific evidence, 33 plants out of 53 plants were found for possess anticancer, cytotoxic or antioxidant activity in various preclinical or clinical studies.Keywords: Anticancer, Medicinal plants, Ethanobotanical, Chhattishgar

    Traditional medicinal plants as anticancer agents from Chhattishgarh, India: An overview

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    An attempt has been made to review some medicinal plants used for the prevention and treatment of cancer in Chhattisgarh. Information on the name of plants, family, parts used and method of preparation has been collected from Ethanobotanical literatures. Information collected has revealed 53 plants species that are used for treatment of cancer in Chhattisgarh. All these plants were further reviewed for scientific evidence, 33 plants out of 53 plants were found for possess anticancer, cytotoxic or antioxidant activity in various preclinical or clinical studies.Keywords: Anticancer, Medicinal plants, Ethanobotanical, Chhattishgar

    A Systematic Test of the Independence Axiom Near Certainty

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    A large literature has documented violations of expected utility consistent with a preference for certainty (the “certainty effect”). We design a laboratory experiment to investigate the role of the certainty effect in explaining violations of the independence axiom. We use lotteries spanning over the entire probability simplex to detect violations systematically. We find that violations of independence consistent with the reverse certainty effect are much more common than violations consistent with the certainty effect. Results hold as we test robustness along two dimensions: varying the mixing lottery and moving slightly away from certainty

    Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy : is the lymph node enlargement always massive?

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    Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) is a benign proliferating histiocytic disorder, predominantly of lymph nodes with extra-nodal involvement in some cases. It is a self-limiting disease and has a good prognosis; however some patients need steroid therapy. Therein lays a need to differentiate it from other lympho proliferative disorders of poorer prognosis. Clinically, it is suspected only when there is a significant lymph node enlargement in younger age group as the term signifies. Recently, we came across a case where a middle-aged female presented with a subtle swelling in submental region, clinically suspected of reactive or tubercular etiology. However on fine needle aspiration cytology, the smears showed many histiocytes, some of them showing lymphocytes and plasma cells in their cytoplasm, a morphological feature called as ?emperipolesis? classically seen in SHML. The present case is reported because of unusual clinical presentation and possibly the need for a revision of existing terminology

    Prevalence of smart phone addiction, sleep quality and associated behaviour problems in adolescents

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    Background: World is ever changing due to advancement in realm of science and technology, one such advancement is in field of smart phones. The ubiquity of smart phone technology raises concern for its addiction among adolescents and its relationship with quality of sleep, mental and physical health problems. Objective of the study was to investigate magnitude of smart phone addiction and evaluate the impact of smart phone addiction on their mental health and sleep quality.Methods: A cross‑sectional study was conducted on sample comprising of 587 students of repudiated school. Students were assessed with a specially designed proforma and Smart phone addiction scale (SAS) which was self‑administered by the students. Subjects were classified into smartphone non-user group, a low smartphone user group and a high smartphone user group. Subsequently depression anxiety and stress sub scores (DASS-21) scale were administered to asses associated behaviour problems, investigate sleep quality Pittsburgh sleep quality inventory was administered (PSQI).Results: Out of 587 subjects who completed the questionnaires 12.9% (n=76) were not using smart phones, (n=315) 53.62% were low users and (n=196) 33.3% were high users of Smart phone as estimated by Smart Phone addiction scale. Those who used smart phone excessively had high Global PSQI scores and DASS-21scores in terms of depression, anxiety and stress.Conclusions: With increasing popularity of smart phones, youths spend significant time on smart phone thereby developing addictive tendencies. This study concludes that youths are not only addicted but are also developing significant sleep and behaviour problems owing to excessive smart phone usage


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    Introduction: Epidemiology plays an important role in providing interpretation of disease occurrence in populations, change of disease rate, and the associated factors related to occurrence. Physical health problems not only coexist with mental disorders such as depression, but can also predict the onset and persistence of depression. A study of a nationally representative sample of the United States showed 79% of all ill people were comorbid. Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to study the comorbid condition in subjects with common mental disorders (CMD). Methods: It was a community-based and cross-sectional study carried out in an urban Slum. Slum was divided into four quadrants and 10% of the population was taken. A total of 150 houses were visited by random sampling and the sample size was calculated to be 294. The study was recorded in a pilot tested pre-designed validated semi-structured questionnaire. Four hundred and twenty-three out of 467 people were included in the study which was conducted in two phases. First phase was the screening phase which included history, general examination, and demographic profile along with self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) to measure the presence of mental illness. Socioeconomic status of family and quality of life was evaluated using Kuppuswami socioeconomic status scale. Subjects scored 7 and above selected for the study and further evaluated using mini international neuropsychiatric interview plus in the second phase. Results: In the present study, highest percentage of CMD was 26.47%, belonging to 16–25 age group and distress was found in 16.07% and severe distress in 7.80% with SRQ-20 scoring between 7 and 13 and >14, respectively, with higher proportion of females. The prevalence of CMD was 238.77/1000 and 11.88% and 8.91% subjects were found hypertensive and diabetic respectively. Conclusion: There is need to consider the impact of common psychological health problems that urban slum communities are facing today and CMD can be a major contributor to slum’s overall burden of functional impairment

    An Assessment of Different Phytochemical Screening and Analysis of Polyphenol Compounds in Gamma-Oryzanol

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    The current research work's concentration is on mineral content analysis and polyphenol compound analysis. Using proximate analytical techniques, the chemical composition (ash, fat, proteins, fiber, and gross energy) was identified. Utilizing mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography, the phenolic profile was identified. It was discovered that they contain Gallic Acid, Caffeic Acid, Catechin, Epicatechin, Epigallocatechin Gallate, P-coumaric Acid, O-coumaric Acid, Naringin, Rosmarinic Acid, Quercetin, Naringenin, Rutin, Phytic Acid, Ferulic Acid, Chlorogenic Acid, Kaempferol, and Hydroxybenzoic Acid. The results showed great variations in each parameter of the nutritional and bioactive components. It was discovered during the phytochemical screening of the Gamma Orygenol that they contain a variety of minerals, including Potassium, Phosporous, Phosporous, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Znic, Sodium, and Copper

    An In Vitro Pharmacognostical Study on Gluconeogenesis and Glucose

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    Traditional medicine over 60% of the world’s population used for health care name as Mukia maderaspatana (L.) M. Roem. (Cucurbitaceae) (Mukia) is extensively important medicine as an anti-inflammatory plant. It is rich in content of phenolics that exerts various medicinal properties. Mukia extract and its derivatives phenolics such as quercetin and phloroglucinol are investigated for their in vitro anti-inflammatory activity. Materials used was Quercetin, phloroglucinol, and methanol which extract of the dried whole plant (0.55 and 0.6 mg/ml) were studied for the inhibition of gluconeogenesis and glucose Phenolics of Mukia were analyzed by HPLC and UV-spectroscopy. Results obtained were Glucose (1.5 mg/g/h) was synthesized from pyruvate, the synthesis was whole inhibited by insulin (1 U/ml). Quercetin at 0.35 and 0.6 mg/ml caused 60% and 90% inhibition (0.43 mg/g/h and 0.12 mg/g/h glucose). Addition of insulin did not increase inhibition. Phloroglucinol inhibited 100% glucose production with or without insulin. Mukia (0.20 mg/ml) inhibited gluconeogenesis (0.65 mg/g/h) by 40%, and with insulin, inhibition increased to 50% (0.59 mg/g/h). At 0.6 mg/ml, glucose synthesis was stimulated by1.3-fold, but with insulin gets inhibited by 90% (0.12 mg/g/h glucose). Mukia possessed no effect on glucose uptake, in case it potentiated the activity of insulin mediated glucose uptake (153.82 ± 12.30 mg/dl/g/30 min) compared with insulin control (122.41 ± 9.14 mg/dl/g/30 min) (p < 0.02). HPLC analysis revealed the presence of phenolics. Results were concluded scientific rationale for the use of Mukia in medicine as an anti-inflammatory nutraceutical

    Physiological studies on Alternaria porri and Stemphylium vesicarium causing purple blotch complex in onion

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    Effect of different culture media, pH levels and natural substrates on mycelial growth and sporulation of Alternaria porri and Stemphylium vesicarium, incitants of purple blotch complex of onion was investigated. Maximum colony growth of A. porri and S. vesicarium was recorded on oat meal agar and Richard’s agar while, oat meal agar and V8 juice agar recorded the maximum sporulation, respectively. Similarly, pH 5.0 and 6.0 on potato dextrose agar (PDA) recorded the maximum colony growth of A. porri and S. vesicarium, respectively. None of the pH levels on PDA supported the sporulation of A. porri while maximum sporulation of S. vesicarium was recorded on pH 5.0. Onion seed stalks and garlic leaves were found to be the most suitable natural substrates for mass multiplication of A. porri and S. vesicarium, respectively. The present findings are useful for preparation of inoculums required for resistance breeding and fungicidal evaluation against purple blotch complex
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