11 research outputs found

    Methodological approach for evaluating the geo-exchange potential: VIGOR Project

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    In the framework of VIGOR Project, a national project coordinated by the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG) and sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), dedicated to the evaluation of geothermal potential in the regions of the Convergence Objective in Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Campania and Sicily), is expected to evaluate the ability of the territory to heat exchange with the ground for air conditioning of buildings. To identify the conditions for the development of low enthalpy geothermal systems collected and organized on a regional scale geological and stratigraphic data useful for the preparation of a specific thematic mapping, able to represent in a synergistic and simplified way the physical parameters (geological, lithostratigraphic, hydrogeological, thermodynamic) that most influence the subsoil behavior for thermal exchange. The litho-stratigraphic and hydrogeological database created for every region led to the production of different cartographic thematic maps, such as the thermal conductivity (lithological and stratigraphical), the surface geothermal flux, the average annual temperature of air, the climate zoning, the areas of hydrogeological restrictions. To obtain a single representation of the geo-exchange potential of the region, the different thematic maps described must be combined together by means of an algorithm, defined on the basis of the SINTACS methodology. The purpose is to weigh the contributions of the involved parameters and to produce a preliminary synthesis map able to identify the territorial use of geothermal heat pump systems, based on the geological characteristics and in agreement with the existing regulatory constraints

    Assessing Transmission Losses through Ephemeral Streams: A Methodological Approach Based on the Infiltration of Treated Effluents Released into Streams

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    Climate change and anthropogenic pressures are the main drivers of the quantitative and qualitative depletion of water bodies, worldwide. Nowadays, in many urban areas, discharging effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) into surface water bodies is a management solution to face the problem of water scarcity and sustain environmental flows. Although this practice can cause some concerns in public opinion about possible ecological side-effects and impairment of quality on receiving streams, it is an important contribution to the environmental baseflow of ephemeral streams, but also to groundwater recharge, especially during dry seasons, and in semi-arid and arid regions. This latter occurs through losing reaches along the streambed, though many factors may affect the infiltration rate, such as spatial distribution of streambed sediments and bedrock or the presence of channel lining. Moving from such premises, this study focuses on the Canale Reale River, an effluent-fed stream located nearby the city of Brindisi on the south-eastern side of the Apulia Region, in Italy. The Canale Reale flows through the Torre Guaceto protected wetland, located along the Adriatic coast. It collects effluents from four WWTPs with wastewater contributing for about 16.5% of the annual volume of channel drainage (i.e., 3.82 Mm3 out of 23.02 Mm3 along its 50 km long course). Within the framework of a complex geological setting, the Canale Reale River crosses different lithologies, which implies different streambed infiltration conditions. Using the Reach Length Water Balance method (RLWB), the transmission losses between the watercourse and the underlying aquifers were investigated. Particularly, the method allowed for the estimation of a spatially-average value of the riverbed’s infiltration rate applicable to the whole river course as well as the minimum, average, and maximum potential transmission losses (TLP) from the river to the underlying groundwater systems. Combining the estimated TLP values and the Flow Duration Curve (FDC) allowed for the inferring of the Transmission Loss Duration Curves (TLDC). Finally, the water volume infiltrating during an average hydrological year was estimated to be 6.25 Mm3, 61% of which was due to treated wastewater discharge. The results obtained confirm that the practice of increasing the river flow rates with WWTP effluents reduces the dry riverbed periods, with potential improvements to the river’s ecological sustainability and relevant enhancement of groundwater recharge

    Combined Discharge and Thermo-Salinity Measurements for the Characterization of a Karst Spring System in Southern Italy

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    The hydrological monitoring of springs is an auxiliary and indispensable tool that goes alongside investigations in wells to reconstruct a conceptual phenomenological model of an aquifer–groundwater system and its interactions with surface waters. There are manifold ways to carry out this monitoring, but the choice of which way is significant for a correct qualitative and quantitative knowledge of spring systems. The present work focuses on the characterization of the thermo-saline and flow regimes of the Tara spring system along the northern coast of Taranto (southern Italy), where a karst groundwater basin is the major source of the Tara River and the surrounding coastal wetland. A series of measurements was carried out on the spring system to support a technical feasibility study on the possible use of the brackish water of this river to feed a future desalination plant. To estimate the flow rate, a comparison was made between different flow measurement methods in a derivation channel. Through an analysis of the available dataset, the response of the aquifer to the autumn–winter recharge, for which updated hydrologic measurements were not available, is highlighted

    Monitoring the Drainage Efficiency of Infiltration Trenches in Fractured and Karstified Limestone via Time-Lapse Hydrogeophysical Approach

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    In the test site of Castellana Grotte (Southern Italy), since 2016, around 2300 m3d−1 of tertiary treated wastewater has been alternatively spread in nine infiltration trenches, dug into fractured and karstified limestone. In one of these trenches, located upstream, seasonal variations in the infiltration rate were observed, with a lower infiltration rate during summer than in winter. This effect could be due to the occurrence of a bioclogging phenomenon in the warm season. In addition, time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) was carried out in two different periods, corresponding to the wet and dry seasons, in order to investigate the infiltration process dynamics below the bottom of the trench. Remarkable variability was observed between the south and north sides of the trench—clearly related to the local-scale heterogeneity of the rock formation of the trenches. The results suggest that such an integrated approach should be considered of great interest in case of using infiltration trenches as managed aquifer recharge (MAR) plants. This methodology could provide useful information about the heterogeneities of the rock formation, supporting an alert system for the identification of clogging effects during the life cycle of the plant

    Data-driven and multi-approach sampling scheme optimization: the Alimini Lakes aquifer case

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    Due to the high wells drilling cost, monitoring sites are usually selected among existing wells; nevertheless, the resulting monitoring network must assure a good assessment of the main characteristics of the considered aquifer. Groundwater managers, need to find a good balance between two conflicting objectives: maximizing monitoring information and minimizing costs. In this paper, a couple of groundwater monitoring optimization methods are presented, related to the local shallow aquifer of the Alimini Lakes, located in Apulia (South-Eastern Italy) where a large number of existing wells have been pinpointed and the need of optimally reducing exists. The proposed methods differ each other for the required amount of prior information. The first proposed method, namely Greedy Deletion, just requires the geographical position of the available sites, while the second, the Simulated Annealing, also requires the knowledge of the spatial law of the considered phenomenon. The managerial need was to halve the number of monitoring sites minimizing the information loss

    Time-lapse Mise-\ue1-la-Masse measurements and modelling for tracer test monitoring in a shallow aquifer

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    The main goal of this study is to evaluate the reliability of the Mise-á-la-Masse (MALM) technique associated with saline tracer tests for the characterization of groundwater flow direction and velocity. The experimental site is located in the upper part of the Alento River alluvial plain (Campania Region, Southern Italy). In this paper we present the hydrogeological setting, the experimental setup and the relevant field results. Subsequently, we compare those data against the simulated results obtained with a 3D resistivity model of the test area, coupled with a model describing the Advection – Dispersion equation for continuous tracer injection. In particular, we calculate a series of 3D forward solutions starting from a reference model, all derived from electrical tomography results, but taking into consideration different values of mean flow velocity and directions. Each electrical resistivity 3D model is used to produce synthetic voltage maps for MALM surveys. Finally, the synthetic MALM voltage maps are compared with the ones measured in the field in order to assess the information content of the MALM dataset with respect to the groundwater field characteristics. The results demonstrate that the information content of the MALM data is sufficient to define important characteristics of the aquifer geometry and properties. This work shows how a combination of three-dimensional time-lapse modeling of flow, tracer transport and electrical current can substantially contribute towards a quantitative interpretation of MALM measurements during a saline tracer test. This approach can thus revive the use of MALM as a practical, low cost field technique for tracer test monitoring and aquifer hydrodynamic characterization

    An Integrated Approach for Investigating the Salinity Evolution in a Mediterranean Coastal Karst Aquifer

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    Coastal areas are characterized by considerable demographic pressure that generally leads to groundwater overexploitation. In the Mediterranean region, this situation is exacerbated by a recharge reduction enhanced by climate change. The consequence is water table drawdown that alters the freshwater/seawater interface facilitating seawater intrusion. However, the groundwater salinity may also be affected by other natural/anthropogenic sources. In this paper, water quality data gathered at 47 private and public wells in a coastal karst aquifer in Apulia (southern Italy), were interpreted by applying disparate methods to reveal the different sources of groundwater salinity. Chemical characterization, multivariate statistical analysis, and mixing calculations supplied the groundwater salinization degree. Characteristic ion ratios, strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr), and pure mixing modelling identified the current seawater intrusion as a main salinity source, also highlighting the contribution of water–rock interaction to groundwater composition and excluding influence from Cretaceous paleo-seawater. Only the combined approach of all the methodologies allowed a clear identification of the main sources of salinization, excluding other less probable ones (e.g., paleo-seawater). The proposed approach enables effective investigation of processes governing salinity changes in coastal aquifers, to support more informed management

    Assessing Natural Background Levels in the Groundwater Bodies of the Apulia Region (Southern Italy)

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    Defining natural background levels (NBL) of geochemical parameters in groundwater is a key element for establishing threshold values and assessing the environmental state of groundwater bodies (GWBs). In the Apulia region (Italy), carbonate sequences and clastic sediments host the 29 regional GWBs. In this study, we applied the Italian guidelines for the assessment of the NBLs, implementing the EU Water Framework Directive, in a south-European region characterized by the typical Mediterranean climatic and hydrologic features. Inorganic compounds were analyzed at GWB scale using groundwater quality data measured half-yearly from 1995 to 2018 in the regional groundwater monitoring network (341 wells and 20 springs). Nitrates, chloride, sulfate, boron, iron, manganese and sporadically fluorides, boron, selenium, arsenic, exceed the national standards, likely due to salt contamination along the coast, agricultural practices or natural reasons. Monitoring sites impacted by evident anthropic activities were excluded from the dataset prior to NBL calculation using a web-based software tool implemented to automate the procedure. The NBLs resulted larger than the law limits for iron, manganese, chlorides, and sulfates. This methodology is suitable to be applied in Mediterranean coastal areas with high anthropic impact and overexploitation of groundwater for agricultural needs. The NBL definition can be considered one of the pillars for sustainable and long-term groundwater management by tracing a clear boundary between natural and anthropic impacts

    Methodological approach for evaluating the geo-exchange potential: VIGOR Project

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    In the framework of VIGOR Project, a national project coordinated by the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-IGG) and sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), dedicated to the evaluation of geothermal potential in the regions of the Convergence Objective in Italy (Puglia, Calabria, Campania and Sicily), is expected to evaluate the ability of the territory to heat exchange with the ground for air conditioning of buildings. To identify the conditions for the development of low enthalpy geothermal systems collected and organized on a regional scale geological and stratigraphic data useful for the preparation of a specific thematic mapping, able to represent in a synergistic and simplified way the physical parameters (geological, lithostratigraphic, hydrogeological, thermodynamic) that most influence the subsoil behavior for thermal exchange. The litho-stratigraphic and hydrogeological database created for every region led to the production of different cartographic thematic maps, such as the thermal conductivity (lithological and stratigraphical), the surface geothermal flux, the average annual temperature of air, the climate zoning, the areas of hydrogeological restrictions. To obtain a single representation of the geo-exchange potential of the region, the different thematic maps described must be combined together by means of an algorithm, defined on the basis of the SINTACS methodology. The purpose is to weigh the contributions of the involved parameters and to produce a preliminary synthesis map able to identify the territorial use of geothermal heat pump systems, based on the geological characteristics and in agreement with the existing regulatory constraints