27 research outputs found

    Ingredients of Active Compounds and Anti-Diabetic Test of Water Extract of Lannea coromandelica (Houtt) Merr. On Wistar Rats

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    Leaves of Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr. is one of the plants found in Aceh. This study aims to determine the effect of giving water extract of Lannea coromandellica (Houtt.) Merr. against STZ-induced blood sugar levels of wistar rats. The experimental study used a sample of 25 male and 15 female Wistar rats. This research is experimental with a sample of 25 male and 15 female of Wistar rats. The treatments were given, namely negative control (aquades), positive control (metformin), 50 mg EALC, 100 mg EALC, and 150 mg EALC. The data obtained will be analyzed by using the Kruskal Wallis test to obtain the effectiveness of the treatment and also a descriptive analysis for the average reduction in blood glucose levels. Macro and histological observations were also carried out on the liver and pancreas. The results obtained from the Kruskal Wallis test results showed that there was no effect of EALC on changes in the decrease in blood glucose levels of wistar rats for 14 days of treatment. Observation of the macro organs showed pancreas had a changes. While the histological observations pancreas and liver showed changes. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of EALC is not proven to have an effect, this is presumably because the extract concentration is too small so it is not enough to work optimally. Phytochemical test shows that EALC contains flavonoids, steroids, phenolics, tannins, saponins and alkaloids

    Evaluasi Penularan Filariasis Limfatik di Provinsi Riau dan Bangka Belitung: Parasit pada Manusia dan Reservoir

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    Mass treatment and evaluation surveys of filariasis transmission were strategies in the control of lymphatic filariasis. Mass Drug Administration (MDA) stop period surveillance is required for five years before obtaining a lymphatic filariasis elimination certificate. The aim of conducting the study was to evaluate the activities of lymphatic filariasis elimination in areas that have been doing MDA for five years. During July-November 2017, fingertip blood samples of people aged five years and examination of reservoir animals was done in Riau and Bangka Belitung Province. The results of the study found that in Kuatan Singingi and Pelalawan district Mf rate was <1%, in West Bangka and Belitung districts Mf rate> 1% with all specied identified as Brugia malayi. Survey of animal reservoir obtained positive of B. malayi on two cats (Felis attus), one dog (Canis familiaris), and one monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Riau Province was not a filariasis endemic area (Mf rate <1%), while Bangka Belitung Province Mf rate was still >1%. The risk of transmission in Kuantan Singingi District was already low, while in Pelalawan regency, West Bangka and Belitung were still high


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sampai seberapa jauh pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku para penderita filariasis malayi yang sedang menjalani pengobatan. Kabupaten Tabalong dipilih sebagai daerah pelaksanaan penelitian karena pada wilayah ini filariasis merupakan penyakit endemis pada beberapa desa dan mayoritas penduduk terdiri atas suku Banjar dan Daya Maanyan. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara prospektif yaitu dengan cara mencari kasus melalui mikrofilaria survei. Penderita yang ada selanjutnya diberi pengobatan selama 3 bulan dan sebelum pem­ berian obat, penderita diwawancarai untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan sikap mereka terhadap penyakit filaria. Selama pemberian obat, penderita diikuti dan dicatat perilaku mereka terhadap reaksi samping pengobatan dan berbagai faktor yang terkait dengan kepatuhan dalam menjalani pengobatan. Sebelum dan selama masa pemberian obat (3 bulan) tidak dilakukan intervensi yang berupa penyuluhan. Dari survei ini diperoleh 46 kasus mikrofilaremia yang akan menjadi subyek penelitian (SP), namun jumlah kasus/subyek penelitian yang dapat diana/isis adalah 42 kasus/SP karena 4 kasus/SP mengundurkan diri sebelum masa pengobatan selesai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 58, 7% kasus berpendidikan di bawah SD (tamat SD, tidak tamat, dan tidak sekolah), dan 73,9% sebagai petani. Dari aspek pengetahuan dan sikap diketahui bahwa kasus/SP menyatakan bahwa penyebab kaki gajah adalah karena menginjak daerah terlarang (50,0%), dan jika sakit kasus/SP berobat ke petugas kesehatan/Puskesmas (52,2%) sedangkan jika kaki telah membesar kasus/SP menyatakan bahwa hanya dengan pengobatan modern kaki gajah dapat diobati (82,6%). Untuk mencegah gigitan nyamuk hanya 15,2% dari kasus/SP yang tidur tidak menggunakan kelambu atau obat nyamuk bakar. Bagi kasus/SP yang  bekerja sebagai petani penyadap karet untuk melindungi diri dari gigitan nyamuk dengan menggunakan baju lengan panjang adalah 38,2%. Sebelum pelaksanaan pengobatan, gejala/keluhan demam (52.4%), cepat lelah (69,0%), dan pegal linu (64,3%) merupakan gejala/keluhan yang umum diderita oleh kasus/SP. Setelah dimulai pengobatan, demam (76,2%) dan nyeri otot (26,2%) merupakan gejala efek samping pengobatan. Gejala efek samping/reaksi pengobatan yang paling banyak terjadi pada SP adalah setelah minum obat pertama kali (42,9%), namun setelah minum obat yang kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya gejala efek samping/reaksi pengobatan semakin berkurang. Dari penelitian ini disarankan bahwa faktor pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku para penderita yang positif mikrofilaria merupakan faktor penting yang perlu diketahui dan diidentifikasi agar pelaksanaan pengobatan dapat betjalan sampai selesai. Selain itu selama pelaksanaan pengobatan, advokasi (pendampingan) yang dilakukan oleh para petugas pemberi obat dapat menjelaskan efek samping/reaksi pengobatan yang akan timbul dan sampai tahap pengobatan tertentu efek samping/reaksi pengobatan akan semakin berkurang


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    Intestinal helminthes diseases is still a major public health problem in Indonesia, especially in children less than 5 years old and in basic-school age children. These diseases may cause low status of general health, nutritional, retardation of intelegent development, and reduce productivity of adult. In the long run, it will influence the quality of human resources of Indonesia. Distribution of helminthes infectionis closely related to individual as well as community's hygiene-sanitation, and environment health by polluting water and soil with feces containing helminthes eggs and or larvae. Distribution of helminthes infection is not limitted around the foci but also cover area of better socio-economic level where environment health is well-concioused. Factors which are supported the spreading of the diseses are habit of defication else where in the back yard, lack of latrine, and repeated flooding. Treatment of the diseses without environment health improvement may give unsatisfactory results since immediate re-infection willoccur. Therefor intestinal helminthes diseases control can not be done without development of hygienic and healthy way of life of the community and better environment health. Those are are depended on the educational level and knowledge of the community upon hygienic and healthy-live. This time when there is limmitted availlable budget of the Goverment, control may depend on the treatment of the positive patients and incouragement of community perception on healthy-live by conducting health promotion. It can be done through agenda of teaching at the Basic-school level and through social community activities such as "PKK meeting", "Posyandu activities", environment health competition etc.Keywords: intestinal helminthes, environment health, contro


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    AbstractPositive control of Plasmodium spp. is needed in identification of malaria species using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method. The limitedness of malaria positive control encourages us to develop the cloning method to multiply Plasmodiumspp.DNA particularly P.vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale that are still unable to be cultured continuously. DNA product of single round and nested PCR were used as DNA target for cloning method. The cloning method consisted of several processes which are ligation of DNA target into TOPO vector, transformation into competent Escherichia coliDH5α, and selection of transformation product using selective media. In the end of the process, PCR was done to check the success rate of cloning method. Single round PCR resulting 200-300 bp of DNA product, while nested PCR resulting 100-200 bp of DNA product. The advantages of cloning method are produce large amount of products in such a shorter time in process with just small amounts of sample required. However, compared to continuous culture and blood specimen, DNA producted by cloning process can only be used for a spesific PCR method. Furthermore, other test is still required to examine stability of cloning product.Keywords: Plasmodium spp., cloning, single round PCR, nested PCR.ABSTRAKKeterbatasan kontrol positif untuk pemeriksaan spesies malaria secara molekuler dengan teknik Polymerase  Chain  Reaction(PCR), mendorong kita mencari cara alternatif dengan metode kloning. Metode kloning dilakukan untuk perbanyakan DNA Plasmodiumspp. terutama spesies yang  belum  dapat  dikembangbiakkan  secara  kultur berkesinambungan.  Amplifikasi  DNA Plasmodium spp. menggunakan metode single rounddan nestedPCR yang selanjutnya produk PCR tersebut digunakan sebagai DNA target dalam proses kloning. Proses kloning meliputi ligasi ke dalam TOPO vektor, transformasi ke dalam host Escherichia coliDH5α kompeten, dan seleksi hasil transformasi pada media selektif. Selanjutnya dilakukan lagi PCR spesiasi sebagai tahap akhir untuk mengecek keberhasilan kloning. Metode single roundPCR menghasilkan produk DNA dengan ukuran panjang basa 200-300 bp, sedangkan metode nestedPCR menghasilkan produk DNA berukuran 100-200 bp. Keuntungan metode kloning adalah dapat menghasilkan produk DNA dengan jumlah banyak dari volume sampel yang sedikit dan waktu yang relatif singkat. Jika dibandingkan dengan DNA parasit dari hasil kultur berkesinambungan, penggunaan DNA hasil kloning sebagai kontrol positif hanya terbatas pada satu metode PCR saja. Selain itu tes lanjutan untuk menguji stabilitas produk kloning juga sangat diperlukan.Kata kunci: Plasmodium spp., kloning, single roundPCR, nestedPCR