4 research outputs found

    Probiotic potential of Lactobacillus fermentum G-4 originating from the meconium of newborns

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    The present study was dedicated to determining probiotic potential of a human isolate G-4, originated from meconium. The isolate was identified using morphological, physiological and biochemical assays and molecular method based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing. In order to evaluate its probiotic properties in vitro tests were performed: the survival in simulated gastrointestinal conditions, adhesion to hexadecane, and antimicrobial activity. Safety aspects of the isolate were examined by testing toxicity, gastrointestinal tolerance and bacterial translocation in vivo, as well as hemolytic activity in vitro. The isolate G-4, identified as Lactobacillus fermentum, showed viability in artificial gastric and intestinal juice (low degree of cell viability reduction for 0.69 and 1.30 logCFU mL(-1) units, respectively), moderate adhesion to hexadecane (39 +/- 2.1 %), and antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Abony and Clostridium sporogenes, due to production of lactic acid (9.80 g L-1). No signs of toxicity, bacterial translocation, hemolytic activity, were observed

    Neki funkcionalni dodaci u mleku i proizvodima od mleka namenjeni poboljŔanju zdravlja

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    Functional foods have boldly entered the global market during the past decade and still continue to gain market share as value added products at a rapid pace. Although the term "functional foods" currently lacks a common definition, this category is generally thought to include products that influence specific functions in the body and thereby offer benefits for health, well-being or performance, beyond their regular nutritional value. Functional foods have been developed in almost all food categories and dairy industry is the leader in this field. Added-value dairy products have revitalized the European traditional dairy sector. Probiotic beverages were the youngest dairy sector, having been launched in the mid-1990s, and they "remain the core focus for the category." But recent new product development has focused on the "provision of alternative health benefits, with products aimed at cholesterol reduction and slimming" as well as "recent launches in the area of blood-pressure control. Growth rates of these products remain very dynamic and growing in popularity is also evident.Mleko i mlečni proizvodi danas su besumnje lideri u oblasti funkcionalne hrane koja je nesumnjivo postala jedan od najznačajnijih pokretača razvoja prehrambene industrije. Tome je doprinela i suplementacija sa većim brojem ingredijenata, među kojima, pored probiotika, značajno mesto pripada i Omega 3 masnim kiselinama kao i fitostanolima i fitosterolima. Njihova uloga prvenstveno se ogleda u prevenciji od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja, odnosno u redukciji LDL holesterola. Ako se ima u vidu da se populacija starijih osoba naglo povećava kao i njihova svest o pravilnoj ishrani a da istovremeno i ostale populacije sve viÅ”e vode računa o uticaju hrane na zdravlje, jasno je da funkcionalni mlečni proizvodi mogu u određenom stepenu da doprinesu poboljÅ”anju opÅ”teg zdravstvenog stanja. U istu grupu proizvoda spadaju i oni koji sadrže bioaktivne peptide nastale razgradnjom kazeina u toku procesa fermentacije kao rezultat aktivnosti određenih sojeva bakterija mlečne kiseline. Sigurno je da nova saznanja u ovoj oblasti mogu samo da ubrzaju navedeni trend

    Značaj sistema sledljivosti za industriju mleka

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    Dairy industry in Serbia is in a period of transition and the success in meeting its most significant challenge will depend on more than merely improving production quality and achieving real control over product safety. Increasingly, complete product trace ability will be essential in order to gain a competitive edge on a market with growing foreign products share. The increasing emphasis on verification means that an individual company's success in meeting the food safety and quality challenge will be determined by its ability to demonstrate overall control over the production and distribution to regulators, customers and consumers. Another key point will be presence of foreign retailers with a lot of experience how to fulfill consumer expectations for product trace ability u by implementing the integrated external trace ability system which enables everybody to know the origin of product and its journey (transformations) throughout the production and distribution chain. Winners in the dairy industry will be those firms, which be able to determine the necessary breadth, depth and precision of their trace ability systems depending on characteristics of their production process and their trace ability objectives. These trends will be greatly enhanced with the modern electronic devices that can provide full range of trace ability information in a very short time.Industrija mleka danas se u svetu suočava se velikim izazovima u pogledu poboljÅ”anja bezbednosti i unapređenja kvaliteta proizvoda, Å”to je joÅ” viÅ”e potencirano pojačanom konkurencijom i opÅ”tim padom cena poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Da bi uspeÅ”no odgovorila na navedene izazove, mlekarska industrija mora da primeni odgovarajuća tehnoloÅ”ka reÅ”enja u pogledu zakonske legislative i istovremeno da odgovori zahtevima potroÅ”ača čija je informisanost neuporedivo uvećana. Iz tog razloga ova industrija će u budućnosti morati da se ponaÅ”a proaktivno. Veliku pomoć u tim stremljenjima predstavljaće uvođenje sistema Å”tedljivosti, bez koga je već danas nezamislivo poslovanje sa velikim trgovinskim lancima, koji u ovoj oblasti imaju i svoje standarde. Ovo znači da će i naÅ”i mlekarski pogoni morati da usvoje navedeni način poslovanja i u krajnjoj liniji od uspeÅ”nosti tog usvajanja zavisiće ne samo sudbina jedne od vodećih grana prehrambene industrije, već i celokupnog razvoja stočarstva

    Assessment of diet therapy effect on blood pressure of obese persons with and without antihypertensive therapy

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    Background. Arterial hypertension is a multicausal chronic disease often accompanied by obesity. The aim of this investigation was to examine the effect of diet therapy in the treatment of obese hypertensives with and without antihypertensive therapy. Methods. The investigation was conducted at the Department of Nutrition on a sample of 110 obese hypertensive patients on diet therapy. Subjects were divided into two groups: the group on diet therapy with antihypertensive drugs E1 (n=78), and the group on diet therapy without pharmacotherapy E2 (n=32). Nourishment state i.e., obesity level was assessed by body mass index (BMI). All the patients belonged to the obese group - BMI > 30 kg/m2. Besides blood pressure values, the following parameters were monitored: serum cholesterol, trygliceride levels and BMI. Results. The obtained results in the group with diet therapy combined with antihypertensive therapy showed highly significant decrease of anthropometrical parameters: body weight (99.14 kg vs. 90.16 kg) (p<0.001) and BMI (37.32 vs. 34.09) (p<0.001); percent body fat (41.97 vs. 38.78) (p<0.001); systolic (154.81 vs. 141.91) (p<0,001), and diastolic pressures (95.42 vs. 87.36) (p<0,001); cholesterol (6.39 vs. 5.99) (p<0,002), and triglycerides concentration (2.69 vs. 2.21) (p<0.019). In the group on single diet therapy, highly significant decrease of body mass (99.33 vs. 90.18) (p<0.001), BMI (34,79 vs. 31.58) (p<0.001), percent body fat (39.27 vs. 36.70) (p<0.001), systolic (148.44 vs. 132.74) (p<0.001), and diastolic pressures (93.97 vs. 82.90) (p<0.001), was achieved, while the differences between initial and final cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations although observed, were not statistically significant. Conclusion. The obtained results implicated that diet therapy significantly helped the normoregulation of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Considering this, during physiciansā€™ routine practice in the treatment of hypertension attention should be paid on the reduction of the corresponding level of obesity