15 research outputs found

    A New Class of Quasicyclic Complex Vector Functional Equations

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    For the first time in the literature a quasicyclic complex vector functional equation is introduced in the present paper. By a matrix method the general quasicyclic complex vector functional equation is solved, as well as its particular case for n = 3. This case is completely solved in an explicit form, and for every step of the solution examples are provided. Using a simple spectral property of compound matrices, a necessary and sufficient condition for stability of the quasicyclic complex vector functional equation considered is proved.</p


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    In this article is discussed a new method for tuning the guitar. This method is more precisely than other standard tuning methods considered in classical guitar methods. By this tuning method guitar is perfectly tuned in the open position.U ovom se članku procjenjuje nova metoda za uštimavanje gitare. Ova metoda je preciznija od standardnih metoda uštimavanja uzimajući u obzir metode klasične gitare. Pomoću ove metode gitara se savršeno uštimava na otvorenoj poziciji.In questo saggio si valuta un nuovo metodo di accordare la chitarra. Questo metodo è più preciso degli altri metodi standard usati per accordare la chitarra classica. Con questo metodo si può accordare la chitarra in modo perfetto in posizione aperta


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    El presente artículo intenta dar una opinión para hacer un nuevo acercamiento a la filosofía de la guitarra, de una manera suficientemente sofisticada, que supere todas las miradas hasta ahora conocidas. Con la idea de sacar a la luz este tema importante, el artículo introducirá una nueva filosofía de la guitarra en virtud al conocimiento músico-estético de lo clásico, para estimar los valores generales de los arreglos musicales. Con la idea de entender mejor esta aproximación, el énfasis se hace a través del prisma de la experiencia de guitarra y desde el punto de vista de nuevas necesidades para la literatura de la guitarra clásica.This paper intends to advance an opinion out of which we can give a new approach to the philosophy of guitar, in a sophisticated enough way that improves over the current views. With the idea of bringing to light this important topic, this paper will take us to a new philosophy of guitar in virtue of the musical-aesthetical &amp;nbsp;knowledge of the classical, to appreciate the general values of musical arrangements. Aiming to a better understanding of this approximation, emphasis is made through the prism of guitar experience and from the point of view of new needs for the literature of classical guitar

    On what there is in philosophy of mathematics

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    En este artículo presentamos un bosquejo de diversos momentos que han ejercido una influencia considerable sobre el desarrollo de la filosofía de las matemáticas. Ilustramos los principales problemas de esta disciplina y discutimos el sentido y alcance de la denominada positividad de la matemática, Además mediante el examen de diversos enfoques sobre este tópico, analizamos algunas cuestiones epistemológicas y ontológicas  que pueden arrojar  algo de luz sobre esta complicada área de la metafilosofia.AbstractIn this paper we present an outline of various moments that have exerted considerable influence on the development of the philosophy of mathematics. We illustrate the main problems of this discipline and discuss the meaning and scope of the so-called positivity of mathematics, also by examining various approaches on this topic, we discuss some epistemological and ontological issues that may shed some light on this complicated area metaphilosophy.En este artículo presentamos un bosquejo de diversos momentos que han ejercido una influencia considerable sobre el desarrollo de la filosofía de las matemáticas. Ilustramos los principales problemas de esta disciplina y discutimos el sentido y alcance de la denominada positividad de la matemática, Además mediante el examen de diversos enfoques sobre este tópico, analizamos algunas cuestiones epistemológicas y ontológicas  que pueden arrojar  algo de luz sobre esta complicada área de la metafilosofia.AbstractIn this paper we present an outline of various moments that have exerted considerable influence on the development of the philosophy of mathematics. We illustrate the main problems of this discipline and discuss the meaning and scope of the so-called positivity of mathematics, also by examining various approaches on this topic, we discuss some epistemological and ontological issues that may shed some light on this complicated area metaphilosophy

    Some higher order complex vector functional equations

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    summary:In the present paper some complex vector functional equations of higher order without parameters and with complex parameters are solved

    A New Class of Quasicyclic Complex Vector Functional Equations

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    18-1 guitar.indd

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    INTRODUCTION A long time ago it was known that mathematicians wanted to fi nd close connections with music. In one opportunity Sylvester says: mathematics is music of the mind. This sentence does not have a metaphorical meaning to compare science and art, but its real intention is to show, how highly music is valued by mathematicians. Analogously if we continue in this way, it is more appropriate and more natural to feel music as the holiday of the soul. Also, Sylvester has given one more opinion: May not music is described as the mathematics of sense, mathematics as the music of reason? The musician feels mathematics; the mathematician thinks music -music the dream, mathematics the working life. Great guitar music fl ows from the heart and the soul. It is very hard to capture that kind of emotion on a piece of paper or in a textbook. We believe that learning to play the guitar is inseparable from learning to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. There has to be a time when the teacher looks inward and fi nds their own voice within. The supreme challenge of playing the guitar is learning how to unlock that voice and free it for expression. Sometimes this depends upon refi ning the technical aspects of the guitar. Other times, managing the mental and spiritual facets of playing is more important. In either case, effective learning occurs when the student and teacher are respectful of each other&apos;s styles and ambitions. Simplicity and clarity are sometimes elusive when trying to articulate ideas, but they are noble attributes which teacher strives for in his teaching. Keywords: Classical guitar; Guitar teaching philosophy. Palabras clave: Guitarra clásica; Filosofía de enseñanza de guitarra. ABSTRACT In this present work it is given an opinion for a new approach to guitar teaching philosophy in a suffi ciently sophisticated way, which surpasses up to now all known looks. With a goal to shed light on this important topic, this work will introduce a new guitar teaching philosophy on the virtue of musical-aesthetical knowledge of classical guitar music. With the intention to better understand this approach, emphasis is made throughout the prism of the guitar experience and from the viewpoint of new needs of classical guitar study. RESUMEN El presente artículo intenta dar una opinión para hacer un nuevo acercamiento a la fi losofía de la guitarra, de una manera sufi cientemente sofi sticada, que supere todas las miradas hasta ahora conocidas. Con la idea de sacar a la luz este tema importante, el artículo introducirá una nueva fi losofía de guitarra en virtud al conocimiento músico-estético de lo clásico, para estimar los valores generales de los arreglos musicales. Con la intención de entender mejor este acercamiento, el énfasis se hace a través del prisma de la experiencia de guitarra y desde el punto de vista de nuevas necesidades para la estudio de la guitarra clásica