12 research outputs found

    Usaha Pelestarian Keanekaragaman Hayati di Jawa Barat

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    Suatu Tinjauan Tentang Kesesuaian Indeks Kesukaran Materi Soal-Soal Uas Pada Matakuliah Mikrobiologi di Fkip Universitas Terbuka Dengan Indeks Kesukaran Materi Yang Disajikan Dalam Modul

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    yang dijadikan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu apakah indeks kesukaran materi soal-soal ujian pada ujian akhir semster untuk matakuliah mokrobiologi telah sesuai dengan kriteria indeks kesukaran soal yang dipakai FKIP UT. hasil analisis dan indeks kesukaran materi yang disajikan dalam modu

    Apakah Manusia Merupakan Produk Evolusi

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    Apa Yang Perlu Kita Ketahui Tentang Plasma Nutfah

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    Academic Hardiness And Social Support: Universitas Terbuka Student’s Case

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    This study examines whether there are differences in academic hardiness between Indonesia Open University students who join Pokjar and those who do not join Pokjar. Pokjar is an abbreviation of “study group” which consists of a group of students and is managed by several administrators. Students who choose to take distance learning are scattered in different areas and do not meet each other in the same class. When problems occur related to the learning process, students ask questions and seek information through existing communication channels. Pokjar is a group of students who build commitment and mutual agreement to help each other and support each other smoothly and successfully study at the Indonesia Open University with or without the facilities of other parties. Pokjar management is needed to help provide administrative services and information about the Open University to students who need it. In the perspective of open and distance education, Pokjar can be positioned as a form of social support where students can convey all their problems to Pokjar, and Pokjar will help solve these problems to the University. This study uses an academic hardiness questionnaire which was compiled based on aspects of academic toughness by Benishek (2004) and modified by the researcher. The research sample was 705 Open University students from various study programs. After the difference test was conducted, it was found that there was a significant difference between students who attended Pokjar and students who did not take Pokjar. The average academic toughness score of students who joined Pokjar (Mean = 144.16) was higher than students who did not join Pokjar (Mean = 139.44). Research on social support for academic hardiness is often done, a new finding in this study is that in distance learning, social support can come from Pokjar. We carried out further investigations using FGDs and deep interviews to find out what kind of social support we received from the Pokjar. The type of social support felt by students when they joined the Pokjar was in the form of companionship support, namely support that includes the availability of groups to spend time together. This support causes a person to feel that he is part of a group where members can share with each other

    Bioacoustic Analysis for Help Identify Andestimate Distribution of Anura Due to the Effects of Ecotourism in the CA-TWA Region of Telaga Warna

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    Indonesia is a country with very high biodiversity and is known as Mega Biodiversity. In Indonesia found about 450 species of Anura representing about 11% of all species in the world, and 28 species ofwhich 28 live in West Java.  Anura animals have a pattern of calling behavior that is essential for mating: males produce call-up behavior that attracts females and, in some species, represents the extent of their territory. Research on frogs and toads is considered necessary considering the absence of more detailed data on the bioacoustics of these frogs, especially in the West Java area, so that variations and patterns of anura sounds are known in the Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Nature Park (CA-TWA) area and can make scientific contributions in information on variations and sound patterns owned by anura animals in terms of anura conservation in Indonesia.  This research was conducted from month March-December 2018, located in Telaga Warna Nature Reserve and Nature Park, Bogor, West Java.  Call the recording every 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. each night during the sampling period.  The number of anura species in the villa and swamp areas is more abundant than the lake area, and the presence of Pearl maroon frogs (nyctixalus margaritifer) found in the villa and lake areas, while the Bufo melanotictus type that likes to live in the lake area. It can be seen that the villa and swamp areas are still maintained vegetation by looking at the medium density of the canopy. Steeper slope conditions help the flow of nutrients from the soil due to the erosion process and settle in flat to gentle areas. The density of the canopy in the area helps maintain the surface temperature of the land with a stable land surface temperature ranging from 15 – 21 0C.Indonesia adalah negara dengan keanekaragaman hayati yang sangat tinggi dan dikenal sebagai Mega Biodiversity. Di Indonesia ditemukan sekitar 450 jenis Anura yang mewakili sekitar 11 % dari seluruh jenis di dunia, dan 28 jenis diantaranya 28 hidup di Jawa Barat. Anura adalah hewan memiliki pola perilaku memanggil sangat penting untuk kawin: laki-laki menghasilkan perilaku panggilan yang menarik perempuan dan, pada beberapa spesies, menunjukan luas wilayah teritorinya. Penelitian mengenai katak dan kodok ini dirasa perlu dilakukan mengingat belum adanya data yang lebih rinci mengenai bioakustik katak tersebut khususnya di daerah Jawa Barat, sehingga diketahui variasi dan pola suara anura diwilayah Cagar Alam dan Taman Wisata Alam (CA-TWA) Telaga Warna dan dapat memberikan kontribusi ilmiah dalam informasivariasi dan pola suara yang dimilik oleh satwa anura dalam hal konservasi anura di Indonesia. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret-Desember 2018, berlokasi di Cagar Alam danTamanWisataAlam TelagaWarna, Bogor, JawaBarat. Panggil rekaman setiap pukul 18.00 sampai 23.00  setiap malam selama periode sampling pertitik sampling.  Jumlah jenis anura diwilayah vila dan rawa lebih berlimpah dibandingkan wilayah danau, serta keberadaan  katak marun Mutiara (nyctixalus margaritifer) yang di jumpai di wilayah vila dan danau, sedangkan jenis Bufo melanotictus yang menyukai hidup diwilayah danau. Terlihat bahwa wilayah vila dan rawa masih terjaga vegetasinya dengan melihat kerapatan tajuk yang sedang. Kondisi lereng yang lebih curam membantu alur nutrisi dari tanah akibat proses erosi dan mengendap di wilayah yang datar hingga landai. Kerapatan tajuk pada wilayah tersebut membantu menjaga suhu permukaan lahan dengan suhu permukaan lahan yang stabil berkisar 15 – 21 oC

    Konsep Dasar IPA di SD

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    Biologi Umum

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