26 research outputs found

    Satisfação materna com o cuidado da enfermeira materno-infantil em Campeche, México

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    OBJECTIVE: Evaluate and compare maternal-satisfaction (global and areas) with maternal-child nursing care (MSMINC) and to explore the relationship of MSMINC with wait time, length of visit, and maternal age and education. METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive study comprising 213 mothers. Group 1 (n = 84), mothers of children agedEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar y comparar la satisfacción materna (global/áreas) con el cuidado de la enfermera materno infantil (MSMINC) y explorar la relación de MSMINC con el tiempo de espera, duración de la visita, edad y educación materna. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal. Participaron 213 madres. Grupo 1, n = 84 madres de niñosOBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a satisfação materna (global e áreas) com o cuidado da enfermeira materno-infantil (SMAEMI) e explorar a relação da SMAEMI com o tempo de espera e duração da visita, idade e educação da mãe. MÉTODOS: ESTUdo descritivo-transversal com a participação de 213 mães. Grupo 1, n = 84 mães de criança

    Smoking Cessation in Primary Care Clinics

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    OBJECTIVES: To document smoking cessation rates achieved by applying the 1996 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) smoking cessation guidelines for primary care clinics, compare these quit rates with historical results, and determine if quit rates improve with an additional motivational intervention that includes education as well as spirometry and carbon monoxide measurements. DESIGN: Randomized clinical trial. SETTING: Two university-affiliated community primary care clinics. PATIENTS: Two hundred five smokers with routinely scheduled appointments. INTERVENTION: All smokers were given advice and support according to AHCPR guidelines. Half of the subjects received additional education with spirometry and carbon monoxide measurements. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Quit rate was evaluated at 9-month follow-up. Eleven percent of smokers were sustained quitters at follow-up. Sustained quit rate was no different for intervention and control groups (9% vs 14%; [OR] 0.6; 95%[CI] 0.2, 1.4). Nicotine replacement therapy was strongly associated with sustained cessation (OR 6.7; 95% CI 2.3, 19.6). Subjects without insurance were the least likely to use nicotine replacement therapy (p = .05). Historical data from previously published studies showed that 2% of smokers quit following physician advice, and additional support similar to AHCPR guidelines increased the quit rate to 5%. CONCLUSIONS: The sustained smoking cessation rate achieved by following AHCPR guidelines was 11% at 9 months, which compares favorably with historical results. Additional education with spirometry did not improve the quit rate. Nicotine replacement therapy was the strongest predictor of cessation, yet was used infrequently owing to cost. These findings support the use of AHCPR guidelines in primary care clinics, but do not support routine spirometry for motivating patients similar to those studied here